Chapter 12

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Okay, so ya'll gave me no idea of what you want to see next, so I'm just going with the flow. Also Meltan. It's adorable.

Okay time for Chapter 12!

I sat on the bleachers with my forearms resting on my thighs, my hands clasped in front of me. I couldn't help but wonder how Pikachu was doing. Everything had happened so suddenly.


Pikachu and I had been running to school that morning. Despite being pretty tired from another restless night, I found my self enjoying our little run. The crisp autumn breeze hit my face, waking me up a bit. The colors of the leaves on the trees and riding the gusts of wind were...beautiful. I haven't been one for obsessing over scenery but I could help but note that the land around me was beautiful and in a way calming. Maybe that's why it stood out to me. Calm was something I desperately needed, so maybe that let me take it all in.

Not only was the scenery nice, but so was running. The feeling of my feet thumping against the ground in rhythm. The sound of their soles striking the cement pathways of the park. I could feel the burn in my lungs, but I didn't want to stop. I kept pumping my arms. I was panting heavily, but even so I could feel a smile creeping up on my face. It'd been so long since I ran for fun. A feeling of freedom overcame me and soon enough it felt like I weighed nothing at all; I almost forgot why I came to Kalos and all the pain I'd been feeling before.

I made my way out of the park and into the city, and the scenery didn't disappoint. I didn't see Lumiose city as beautiful (though it certainly wasn't ugly), but different. Looking around the city, I felt like  I was ten again, journeying through the regions again. Back then, every new place carried with it an air of mystery and excitement that had me so fired up I was ready to burst. For a moment, that youthful carefree feeling returned; I was me again: curious, excited, carefree...alive. 

As I continued to run down the sidewalks of Lumiose, surrounded by the sweet scents of cinnamon and pastries from cafe's and other stores, I heard soft laughter. It wasn't like the laughter of children. It was almost malicious. The sound of someone driven by greed and selfishness. My steps faltered and suddenly stopped listening to the sound as it grew closer and louder. Suddenly, a woman with unaturally curved pink hair and a man with shoulder legth blue hair stepped out of the shadows of a dark alleyway. A Meowth trailed behind them, walking on its hind legs.

"Prepare for Trouble! We're back, yes it's true!"

"And make it double! We'll catch Pikachu!"

The rest of Team Rockets' spiel went in one ear and out the other. Seeing them, having them interrupt my peace, it always boiled my blood. Despite that I felt a different kind of fury, almost suffocating, building up in my chest. The first moment of happiness I'd had in months had to be interrupted. I watched as they grabbed Pikachu was one of their strange machines, but it didn't phase me.

They'd picked the wrong day to mess with Ash Ketchum.

"Get lost." The comment was so dead cold that Team Rocket recoiled a bit at my sudden change in demeanor.

"Wassap with da twoip?" Meowth mumbled to his companions.

"Beat's me. Bad hair day?" Jessie stupidly guessed.

James was silent the whole while staring at me blinking as if he thought he were dreaming. It was almost amusing. I would've laughed if I weren't burning with rage. Literally. My body felt as though it had been engulfed in flames. I wanted to scream in pain, but I couldn't. I could feel some force chocking me off, though I couldn't see or sense it.

Before I knew it my vision flashed red before everything faded into abysmal darkness.

I don't know how long I was out for. But I could feel some form of pain, and hear faint murmurs of voices. The feeling didn't last long though. Seconds later I opened my eyes. I wasn't ready for what I saw.

The quaint area around me had transformed into the remains of a battlefield. But not for a Pokemon battle. Pokemon battles didn't end with splatters of red staining the sidewalks and sides of stores. People had been walking by were now standing still as stone staring at me with their jaws dropped. Ahead of me I could see Pikachu slumped on the ground, electricity sparking wildly around him.


The rest of the moment was a blur. I had grabbed Pikachu and some how we managed to get to a Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy took my precious partner as I sat in the lobby clenching my fists in worry.

Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay...


Obviously he was not okay, otherwise he'd be with me now.

And I couldn't shake the feeling that this was somehow my fault. This unexplained guilt engulfed me every time I thought about it. Disturbingly vivid images of me beating Team Rocket into the dirt appeared. Though I knew it wasn't possible, it didn't stop the feeling from taking over.


It was the only question I had. Why me? Why my family? Why my friends? Why do we have to go through this? Better yet, why do they have to carry my problems. I keep pulling everyone around me down with me. Why?!

It's not fair.

Life's not fair,  a cold voice said in the back of my mind. The voice alone sent shivers up my spine.

But I couldn't deny it.

Life wasn't fair.

Even if I hated to admit it.

Hi guys! I'm back!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If there's anything in particular you're hoping to see, let me know so I know how to order my chapters. 

Shoutout to @Jjtomson123 . She's a great writer with great talent. Follow her and check out her work.

Okay time for the Question of the Day: Who's your favorite starter (from any region) and why?

Also if you guys like this Pokemon story, I recommend reading two of my other works.

The first is Anime Ally. Literally just anime reviews, top 5s, etc.

The second is Generation 6.5. It takes place after the Kalos League with Ash going to a brand new region. He meets a girl named Christian and they form a traveling group with some new and familiar characters. There are new special skills here as well as MANY returns of favorite characters and some fantastic OCs.

Okay that's it. See ya next read!

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