Chapter 17

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Silence engulfed us as I walked by Ash's side. It felt awkward, but at the same time, I was okay with it. Being with him was something I hadn't imagined I'd be able to do again. I didn't think I'd feel the warmth and happiness he seemed to radiate. Even in the darkest times, he somehow managed to smile. In a way, I envied him. But I more so admired him. I felt a smile grow on my lips as I snuck a glance at him.

He was walking with his head tilted down, but I noticed a small smile on his face. He seemed stiff and tense, like any false movement would destroy the moment. Like he would scare me off.

I shook my head a little. Ash had always worried about pointless things like that. When we were kids, he always seemed skittish when we were with others. He always asked me if I would leave him, or why I hung out with him. Looking back on it, I want to laugh. Back then, and now from what I've seen, Ash has always carried so much confidence. This was a whole different side of him. One that is rare to see.

He normally felt this way when we were with Gary and his other friends. Gary treated me with kindness at the time and I appreciated that. But he was a bit of a show off, constantly bragging about how his grandfather was THE Professor Oak. I get the feeling he was attempting to impress me. Whether he had a crush on me or just knew that his actions would get under Ash's skin, I don't know. It could've been both for all I know.

I took a moment to take in the scenery. We were in Frost Park. The first place that would have frost on the ground in Lumiose before winter. It was also the first place that's lakes froze over during the winter. Because of this, it attracted many of the city's different ice-type Pokemon. It tended to be a beautiful attraction with its frozen skating ponds, glistening icicles dangling from tree branches, and the beautiful white snow that glistened in the sunlight. Though, the park was equally as beautiful at other times of the year like during the spring, when flower buds appeared on the branches and later bloomed, decorating the trees with splashes of color. 

This current season, the fall, the trees were full of colorful leaves of many different types: Maroon, red, orange, yellow, brown, purple, and many more. They occasionally were pulled from their trees by sharp crisp breezes that carried them away effortlessly to wherever said breezes desired. You could hear the leaves that had already fallen crunching as Ash and I walked down the pavement path in the park.

I turned my head to look at Ash again and saw a frown on his face. I put my hand on his shoulder, but that only seemed to make him more tense.

"Relax, I don't bite," I joked.

Ash blinked of few times as if confused, and looked over at me. He had a sheepish grin as he scratched his cheek and replied, "Sorry! I got lost in my thoughts,"

I rolled my eyes at him while he just nervously chuckled. 

"You haven't changed at all have you?" I ask playfully looking at him through the corner of my eye.

"Maybe not," he replied with a smile. "But you sure have." He took a few of the short locks of my hair and let them gently slip through his grip. He also looked at the outfit I wore, which had also changed considerably from the style I used to like. Before, I never really wore boots, but now my brown ones were all I ever wore. I wore a comfy pink jumper and a long red vest. And my favorite part of the outfit was: my cherished baby blue ribbon that rested near the top of my chest as a bow.

Before I wore skirts much more and tight fitting shirts that exposed more skin on my arms or belly. I never thought about what was comfortable, I thought about what others wanted from me.

But Ash's disappearance all those years ago stirred something inside me. I began to believe that friends aren't forever. If that were true, why should I make decisions based on what they want or what I think they want. It's pointless right? 

I began distancing myself from other people including my "friends". Soon enough I gained names like, the Loner, or the Shy Girl, or just A Loser.

I thought for a moment. If I still upheld my beliefs, why did I agree to come out here with Ash? Why have I spoken to him at all. The one who hurt me is the only one I've been talking to. Where's the logic in that?

I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed Ash was incredibly close to my face. I felt heat in my cheeks as I asked, "S-something wrong?"

"Your face is red," he noted. He placed a hand on my forehead and the heat from my cheeks spread through my whole face. My whole body stiffened. "Do you feel okay?" he asked cluelessly. "Your forehead is really warm."

I pushed away from him waving my hands infront of me frantically. "I-i'm fine! Nothing to worry about!!!" I exclaimed, flustered.

"Uh, ok?" Ash responded, confused. 

He turned to continue walking and I sighed in relief. Ash's density was annoying, but at the same time, it had saved me from MANY embarrassing moments that could have been made more awkward than they already were.

I jogged to catch up with Ash and racked my brain for a less embarrassing topic to break the silence. 

"So, um, anything interesting happen while I wasn't around?" I ask. "You know, before you showed up at my school without warning." I glared at him to let him know I would've appreciated knowing before hand.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he replied, scratching the back of his head with a timid grin. "Honestly, I didn't think you'd wanna talk to me anymore after I went back on my word about seeing you before. So I didn't bother calling. Plus, I didn't know that school specifically was the one you went to.

I sighed. "Seems like we have a lot to talk about, huh?"

"Yeah I guess, he responded. He noticed a nearby wooden bench underneath the branches of a tree filled with beautiful red leaves. He led me over to it and we both sat down. At first, we let the serenity of the moment settle in, silence covering us. We both knew that serenity was needed considering the things we were about to discuss. For me, it was like reopening a wound. I didn't know for sure what Ash had been keeping from me, but from the way he'd been acting today, I couldn't assume it was very good.

I took a deep breath and let it out. Closing my eyes to calm myself. I opened them to face him and take the first move.

"I guess I'll go first. What do you want to know first?" 

And that's it. Hope ya'll enjoyed. The next thing I'm going to work on updating is my book Generation 6.5, so it may be a while before this book is updated again.

If you haven't read that story yet and are enjoying this one, I would definitely recommend it. It is a story where Ash goes on a new journey to a region called Divius and builds a new traveling group. However there are definitely going to be periods of return for several favorite characters. During his time in Divius, Ash gains new skills as well as his friends, and many aura related lore gets involved. They meet new Pokemon and people and stand up to a new organization: Team Tundra. All in all, your average Ash Ketchum adventure. Hope you'll check it out!

Okay, Question of the Day: Who is you favorite starter for Gen 8, and why?

Mine is Grookey. IT'S TOO CUTE!!! Plus I like monkey Pokemon.

One last thing, AP exams for me start next week and finals are coming up so updates will be VERY SLOW. Sorry!!!

That's it! See you next read!

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