Chapter 24

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Delia picked up her youngest son as he entered the inn after a long day of school. He threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly, and she could indulge in this moment for an eternity. His tiny self in her arms, safe and warm, clinging to her, made her heart skip a beat. No matter how many children she'd had, no matter how many times she'd done this, the love never got any less intense.

Deliah had had four children, and loved all of them dearly. It was a love that was so overwhelming she couldn't fully comprehend it. Couldn't reign it in as much as she could with other emotions. The faces of her beloved sons melted her heart and the time she spent was them was one of her most precious treasures.

Ash was her baby, the youngest, and his relationship with his other siblings was a little lacking. The two oldest had a decent age gap compared to him, and as for his twin, the two struggled to get along. Despite the fact that Delia wanted him and his twin to become a little closer, she had no problem being that best friend his brothers couldn't be for him.

Here, in this moment, her love for this child overtook her. She silently hoped, prayed, that nothing would ever happen to him, because she truly didn't know what she would do if he was ever taken from her. She didn't know what she would do if he ever disappeared.

Did she need him more than he needed her?

She silently sighed, before letting him go and letting life move on, he took his spot in front of the fireplace in the lounge, and she went back behind the counter to get to work. The moment had only lasted a few seconds but the warmth followed Delia all through out the rest of the day. It strengthened her.

Her love for this child transcended anything she'd ever felt in her life. And she welcomed the emotion and him with open arms.

I am very aware this is short and I'm sorry but I needed something quick so that this could be out for Mother's Day!

This does deviate from the main storyline a little bit but today I felt like some Delia appreciation would be kind of fun!

I'm trying to get into a writing schedule, getting these parts typed up and out while also working on a few other projects for different fandoms. Miraculous, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and lesser known ones like Keeper of the Lost Cities.

I'm also hoping to make some original stories. And potentially rework and rewrite Words and Swords (I started that so long ago I cringe a little whenever I reread it). I plan to do the same for this story when it's actually done because HOO BOY the first chapters of this are not pretty.

On top of that it's AP testing month (y a y) and so that means I will be extra busy for this next month. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I just ask that you bear with me a little longer. Sorry ;w;

Tl;dr: J has too many ideas and no time and will be more consistent in the summer

If you guys do want to see more content from me, I update more regularly on my Youtube channel.

Finally, Question of the Day: Favorite Pokemom?

Anyways, thank you for your patience and see y'all next read!

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