Chapter 18

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I actually updated a book. Yay me!!!

I swear I'm gonna need to make an update schedule this summer😅

K, let's get this started. Here we go! Chapter 18!

"I guess I'll go first. What do you want to know first?"

I looked up to the colorful sky pondering Serena's question. The sky was decorated with a beautiful mix of colors. Bright reds and oranges blended with nighttime blues and purples. The sun began a slow retreat from view as the moon rose to replace it, glowing softly.

"That wouldn't be fair," I counter finally responding. "I promised I'd fill you in on this eventually. No point in stalling anymore."

"Are you sure?" Serena asks me.

I give her a shaky smile ""

"Then why..."

"Because I'll probably never be sure," I interjected.

There was a long pause before Serena replied, "Ok."

I took a big breath, trying to relax. Now was as good a time as any. I felt a lump in my throat as I thought of where to start. No matter where I start, it'd still hurt to think about the memories I'd be relaying to her. I finally decided I'd start with what she probably wanted to know most.

"So," I started, "I guess I can start with when I was here in Kalos before now. When I told you I'd come see you," I specified, recalling the night when I had called her, saying I was on my way to Vaniville Town. "So, when I first showed up in Kalos, I visited Professor Sycamore's lab. I'd been told I should go see him when I arrived. So I did. I got there and met a Pokemon. A Froakie."

"The professor gave it to you?" Serena double-checked.

"Nope. Well...kinda nope. I found him in wandering Lumiose by himself. Long story short, we got into a fight with some other people, he got hurt, and I rushed him to Sycamore's lab," I explained, rushing over several details. Serena seemed slightly confused, but that was alright. That part wasn't as important to what I was telling her. "I got to the lab, Sycamore had Froakie healed, and then things got...messy."

"Messy how?" Serena asked working to keep up with what I had just said.

I bit my lower lip starting to lose my nerve. Maybe now wasn't the right time to tell her?

"A lot of things happened," I replied, deciding I owed it to her to continue, "and I'll tell you about all of them real soon. But right now I'll tell you one of those things."

"Why just one?"

"Because the rest is gonna be a lot to process in one sitting." I sigh. I look down at my shoes and let out the blasted sentence: "My mother is gone."


I turn to see a single tear streaming down Serena's cheek. "S-she's...gone? Miss Delia?"

Crap, Ash, look what you did! I think, scolding myself.

"C-calm down Serena! It's not like she's gone gone," I try to reassure her. "Please, don't cry! She's alive! We just have to find her!"

Keep telling yourself that. I hear a cold voice echo in the back of my mind. It sends chills down my spine. What the heck is wrong with me?

"What happened?" Serena asked softly.

"I honestly don't know." I wasn't lying. I knew a few details here and there, but not enough to put together what happened. "But, that's the reason I couldn't come see you. I needed to head home and find out what happened. Well, there were other reasons too, but that's the most important one."

"What other reasons?" Serena asked softly like a whimpering puppy.

I watched as more tears rolled down her cheeks. I could see how broken she felt. Though it's harder for me to remember, Serena had a very strong connection with my mom when we were young. Before leaving for Kalos, Serena and her mother, Miss Grace, stayed in Kanto for a little less than a month visiting family. Mom really treated Serena like she was her daughter whenever she came over. I remember feeling happy that Mom found someone who enjoyed shopping as much as she did. That she had someone more like her around. That they both seemed happy around each other. It made me happy too.

"Nope, we're not doing that today," I say, "and don't try to argue either. I'll tell you another time. For now, how 'bout I get you home."


"It is getting dark," I say pointing up to sky.

Serena sighed. "I guess. Alright then let's go."


I walked with Ash at my side, leading him to my house. I was still trying to process the three letter sentence he'd uttered.

What else has he been keeping from me? I wondered.

I felt something warm and soft touch the skin on my bare arms. I look down and I see Ash's short sleeved jacket covering me. I look up and see him smiling at me warmly with a sad look in his eyes. I grip the fabric of the jacket, holding it closed with my fist as I leaned against Ash as we walked. I hooked my right arm with his left and felt out fingers intertwine simultaneously. I half expected him to pull away, or grow stiff on me, or ask what the heck I was doing. But he didn't. He let it happen. And as we held hands, he gave mine a reassuring squeeze. It made me feel a tiny bit of hope warming my body. Or maybe I was just madly blushing because of how close we were and how romantic this moment was. Maybe it was both.

When we finally made it to my house, it was incredibly dark. We almost walked past the house being unable to see it properly. We walked up to the door together and let our hands fall back at our sides. We let go of our embrace. I wiped what remained of my tears.

"Thank you for tonight," I say quietly.

"What are you thanking me for?" Ash asked. "All I did was make you cry."

I shook my head. "You gave me some answers. That's what I wanted and it's not your fault if the answer I got hurt me. I asked for it. It's on me," I state. "Plus, I got the chance to see my closet friend again!"

Ash smiled a little at that. With one final wave to each other, we parted ways and I knocked on the door to my home.

I barely even knocked once before my brother threw the door open.

"Where have you been?!" Clemont exclaimed. "Why didn't tell me where you were going?! Do you know what time it....were you crying?"

"Relax," I say smiling. "I wasn't alone and I'm here now. Everything's fine! Now I'm gonna go take a shower." I bolt up the stairs by the front door before Clemont can ask anymore questions.

I make my way up the winding staircase and down the hall to my room

I swing the door open and close it behind me before flopping onto my bed. I state at the ceiling thoughts of what happened today swirling around my mind. The fight with Trip. My best friend's sudden return. Our date...

Wait, DATE?!

... does this count as sneaking out then?

HELLER!!! Hope y'all enjoyed that! I tried to add some fluff in this chapter and chapter 17 but I haven't really done it before😅

Not much to say at the moment. So let's do the question of the day.

Who is your favorite pokeboy? Besides Ash.

Mine is probably Brock. The original cook/genius of the group. He was funny, smart, and a good friend to Ash. Hope he returns in Gen 8😂

Alright I'm done. See y'all next read!

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