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"You're such a dumbass." I grab Luke's arm with one hand while dabbing his bicep with a cloth with the other.

He winced as the cool rag made contact with the cut. "It's not my fault you weren't watching me," Luke pouted.

"No, but it is your fault that you decided it'd be 'SUPA SICK' to ride your bike off the rocks into my mom's garden." I paused, then looked him in the eyes, "she's gonna kill you by the way."

He chuckled a little bit until I put the rag back on his arm, to which he sucked in his cheeks. "I've known her for years, she's practically my own mom. I'll just show her the cut, tell her about the accident, sniffle a little, and BOOM. We get sympathy cookies and Carter cleans up the mess out front where the petunias used to be," he smirked and looked down at his arm.

Carter was my younger brother by the way. He was a twat, but I loved him at times.... At times.

"You know my family too well" I rolled my eyes and continued to clean the big slash across the top of his bicep which wouldn't seem to stop bleeding.

Finally, I had patched his arm up with gauze and he blew me a kiss as a thank you. I rolled my eyes once again and put away the first-aid stuff and we headed back to my room. Luke plopped down on my bed and I went over to turn on my fairy lights which Luke always seemed to enjoy. I then walked over to my bean bag and sat down. This is how our usual Fridays went; relaxing in my room till we figured out something better to do.

We sat in silence for about 3 minutes... It was too quiet for us. I looked over at Luke who seemed to be very interested in one of the photos I had on my wall. I got up and sat on my bed beside him and looked where he was looking, "whatcha lookin at" I asked.

His eyes never left the photo as he responded, "this was from when we first met." A smile tugged at his lips. "I was the ring-bearer and you were the flower girl and they told us to hold hands as we walked down the aisle."

"Oh yea! and then since I couldn't use my other hand to throw the petals on the ground, I just dumped them on your head as soon as we got to the end," I laughed.

I stared at the picture and the memories from that night all came back...

Luke and I went to the same elementary school, but didn't really talk until we became best friends in the first grade when he dropped his slice of cake on my pretty purple dress at my uncle John's wedding. Actually, I didn't like him at all at first. He ruined my favorite. dress. It was an accident, yes, but of course you wouldn't expect a 6-year-old to catch that. My whole life I've had a non-existent filter and that gets my in trouble quite often.

"Oh my goodness!" I had said. "Look what you've done Luke! You've got frosting all over my ruffles!"

Luke stared, wide-eyed then finally he took a napkin off a near-by table and started to try and get the frosting off of my dress while repeatedly screaming "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY."

My lip was quivering and I was about to wail, but Luke had shot up and put a finger to my tiny lips. "Shhh" he whispered. "Aw Kaelani... Don't cry, I used to see mommy cry and I can't watch you do the same."

The statement has always been in my memory since and even today, it still lingers around my mind as both sweet and heartbreaking.

"How can I not? Look what happened! Now everyone will stare at me because I look different!" I stomped my foot.

Luke smiled and said, "that's okay, I can ruin my outfit too! Then, we can both rinse off, come on!"

He grabbed my hand and took off down the grassy hill and into where the tall trees stood. We whizzed past the trees and there was a lake behind them with a garden that had the most gorgeous variety of colors of flowers everywhere. I gasped at the sight, I have always loved flowers. I felt Luke let go of my hand and I looked to where he was and saw he had a cheeky grin as he flopped into a puddle of mud.

I giggled as he got up and shook like a dog, sending mud in every direction. "See? Now we're both different!" He said while gesturing to his mud-covered tuxedo.

He again grabbed my hand and tugged me to the shore of the lake which was only about 10 feet away. Luke and I both took off our shoes. I took off my stockings and he took off his socks and then hand-in-hand we both ran into the water giggling. We splashed each other and there wasn't one moment when our laughing had seized.

We got to about mid-torso in the water when he looked down at the water and said sheepishly, "I'm sorry about your dress again..." I hugged him and said, "it's okay, I may have lost my dress, but I've found a new best friend."

When I pulled away from him, he was smiling from ear-to-ear, dimples prominent, and crystal blue eyes bright, "Best friends?" He spoke happily. I nodded and grinned as well. "Forever?" He held out his pinky.

My eyes flicked to his pinky and I wrapped my pinky around his. "Forever."

From that night on, he was always him and I, from adventuring the forests to sneaking a few cookies from the plates that had been for my mom's book club. No matter what it was, It was always him and I.

"Kaaiiiiiiiii" I blinked rapidly when I saw a hand waving in front of my face.

"Wha- oh sorry Luke. I was thinking."

"Well yea you were, you zoned out for about 5 minutes. Anyways, as I was saying, do you want to just stay in tonight? Instead of the movies, do you just want to pick one on Netflix and make popcorn?" Luke looked up at me.

I pinched his cheeks and told him to pick a movie while I made the popcorn. He nodded and I walked to the kitchen popping a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

School starts Monday, so Luke and I had to make this last weekend of summer legendary.

Why it has to be legendary? Because this is our last summer and it has to be better than last year, that year had to be better than the last, and so on since elementary school. Plus, Luke promised to make up last week when he ditched me for his sluts.

Luke was super popular. Like, even out of town he was noticed. He was the "star" of our football team which was the best high school team in the state. Which means he goes to every single party thrown and hooking up with every girl at school... Those things were the only times we weren't together which have been more frequent lately. I realized that even though being the star's best friend didn't mean you get to be popular too if you always scoff at the cheerleaders who try and 'sweeten up' the "star" as he's standing right next to you. That, my friend, is how about 10 different rumors go around about you and you get detention and lowered grades for yelling at everyone telling them to shut up, and that you aren't a vampire. (Who believes this crap? Seriously.) Of course, Luke to the rescue to stop them all, but I preferred to just not be with the big group at all because with those girls, it's always something.

This year will be different though. I'm gonna focus on just my grades and not start anything with anyone. Luke can be my only friend for all I care, because the rest of them are clear faking it.

A loud *ding* interrupts me from my thoughts and makes me jump a little. I dump the popcorn in a bowl, grab a few pops and a bag of skittles and run back to the beginning of our legendary weekend.


// ugh I'm sorry that it sucks but I promise it will get better!!! First chapter, first book, oh well, at least I tried ^~^


Ok I love you bye ❤️//

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