Truth more than dare// lumax yaaaay

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This is a some what AU where after the snowball Max and Lucas haven't talkeed about them and their relationship. Like haven't talked to each other directly. At all.They've just avoided each other for 3 days. lmao what am i doing.


"Ok, so let me get this straight. You and Lucas kissed," Max nodded at Elevens words ," And you like him, but you don't know if he likes you too or if the kiss was... Impulsive?"

"Basically." Max replied. She originally thought that Lucas was pretty cute and sweet and just amazing all around, but also didn't know how to process feelings. So naturally after they kissed she didn't know what in the hell was going to happen. "I've also been avoiding him." Max said recalling all the times she pushed her way in between people so their eyes couldn't meet in the hallways or how she had been only talking to Will and El when the party hung out.

Max fiddled with her thumbs as El put her palm on her forehead. She loved Max and all, but sometimes she wished she could be a little bit smarter. For example, not avoiding the guy she's liked for the entire school year. 

"Honey, talk. To. Him. He more than likely, no not even that, he has to like you other wise he would've like... not kissed you."El said while Max quietly nodded.

L U C A S 

All of the guys gathered around while Lucas explained the entire kissing situation to them.

"Let me get this straight. So she kissed you and you've liked her for the entire school year and you're also avoiding her." Will recalled. 

Lucas opened his mouth, but nothing came out.It was nearly 30 seconds when he said , "Well, when you say it like that-"

"LUCAS" The party exclaimed at him. 

Dustin then said, "So you've liked her for all of the school year and you guys kissed and you're just avoiding her. For no reason. Like you haven't said anything to her for three days straight? What the hell is wrong with you man?" 

Lucas just shrugged at the question. "What do I do? What am I supposed to say?"

"Ask her to be your girlfriend." Mike said as if it was just a piece of cake. Of course for him it was because he had earlier revealed to the party that El and him had kissed before the snowball. Lucas thought he was going to pass out just from the thought of asking her to be his girlfriend. He really really liked her.

   20 minute lapse to mike's basement 

"Hey guys we should play truth or dare." Will exclaimed on that warm summer evening to the party.

"Okay." Everyone said not at all knowing what was going to become of the night. Nobody also knew that Will had known both sides of Max and Lucas's situation since El spills all of the tea to him.

"Max first since she's the newest member. Truth or dare." Will quirked an eyebrow at her hoping she'd choose truth.

"Dare." She said almost unsure

"Okay, i dare you and lucas to kiss in front of all of us." The rest of the party 'ooohed' at wills suggestion.

"I...Um... truth?" Max replied.

"do you like lucas," Will grinned ," I mean we all saw you two lock lips so what's happening there."

"Imeanilikehimbutidontkowifhelikesmefjgkjshfhshdhf..." Max mumbled very quietly and quickly.

"Max, I hope you know the point of using your words is to make it intelligible and loud." Mike said with an excessively sassy tone.

Max took a deep breath and tried to remind herself that it was just a boy. "I do like him,but i don't know if he likes me- and i'm now extremely aware of his presence and my awkwardness so if you would excuse me I'm just going to suffer quietly in the bathroom." She stood and walked, trying to hide her face, to the bathroom. Lucas gave the party a look as if he didn't know what was happening or how he felt. He followed after Max albeit not knowing if he was going to try and console her or try and tell her how he feels about her. Maybe both?

Lucas opened the bathroom door to see a Madmax indeed suffering on the floor of the bathroom. It looked almost like a scene from a horror movie where the protagonist just breaks down for no reason. The difference here ? She had a reason.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked.

"No, " Max replied. "I just admitted that i like you... in front of everyone and then realized that you probably don't like me anyway. I mean why would you. I'm just a tomboy girl from California who isn't even pretty and isn't smart-"

Neither of them remember exactly how, but Lucas had leaned forward and pressed his lips firmly to hers to shut her up.

"I know you're a tomboy from California. And i also know that you're beautiful because of your amazing hair and blue eyes and even better you're a girl who is amazing at math and you think you suck at english, but you just can't see how amazing you are at it. That's why I like you."

Max lightly blushed and then smiled. "You like me...?" She asked. 

"obviously," Lucas whispered . "Should we finish our game of truth or dare or should i continue trying to console you after you had a small breakdown?"

"ummm how about you kiss me again? Maybe that'll help clear up my mind." Max said, trying to be a tad bit flirty. Lucas and her leaned in towards each other as her hands rose to cup his cheeks while his reached to snake around her waist. "Yeah, we can go back out there."

They opened the door only to find the entire leaning against it listen in on their conversation. The party back away and smiled charmingly as they all blamed each other for the idea to listen in on them.

"Wow. Madmax turned to a softie." Dustin said. "Mental."

"Shut up, Dustin you're literally the only person in this room who doesn't have a love interest." Max remarked while everyone else snickered. Dustin sighed acknowledging the terrible bitter truth.He just smiled and continued to tease the newest couple [excluding Will and I think her name was like stacy ?????]

The rest of the night was filled with cheesey movies and secret cuddles between MIleven and Lumax. Although, they weren't really  secret cuddles though as Will and Dustin laughed and giggled at their two ships.

Hola peeeeooopllleeessss I'm out of school so I'll be posting more often, but be warned i also have summer plans. I' going to Washington state then California then back to texas then going to florida for a modeling thing so i won't be posting for most of july sorry but thanks in advance for at least understanding for the most part...?. love y'all-  we _heart_theater

P.s this story is mainly edited i didn't feel like double checking so... oh well

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