Chapter 16

174 11 37

Me: Ah! What a beautiful day! Time to get to work on Wattpad!

AP Exam: OH NO YA DON'T!!! *tackles*

Me: NO!!!!!!!!

So yeah, finally got this done. Hope you enjoy

I left Serena at the front of the school to investigate the source of the noise. I made my way down the side of the school which was pretty desolate. Bushes lined the brick walls of the building. Further from the wall was a metal wire fence which divided the school property from either a forest or a park. I wasn't sure which. I looked around warily, searching for any sign of movement. Hearing a bush rustle on the side of the school, I took a step back in shock, ready to face whatever might pop out. The tension in the air rose and balled my hands up into fists. I watched as a man with shoulder length blue hair stepped out of the bushes. He wore black boot and gloves and white pants and a white shirt. And how could I forget the tell-tale big bright pink "R" on his shirt.

"I don't have Pikachu and you know it," I muttered to him.

"I'm not here for that," James tried to explain, but I couldn't help but be skeptic. Who could blame me? This was the guy who had been stalking me for 5 years of my life with his friends, trying to take my Pokemon. Why should I trust him?

"Alright," I said, deciding to play along for the moment. "So what are you here for then?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

James sighed. "What's up with you twerp?"

My eyes widened and I felt the tension in my body ease up. "What do you mean?"

"It's rather obvious that you aren't acting like the twerpish trainer we try tricking time and time again," James stated narrowing his eyes at me, as though he were studying me. "I, for one, am curious to know why."

"I'm fine. I don't know what you're talking about," I lied looking away towards the fenced off forest. I noticed a Zigzagoon running freely between the trunks of trees. I felt jealous. It could live freely, while I was stuck here at a school that I never wanted to be at in the first place. Why couldn't that be me? Running again without a care in the world, searching for the next adventure.

I silently sighed and turned to look at James who had a frown upon his lips. I wasn't being very convincing and we both knew it. I wasn't exactly the best liar.

"Why do you even want to know?" I asked. There had to be some other motive behind that question. After all this was Team Rocket. If they were asking about me, it wouldn't be out of concern. Why? Because it wouldn't benefit them at all.

James bit his lower lip. "I may be evil, but I'm not heartless. Jessie however is a different story," he muttered. "I've known you for years twerp and I can tell something's up. So spill."

"I'd rather not talk about it," I replied quietly. 

"I suppose I have to respect that," James huffed. I thought that was either when he would've walked away or put whatever plan he had into action.

But he didn't. He did the last thing I expected him to do.

I watched him slowly as he approached me and...hugged me.

James of freaking Team Rocket hugged me.

He pulled away with a sad smile. The funny thing is, it looked genuine. Without another word he ran off and I watched as he ran further from the spot I stood, jumped the fence, disappearing from sight.

For a minute I just stood there, feeling insanely confused. And slightly disturbed. Does James actually have a heart?

Out of the three pesky members of Team Rocket, James certainly seemed the most humane. He cared a lot about his Pokemon and his friends. He wasn't as much of a bully as Jessie or Meowth. That didn't mean he didn't have his own fair share of problems, like the mechs he engineered for thievery. But he was definitely more...sane?

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