Fillie cause I think it's a good idea (part 2)

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 Lets jump in I guess....

Millies POV  

This is actually wild. What in the world is happening?

I gasped when Finn suddenly bit my neck gently.  Why do I have to like this so much? Why does have to be pure ecstasy?

"I'm sorry was not okay? "  Finn asked in a nervous tone.

"No, actually it felt really good." I replied. He looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes. 

He began to kiss my lips again as we heard a knock on the door.

"What the hell?" Finn said with the shock in his voice very evident.

"Hey kids can I come in?" His mom said. I could tell just from her voice that she had a mischevious grin on her face.

Finn and I looked at each other with wide eyes. We entirely forgot about his parents. Oops..?

"Ummm yeah just give us a second." Finn stammered. He quickly picked himself up and moved to lay on the bed close to me.

His mom came in suspiciously and gave a look that made me feel a uneasy. I felt like she was going to ask what we were doing. Finn gave her look in response as if encouraging her to make her thoughts vocal.

"hey Millie you were really good tonight. I was just wondering if you were gonna stay for dinner,"  she asked before she added ," ooorrrrrr... the night?"

I looked at her then at Finn, who seemed as shocked as I that she had just offered me to spend the night with her son aka my boyfriend... at 15 years old.  I quickly shook my head and said that I could stay for dinner, but Paige and I were planning on binge watching Riverdale tonight. She nodded her head with what seemed like a bit of disappointment.

As she left the room I heard Finn whisper to me, "She's the biggest Fillie shipper I've ever met."

       TIME SKIP to dinner

It wasn't new abnormal for our families to watch us with precision (especially since both of our parents are HUGE shippers), but tonight it felt... different in a way. I couldn't put my finger on it until  Mrs.Wolfhard spoke up.

"Sooo...what's new with you two? Any anniversaries, proposals, pregnancies, promise rings?"

I nearly spit out my water. Luckily, Finn and I were able to choke minimally. We both looked at each other with wide eyes then we realized what was happening. They wanted a check-mate. Obviously they didn't get one.

There was silence for about 3 minutes. Finn was first to speak up when he said;

  "I think I speak for everyone here when I say that everything you just said except anniversaries and maybe promise rings was absurd."

In response his mom just innocently shrugged and continued eating her dinner.

"Yeah," Finns brother annopunced ," especially the pregnancy part. I mean come on, Finn could never  get laid."

Now, I love my boyfriends family. They've always been my second family so when they heard FInn and I were dating they were thrilled, but sometimes when Nick bullies Finn it triggeres me just... a little...

"I just think it's so cute, " I started as I turned to Finn, "that your parents kept trying until they go the perfect version that actually know how to get girls as opposed to settling for the dollar store version."

I hadn't realized I'd said it said it so loud that everyone could hear until I heard someone slam into the floor in a fit of laughter. I looked over to find Mr. Wolfhard on the floor crying from laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Millie, you can stay here forever if you want to. You're the best girlfriend Finn has ever had." Mr.Wolfhard breathed with a few chuckles in between his words. Mr.Wolfhard collected himself and then the rest of dinner was fairly normal. Which, I was very thankful for.

After dinner I told Finn that I was going to get changed and lazily strode towards his room.


I helped clean up while Mills got changed. I quietly stood next to my mother as we washed the dishes.

"I'm sorry for freaking you and your girlfriend..." My mom apologized quietly as if she was utterly ashamed for asking if Millie was pregnant. Which, she should be.

"Oh it's okay. I mean, I'm sure Mills gets asked if she pregnant AlL tHe TiMe." I exclaimed with the sarcasm in my voice very evident. "Why would you even think that? And why did you include proposals?"

"I don't know you two are young, dumb, and in love. I was just trying to see what was happening with you guys." she shrugged picked up another plate to clean.

I looked back down at the dirty water and replied, "Well, for the record Mills and I haven't gone that far. I mean we're just fifteen. Plus we both decided that when we're ready we'll let whatever happens happen." I began to walk away then turned around to add "If I were to propose to Millie, trust me, you guys would know."
I walked into my room and found my beautiful girlfriend laying on my bed playing on her phone. She was wearing her ripped mom jeans with her UNICEF shirt. God she is much to beautiful for her own good.

I quietly shut my door and crawled next to my girlfriend as I wrapped my arms around her waist. We always enjoyed quiet times like these. Don't get me wrong, Mills and I love being active in the outside world, but being inside and having private, intimate moments together were always the highlights of our days.

"Is it okay if I stay with you for a while?" She asked in a whisper. I just lazily nodded my head and nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck.

After nearly 15 minutes of Mills and I laying in the same position Millie decided to play some calm "aesthetically pleasing" music. As I sat up I grabbed my phone only to reveal 9 text messages from Mom.

MOOOOM: Hey sweety

MOOOOM: What are you and Millie doing?

MOOOOM: Am I disturbing you?

MOOOM: I can't hear you guys through your door?

MOOOM: Am I being excessively nosey?

MOOOM: Is millie kidnapping you or something?

MOOOM: Are you okay?

MOOOM: scratch that, am I okay?

MOOOM: I'm confused.

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