Chapter 11

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After Barry's painfully underwhelming victory, he returned his Heracross and bounded over to us grinning, from ear to ear.

"Nice job Barry!" Misty exclaimed.

Clemont smiled nodding his approval as well.

Then they turned to me for my opinion.

I couldn't lie; like I said, I expected more from the battle, but the others seemed so proud of Barry for his simple accomplishment. There was also the fact that I wasn't looking to get on their bad side.

I was saved from having to conjure up a response as I heard Chuck bellow out, "Will Clemont and Misty make their way to the battle field."

"Good luck," I said to both.

"Thanks Ash!" Misty replied.

Clemont simply nodded to Barry and turned away without so much as a glance at me. I simply shrugged it off. I could care less what he thought of me. Right now a battle was about to go down, and even if the others, I got a strange feeling this one would be different.

"Luxray, let's go!" Clemont exclaimed. As he did so, the majestic Gleam Eyes Pokemon appeared from the blue light its Pokeball emitted.

"Gyarados, I choose you!" Misty exclaimed, pokeball. Immediately the dragonic Pokemon emerged, ready for battle.

"This battle's over before it even got started," Barry said from next to me.

I turned to him confused. How could he know.

He grinned at me. "It's an electric type v.s. a water type. Clearly Clemont's gonna walk away with the win."

How could you be so naive? I thought looking at Barry. I willed myself not to facepalm as I said. "You don't know that."

"What do you mean? Of course I do! It's a no brainer."

"It's not though. There's more to a battle than just types."

"Okay Ash," Barry said skeptically. He smirked, confident that Clemont would win. He was the type of person who loved to be right. I internally sighed and turned my attention to the battle.

"Luxray, use Swift!" Clemont commanded while Misty ordered.

Luxray rushed at Gyarados, leaping into the air launched golden stars at the dragonic beast with its tail. Gyarados took the hit, but seemed rather unfazed. It was obviously at a high level.

Misty smirked at her opponent. "It'll take more than that to beat us!" she declared, placing a hand on her hip. "Gyarados, use Hydro Pump!"

Gyarados gave a earth shaking roar as a jet of water shot out of its mouth straight for Luxray.

"Wild Charge!" Clemont exclaimed.

Luxray's body crackled with electricity giving it a spurt of speed allowing to dodge Hydro Pump at the last second. Luxray raced straight for Gyarados, electricity completely engulfing it. 

"Crunch!" Misty commanded. Before Luxray could land its attack, Gyarados's teeth sunk into its opponent before tossing away. Luxray flew through the air hitting the wall hard. It sank to the ground gritting its teeth, attempting to regain its footing.

"Electric Terrain!" Clemont exclaimed.

"Misty's won this" I quietly noted. Barry looked at me like I had the plague.

"Um, doesn't Electric Terrain strengthen electric type moves? So Clemont-"

"Like I said," I interrupted, "type isn't the only factor that matters in battle. Misty's Gyarados has managed to avoid any Electric attacks. Electric Terrain strengthens the moves power, but it means nothing if the move doesn't hit. Clemont's relying too much on type, and that will be his downfall."

Barry blinked a few times, but before he could argue, a drop of water landed on his nose. We both looked up to see dark clouds swirling above up, droplets of water dripping down, first in a light shower, then it began to pour.

"Misty must've called for a Rain Dance" I deduced.

Both Barry and I turned to the battle field to see the effects of Electric Terrain wearing off, which surprised both trainer by the looks of things.

"Now's our chance Gyarados!" Misty exclaimed with a smile, "Use Hurricane!"

With another mighty roar, Gyarados summoned a huge whirlwind of water, launching it at Luxray.

"Dodge it!" Clemont cried in vain.

Luxray was swept up in the Hurricane, which was more powerful due to Rain Dance. Though no one could see him amidst the torrent of waves and wind, everyone could here is growls and cries of pain as he tried to escape and tried to hold on.

The Hurricane dissipated, as did Rain Dance, leaving Luxray motionless on the ground.

"Luxray is unable to battle, Gyarados and Misty win!" Chuck declared.

I turned to leave to prepare for my battle, but not without stealing a glance at Clemont and Barry. Both boys were dumbfounded, mouths hanging open. I couldn't help but chuckle a little and shake my head at their reactions. I had warned them.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets and began to think about my upcoming battle. Normally my first choice would be Pikachu, but that was out of the question thanks to this mornings incident. I had a few other Pokemon on me from home, but I could always call Professor Oak if I wanted to switch out.

I sat alone on the bleachers contemplating my choices, strategies, and soon enough my mind began to wander until my name was called for battle.

HI! Okay, so I don't really talk to you guys much in stories and I'm thinking I'll change that. Also I'll probably ask you guys a Question of the Day! or something like that. Please comment on my work more. It helps me know what I'm doing well and what I can improve. (PLZ)  Also what do you guys want to see next chapter? Some Serena backstory, The Pikachu Incident, More Ash backstory, or straight to his battle?

Question of the Day: What's your favorite region in Pokemon

Mine's Sinnoh. DP IS DA BEST!

Anyways thanks for reading all this nonsense and what not. And if you're reading this, thanks for listening to what I have to say and have a great day!

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