Fun times (lumax kind of)

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Hi for this i figured they'd be 15/16 years old and i had trouble writing this so it's short sorry in advance i'm writing something else to try and make up for it 👌

Max felt a slight tug on hair. She yelped in surprise, interrupting the conversation she was having El. Max quickly whipped her head around to see a sorry looking Lucas staring at her.

"Whatthehellareyoudoing?" Max said in one breath, albeit much to quickly for anyone to understand.

"Sh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair," Lucas said to a Max who seemed a little bit skeptical of him 'Just braiding her hair', but slowly turned around back to El to continue their conversation before Lucas added, "Your hair is really soft after you wash it by the way." Max just rolled her eyes and allowed Eleven to resume her talking.

El looked at Max with her teasingly love sick eyes when she said, "Mike never does anything...darling like that , but he always hugs me from behind and insists on me wearing his hoodie when it's cold.Of course Hopper hates that, but what's he gonna do take way my source of warmth? No." Eleven said peering behind Max to watch Lucas concentrate on braiding her hair.

"Really? Mike seems like he would always be WHIPPED  for you." Lucas said, beginning to sound like the girls while also using hand motions mimicking the gesture of a whip.

"What do you mean WHIPPED?" El said mocking Lucas. Lucas stops braiding Max's hair to look at her. Max gave her the stranger than 'Stranger Things' look.

They both exclaimed at the same time exactly what "WHIPPED" means to her. While El just kind of nodded along trying to catch onto what they were suggesting.

"Okay.. so basically Mike thinks i shouldn't have to do anything....?" El asked and Max and Lucas nodded eagerly. Then, El added, " So does that mean that i could make him do my homework?"

"I mean he'll literally marry you at the flick of a wrist cause he's WhIpPeD?"  Max said with Lucas nodding behind her agreeing. Lucas went back to braiding her hair, quietly listening to El's response. Waiting to see if she would be confused as he expected.

" So you're telling me Mike is so in love with me that he insists on him doing everything for me?" El asked, still not quite getting the concept.

"Have you not noticed," Lucas asked looking El straight in the eyes.

"....No..." El answered while turning red.

Then a knock loomed through the house, startling everyone. They all knew who it was, but he wasn't expected for another-

oh nope, Hopper was right on time to pick up Eleven. Eleven stood up from the couch the group had been sitting on and opened the door saying a quick 'bye' to the other two and left with Hops telling him about the  day she had with Max and Lucas.

"Looks like it's just us then, Madmax." Lucas said still braiding her hair.

"Are you almost done?" She asked almost in a whiny voice, wanting nothing more than to turn around and kiss her boyfriend now that they were finally having some time alone.

"Yes. I just finished and it looks really good so be proud of your amazing boyfriend." He said looking at his work satisfied. That's when Max turned around and looked at Lucas with her soul exposed in her eyes. Lucas very lightly and subconsciously ran his thumb over her soft lips. It wasn't until he felt her breathe calmly on his hand that he noticed what he was doing, but then his eyes darted to her lips.

'Her lips.' Lucas thought

"You can kiss me, you know. " Max spoke barely in a whisper and pressed his forehead to hers. At this point they both were breathing the same air, feeling the same feelings, wanting the same thing. They both lean forward a fraction at a time until their lips finally grazed upon each other. Then, Lucas cupped Max's cheek to kiss her passionately. That's all that she had wanted for the past two hours.Don't get her wrong she loves El and all, but nothing compares to sharing a strong, passionate kiss from her boyfriend.

She loved his kisses especially when they were spontaneous. For example,  once it had a been a school day and Max showed up in some shorts and a tank top because 'it's to hot not to wear shorts'. Well Lucas just had to sit in his head and think 'Daaaaaaammmn that's MY girlfriend'. Of course that is until he pulled her into the locker room (No girls were in there obviously 🙄) and started a very scandalous, very unholy makeout session, that Madmax couldn't resist...

They pulled away,but kept their foreheads pressed together to keep the intimacy. Sometimes they spent their nights together enjoying each other for what they are. During those times they didn't have full blown conversations they just admired each others flaws wondering, how flaws of all things could be the most perfect part of them. Like Max's hair that always got stuck in hair ties when she pulled it out of her face or Lucas's  weird nervous tick where he bit his nails to short stubs.

"hey, whatcha thinking about?" Lucas asked when he saw Max begin to zone out.

"Oh, just our weird relationship quirks." Max said while wondering how many more quirks they must have that they didn't know about. Like all the ones Will noticed such as; Lucas tucking a piece of hair behind Max's ear with out realizing or the fact that he always stares at her lips without meaning to.

"Okay. Well then, can we turn those thoughts into some kisses and cuddles while watching the best movie ever... The Breakfast Club?" asked Lucas, looking at Max with persuasive eyes.

"Yeah, sure." Max said as she reached past him to grab their favorite cuddling blanket.

Lucas turned on The Breakfast Club and held max tightly never wanting to let go.

Ya'll i'm sorry this is short i really was struggling trying to write this, but i have a really funny idea for Mileven I just gotta figure out if I'm gonna write it fast and publish it soon or take a my time instead of running on Gatorade and hot cheetos at 11 pm cause i can't sleep. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out some more fluffy ideas for Mileven and some spice for Lumax cause ironically i only have spicey for Mileven and fluffy for Lumax so i'm just struggling, but thanks for reading these trashy fluff/spice ideas that i think of when i'm about to fall asleep

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