Beachy days (mileven)

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This one was also kinda hard to write but I made it work and don't question the dialogue cause I really don't know how I thought of the comments. Also shoutout to my friend jayla for not being helpful in the making of this besides saying stuff like "you need mike to fight someone for whistling at eleven"..... thanks jay.
"What are we going to bring for lunch."  Mike
asked after looking at everything he had already packed for the day they had planned.

"I don't know. How about we bring your mom's fruit salad with some sandwiches? " El said as she looked through the fridge.

"Sure." Mike said trying to contain his excitement. He hadn't been to the beach with Eleven before, at least not on a date. "For once I'm actually really happy that Max has been writing unnecessary fanfiction about us. Although it was kind of weird reading the... spice with all of the party..." Mike thought back to that day.

Everyone's eyes flicked towards them when Max got to part that was particularly risque, but had been oddly accurate. They had many questions for Max later (which were all responded with a faint shrug and "I don't know...?").

"Yeah, that was not an okay day for us." El said  while she shut the fridge door and walked over towards Mike to give him a hug.

"No it really wasn't," Mike whispered to El , "Should we get going?"

" Yeah, but you cant stare at my legs while we're driving, okay? I know I'm wearing shorts and you love 'em, but i'd rather not get in an accident today." Eleven joked.

           20 Min time lapse

The waves were crashing against the rocks quietly when the two got out of their car. Eleven took a look around and saw the dock for fishers, the bathrooms and the picnic tables.

"Let's sit over there." El pointed to a fairly secluded area to block them from the 90 degree weather that had been persisting throughout the week. All of the guys had been staying inside to avoid the heat while the girls sat outside to tan and not look like a bottle of milk.

Mike set the picnic basket on the table and set the towels over the hot sand. El took a moment to strip out of her shirt and shorts to reveal a white two piece that consisted of high waisted bottoms and a modest top that tied around the back. Mike stood in awe at his girlfriends body, he knew she had been working out for the volleyball team with Max, but he didn't know she had a six pack and some hella toned arms along with some hella fine legs.He couldn't help but wonder if that's how Lucas felt looking at max but pushed that thought really not wanting to get to deep into it...(Hope that doesn't sound perverted sorry)

" You do realize you're staring, right?" El said with raised eyebrows.Mike opened his mouth, but nothing came out just a faint sigh. Mike wondered if he was being a weirdo and closed his mouth.

"Well, I mean, it's just.. you know." Mike stammered out some how.

"I got hot," Eleven said  , " I know." She knew that he hadn't seen her a lot because of volleyball practice and knew damn well he would react the way he did when he did see her.

"I mean...well... yeah" Mike muttered as he looked down to hide his now pink cheeks. Mike usually didn't usually blush when he got embarrassed so when he did it was still a shock to Eleven.
"Are you... blushing?" El whispered, baffled.

"What? No." Mike answered even more embarrassed.

"Did I make the hardcore, badass Mike Wheeler to blush."

"No! It's.......the cold.....,"

"It's NINETY degrees." El was nearly rolling on the floor laughing at his dumb excuse when he began to tickle her. El laughed even harder until she couldn't breathe and hit Mike to make get off so she could take a breath of air. Sometimes Eleven wondered how she ended up with Mike. He had always been so sweet and shy, but had a 'you only live once' act, not to mention how HAWT he had gotten over the years. Puberty hit him like a train.

"Are we going to swim or...?" Mike trailed off waiting to hear El's response. She looked at him then looked at the bright blue waves. Knowing what she was thinking he immediately sprinted towards the water while Eleven chased after him. Mike beat her to the shore, but she did tackle him into the water as pay back.

"Looks like we're swimming." El retorted when she saw how soaking wet his hair was from being pushed underwater.

"Looks like..." Mike swam over to El to grab her by the waist and pulled her closer to him.El could feel the tint of pink rise on her cheeks. El knew that mike was a huge romantic, but didn't know if there was another side of him that was just seriousness and "guys let's focus" even though that's how the party thought of him.

Mike began to very carefully trace intricate designs on her back sending chills up Elevens back.

"You know that tickles." Eleven nearly whispered.

"Yeah, but I also know that you love it." Mike replied. El sighed contently as she layed her head on his shoulder. She knew that he was right, she did love it when he traced letters and words on her hips, thighs, back or stomach. Especially when they're going to sleep.

That's when they heard a few snickers from the sand and looked up to see the. Whole. Flipping. Party. Standing next to all of their belongings while they took pictures of the cute photo's of the couple. Mike and Eleven gave each other a quick look that said 'Oh look at that'.

"Ya'll are just to cute." Dustin said. He knew how pissed the happy couple would be and quickly pulled out four chocolate bars and offered them to the two who politely declined. "WhY?"

"We packed plenty of food for our romantic picnic date!" Mike exclaimed.

"OOOO can we have some." Max chimed, though she was already looking to see what was in the picnic basket . Eleven gave her a death stare threatening to kill her with her powers, while max slowly backed away and stood behind Lucas as she said "We should go." To which the parties response was running away.

"Finally" Eleven breathed. They began to lean closer together until they couldn't remember how to speak. Mike lightly brushed his lips against hers driving El crazy. Eleven pressed her lips firmly against his. They were just getting into a nice makeout when-

"Sorry guys I dropped my chocolate bar." Dustin said


Okay so it was kinda short and I'm sorry but highkey knew that if I didn't end it now it would more spice then fluff and idek how much fluff is in this ..... haha.. oops. Sorry I haven't posted for awhile people at school have been pissing me off especially in theater so long story short umm my group didn't practice or memorize the lines for a skit we had to perform for our teacher and it looked really bad so that took a mental toll on all of us and then I've had some fake friend issues and I'm really sorry but umm thanks again for reading my trash love all of y'all- we_heart_theater

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