Disney Days (Lumax)

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This one I thought of while watching Mulan the song is also a cute love song that I like a a lot and it really gets me into the fluffy cutesy mode so enjoy i guess (Age 14/15)
It had been a chilly Friday day in September, when Lucas and Max decided they wanted to have a Disney movie marathon. Of course they had to have some amazing classic movies to watch all night so Lucas grabbed all of his sisters favorites figuring his Madmax would love them to as well (and he grabbed Cinderella cause we love a glass slipper sister)
      Knock knock knock
'Max is here,' Lucas thought
    Lucas ran to open the door and saw her as her usual self with her bag of stuff, but something looked strange in a good way. He just didn't know what...
    "Hey, sorry I took your jacket. You left it at my house and it's warm," Max said walking inside to hug him, " it also smells like you."
Lucas noticed it when she mentioned it.
       His hoodie. It was one of his older ones that he got for fall nearly two and half years ago. It was a blue pullover that had 'Hawkins' printed on the back.
"Well if you like it you can keep it." Lucas said with a smile.

"Really?" Max asked with a smile curving at her lips.

"Sure." Lucas replied as he grabbed her hand and lead her to his bedroom, where he had set up plenty of pillows and blankets for the both of them . He had also set up Christmas lights to make it a bit more romantic and date-like.

"Oh my gosh. Lucas why did you do all of this?" Max asked when she saw the breathtaking view
of what should've in a sappy romantic movie. Lucas grabbed both of her hands and looked her in the eyes when he said, " I decided that you deserve the best because you are the best so I got my mom to help me set up the pillows and blankets and the lights were actually my sisters idea. She seems to like you a lot by the way."
A light pink rose to Max's face as she kissed him. She loved how much effort he put into something as simple  as a Disney movie marathon.

"I love you. I hope you know that," Max said after she pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you too," Lucas replied smiling cheekily.

     5 minutes of getting settled

"Alright it looks like  we got Cinderella, Snow White, Mary Poppins and Alice In Wonderland." Max said as she looked through all of the VHS tapes again.

"Well what about Cinderella first because it's the best," Lucas stated matter-of-factly," I mean who doesn't love a classic 'We fell in love in a day' story. The cheesy ones are always the best."

"One, Snow White is way better than Cinderella. Two, who knew you were such a softy romantic ." Max replied giving Lucas a strange look.

"I..uh...well.. whatever," Lucas said, being flustered by his 'guilty pleasure' (hehe I got that idea from glee) being exposed (Disney princesses if that wasn't clear) .

"Okay, well softy I'm going to do a face mask if you want to participate." Max joked as she pulled out a grey bottle from her bag, half expecting his reaction to be 'No, men don't need girly face masks' or something, but instead...

"Can I ?" Lucas asked with interest laced into his tone. He seemed genuinely into the idea of doing a girly mask with Max.

"Sure,but only if i can cuddle with you for at least half of the movies." Max said with a sappy smile.

"Ugh okay." Lucas commented sarcastically acting as if they wouldn't have cuddled up together during the movies anyway.

Max sat down on the floor of his room across from Lucas and showed  him a bottle with a clay mask in it and explained how they worked. Lucas seemed a little bit confused, but happy at the same time.

"Okay hold out your hand." Max said


Max gave Lucas a little bit of the substance and he delicately put it on his face while Max did the same. Once Lucas was done with smearing the clay all over his face and hands he looked up at Max who looked as beautiful as ever.He just had to take a moment to admire her bright hair, that she tied up in a bun to keep out of her face, and her brilliant blue eyes that seemed even brighter than the stars that shined at night. Although, he couldn't see her actual face he knew for a fact that he loved her beauty and soul with all of his heart.

"Hey Stalker, why are you staring?" Max asked as she glanced up at him only to see him become flustered and embarrassed.

"Cause you're really... pretty and gorgeous and i wish i could kiss you,but it will mess up our masks...." Lucas trailed off when he realized he was talking really fast and beginning to ramble and that max was just turning redder and redder by the second.

"Thanks and I really don't care if you kiss me-" Max was suddenly cut off by Lucas lightly pressing his lips against hers. "Wow," max said as they pulled apart "That was like our best kiss."

"Thanks," Lucas said a smile creeping on his face "now let's watch Snow White

1 hour 30 minute time lapse

"Man, we forgot to take these off." Lucas said, pointing to his face after the movie was over.

"Oh gosh, you're right" Max replied as she got up and grabbed two wash clothes to take the masks off.
Once they were done Max took out her hair casually, but to Lucas her hair looked like a flaming waterfall that fell around her like a crown. Luckily, max didn't notice because if she did all Lucas would be is a blubbering mess.
"Alright. Now, can we watch Cinderella.....?" Lucas asked  trying to break himself from the spell he had been put under, but also hoping the answer would be yes.

"Yes, we can watch Cinderella," Max responded giving Lucas an exasperated sigh," My request from earlier must be granted though."

"Okay" Lucas said, opening his arms to hold her. She happily melted into him and laid her head onto his chest while she rested her hands around his waist. As for Lucas, he rested his cheek on her head and held her close to be sure she stayed warm.

Lucas absent mindlessly twirled and played with her hair while watching the movie all while thinking about how he related to Prince Charming, the way they both fell in love instantly and knew they were meant to be.

Sometimes all Lucas could do was wonder how he got so lucky to end up with someone like her. Honestly, he thought, she's beautiful with her long hair and perfect eyes and faint freckles, what else could a guy ask for?
He thought about her all the way through the
movie not realizing until the credits began to play.

Lucas then realized he had a peacefully sleeping Madmax wrapped around him.He couldn't help thinking about what she must be dreaming about. Lucas quietly grabbed a blanket next to him and laid it over the two of them. He lightly kissed he head and said, "goodnight Madmax."
So hope you enjoyed that. It was kinda fluffy. I'm also gonna try to post daily or every other day so just stay patient and if anyone would want to leave requests/ suggestions please do - we_heart_theater

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