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"But I wanna be ninja turtles" Luke whines as we scout the many costume aisles.

"Luke, we were that last year," says Calum with an eye roll.

"Boy that was a fun night," Ashton says with a cheeky smile.

"Oh yea, the night Ashton learned that tadpoles are in fact not baby turtles," Michael says giggling at the end.

Ashton's cheeks flush red as we all laughed and I continued to browse through the many wigs.

We are currently in the Halloween store searching for costumes to wear to the next Halloween party. Well, I am at least. Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum are just goofing off in the store occasionally spotting a costume, then picking up the sword next to it and whacking each other until the store lady comes up and yells at them. It's our tradition to go every year all together, though halfway through the night we always somehow end up separated.

Oh right, I haven't told you about the boys. Well, Calum has been my friend since the beginning of freshman year when Luke joined the football team and they became friends so Luke introduced him and I one afternoon after their practice. He is the cheekiest weirdo that I have ever met. And I can tell you, that once you fully meet this boy, he's one of the greatest things or friends that you'll ever have. His squishy face just kills me ok.

Ashton and I met the same way I met Calum. Since I've met him, his smile always just lights up the room and this boy will always be so playful. He can sense when you're in a bad mood right off the bat and instantly try and cheer you up with lots of hugs.

Michael, I'm seeing him around more often. He mostly hung out with the boys when I wasn't around, but every time that I did see him, his hair was always a different color, so I wasn't sure if he had like a lots of identical siblings or...

Anyways, the boys just said he was really shy, but he's warming up to me I think. From what I've seen so far from him though, he is adorable. His giggle makes me wants to steal kittens and he's always so happy. It's almost impossible to see this boys with a frown, and if he ever has one, it's usually because one of us are sad and he makes us feel so much better with tickles and cheesy jokes. At first, yes, he's shy, but then you get to know him... And he's going off about how his pizza addiction has become worse and that he wants that kitten that we saw at PetCo and this and that and he rambles on about his day and he's really cute to be honest.

I'm so glad Luke introduced me to all of them. Sure, I have my girly friends, but these guys are just the best. Ok, ok, I may have over exaggerated when I said 'Luke can be my only friend' but I was in the thought and I didn't mean it of course.

These guys are complete sweethearts all the time.

A horrific face and loud scream in front of me shot me out of my thoughts and sent me stumbling backwards into the display of many pumpkins, which all topple over with me on top of them.

As soon as my mind caught up with what was happening, I groaned and sat up to see Luke dropping a mask and bringing his hand up to clutch his stomach before falling over with laughter, Ashton practically doing the same thing, Calum holding a phone (which I'm guessing was recording) pointed at me while tears sprung from his eyes from laughter, and Michael looking at the phone over Calum's shoulder laughing about as hard as the rest.

I can feel the fire in my whole face as my hands come up to my face and I bring my knees up to my chest as well. I hear the laughing die down quickly and hear footsteps running towards me.

"Kaelani?" "Kai? Are you ok?" "It was only a joke" I hear the boys say.

I shake my head as my face is still buried in my hands. I don't even uncover them when I feel two arms lift me up. I am carried out of the store with apologies throw at me from left and right, but I still don't look up.

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