Chapter 6

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The name sent shivers down my spine. I knew him all too well and I had for all too long. I clenched my fists thinking about past memories of him. Most involved blood. Serena noticed the tension in my body.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I..."

"It's fine. We were rivals in the Sinnoh League." Of course, there was more to it than that, but I wasn't ready to talk about it, and I didn't think Serena was ready yet.

"That's one heated rivalry," she replied a hint of skepticism in her voice.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that"

We eventually started making our way to class. We'd missed homeroom and A hour, so we checked our schedules to see what room our B hours were in. Unfortunately, they were on opposite ends of the school and mine was on the second floor. I groaned inwardly imagining how much of a struggle it would be to get up the stairs when I was barely able to get out of the nurses office with out collapsing. After that Serena refused to leave my side until I made it to class. As we approached the stairwell, I started feeling guilty for dragging her into my problems. I apologized but she simply said, "Its no problem. You know, I wish you'd realize you don't always have to go it alone"

I smiled remembering when we were younger. I was always a free spirit and I liked independence. Even if I hadn't liked it before, I'd learned to. My dad was never around, and we needed to keep cash flowing in, so my mom spent most of her day working at an inn called The Viridian Arms. It was a cozy place that felt almost like a giant log cabin. The interior was mostly wood, and the all across the floor were colorful bright rugs, each was hand made (some by my mom) and beautiful. In the back of the lobby was a room open to all guests. That room was my favorite part of the whole inn. The rug in the room was a light green and was incredibly soft, like laying on a cloud. The sofas and chairs were green as well and were softer than any bed mattress. On the back wall, instead of furniture, there was an old brick fire place. The fire was almost always burning, making shadows dance along the walls . Most days after school I would come in this room to do homework or just relax if I'd had a rough day. I met lots really nice people there and I enjoyed getting to know them. The room was so comfortable that most times while Mom was working I'd fall asleep thanks to the warmth of the fire and since it was past my bedtime anyways she tried not to wake me up and she or one of my brothers would carry me home.

If you haven't guessed, the inn was in Viridian City, while we lived a ways away, in Pallet Town. My mom had to wake up at 5am to get there on time and though she got out at 7pm, she wasn't home till 8. Some days my mom would call my school to let me know I needed to go straight home. Sometimes I knew the reason and sometimes I didn't, but I didn't pester her about it. These were nights I had to fend for myself. Mom wouldn't be there to help me with my problems. In fact, these nights she usually came home more tired than usual. I grew used to caring for her needs, simultaneously caring for mine.

These memories and actions were ingrained into my very being. Others lives quickly became more important than my own. I grew independent and unaccustomed to or maybe even afraid of asking for help. I hated dragging people under with me into my mess of a life. When Serena and I met and we started growing closer, I was constantly afraid of what kind of mess I might get her into. Troubled followed me like my shadow and I didn't want her in trouble. I hated myself for meeting her at first and I acted like an overprotective brother sometimes. She reassured me there was no reason to worry and eventually I started to believe. Nevertheless I was careful around her, like I was with most people. I didn't want her to be hurt because of something I said or because I was weak.

That was how my few friendships went. Before my tenth birthday I only had four real friends: Ritchie, Casey, Dawn, and Serena. I didn't go to school with Dawn, Cassie or Serena, just Ritchie. Unfortunately, Ritchie was a grade ahead of me since he'd been bumped up from Kindergarten to 1st grade. So for most of my time at school, I was alone or being bullied. I grew to really hate all schools because of those experiences. I'd also rather be on the road than in a stuffy classroom.

When I turned ten I was psyched to start my journey. I felt like that was my chance to start fresh. I could follow my dream with no childhood bullies to stop me. The stress and expectations of others faded away when I started on the road. Whether the expectations were things I made up or genuinely existed, carrying them, felt like carrying a ton of bricks. Stepping out of the house to start my new life felt like being able to breath again.

Serena knew my life revolved around everyone but myself, to the point where it might hurt me. As much as I tried to hide it, she knew and did her best to be understanding and to make me feel relaxed. She reminded me constantly that I was never alone and I didn't have to face things alone either.

We walked up the stairs (well, Serena walked, I tripped over my feet and wobbled on my legs trying to walk) and started down the hallway to my Pokemon History class.

"You really should've called her mom and asked her to pick you up," she told me watching droplets of sweat roll down my face as I panted. "How are you gonna make it through a whole day of this?"

"You know me," I replied with a smile. "I always find a way."

We got to the classroom door and said our goodbyes promising to meet up at lunch. I swear I don't think I've smiled that much in months.


I left Ash at his class room door and hurried downstairs to mine. He hadn't changed at all since I'd last seen him. I still wasn't sure if that was good or bad. His stubbornness with still there along with something new. His eyes were tired with dark patches under them. Despite that, he'd seemed as cheerful as ever.

I just hope he'll be alright

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