Chapter 4

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My eyes opened, but I saw nothing but darkness. I could hear faint murmurs, but not well enough to know what was said. I felt like I was submerged in water, but somehow I could still breath fine. But it still felt like I was drowning. The murmurs sent chills up my spine. I was less concerned about how I got here, and more concerned with how to get out.

"You failed her..."

The voice echoed in my ears. It had almost an edge to it, making me feel like my ears were bleeding.

I'd had enough of this. "Who's there! Come out!"

"It's a shame you don't recognize me...well more idiotic when you think about...naive...stupid"


The person laughed, "Touchy, aren't we? This is too much fun."

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed I looked around me, but I t was to dark to see anything.

"Again, disappointing you don't know already. Ah well, you'll eventually put the pieces together...maybe..."

I put my hands up to my head in frustration. What was going on? Who was this creep? How should I already know him.

He continued, "You know what? Your father was right, you really are pathetic."

Pain shot up my arm my hand immediately went to it. This creep knows about my dad. Too many questions bounced around in my head. I looked down at my hands and noticed something strange.

BLOOD?! When did he land a hit on me?

"Well, I suppose that's enough for now. After this is a long term game we're playing" he said chuckling.


The murmurs faded and the dark somehow seemed lighter. I felt myself slowly sink to the floor as my body went limp and darkness came again.


I opened my eyes and saw tons of strangers staring down at me.

"WHAT THE?!" I scrambled back into a wall. I looked around and realized I on a cot, probably in what was the nurse's office.

"He's awake!" one of the girls exclaimed.

"Hey you ok, Ashy Boy?"

"Wait a second..."

I look to my left shocked by what I heard.

"Long time no see Ash." Gary stood before me smiled as I stared at him open mouthed. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Uh, yeah, I'm a little surprised myself."

I looked behind him and saw the girl from earlier. She took a few steps forward. She bowed and tried to tell me something but I wasn't sure exactly what.

"Come on, Serena! Speak up!" a blue haired girl began to say.

"No, it's okay. I think I get what you're saying. You're thanking me right?"

The girl raised her head and did a quick nod.

I smile. She seemed nice, like someone I once knew.

"Could I talk to you...alone?" I ask.

The girl paused for a moment, the worry in her ocean blue eyes evident. Despite that she nodded, her caramel colored hair bobbing along as she did. It made me glad. There was something I needed to fix.

"We'll leave you to it," Gary replied as everyone filed out of the room.

For a moment we just stared at each other. Her eyes filled with tears.

"You idiot..."

"I'm sorry," I replied, "I didn't let you know what was happening. I'm sorry I never called you again. I'm..."

"You are such an idiot..."


Before I could say anything else, she rushed up and embraced me.

"I missed you Ash"

I sat there for minute, stunned, but I returned the hug. We let our emotions run wild. I felt Serena's tears drip onto my neck. I brought her closer. I forgot everything else around. It felt like a piece of me had finally returned. I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

I'm glad you're back. And I swear I won't leave you again. No matter what...

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