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"Can I borrow a pencil?" Calum tapped on my shoulder.

"You should've brought your own Calum," I say not taking my eyes of my paper.

"But KaiiiiiIiiIiiIiiIIIIIiiiii," Calum whines.

I rolled my eyes and continued to write, "Cal, I already let you borrow three pencils this past week... And it's only Wednesday."

"But KaiiiiiiiIiiIiiii I need onnneee," he says sticking his bottom lip out.

"Nope. Now leave me be," I quickly replied.

Calum just kept poking me repetitively and kept repeating 'please' over and over till finally I gave in.

I quickly turn around and throw one at him, "Fine. Alright. But you better not lose this one."

He smiles brightly and pinches my cheek. "Thanks babe!"

"Shut up," I say and turn back around.

"Ms. Reynolds? Is there something you'd like to say to the class?" Mr. Willer spoke.

"N-no sir.." I stuttered and went back to my test, but not before throwing a nasty look Calum's way. Which caused a snicker from him, Michael, and Ashton.

Sixth period had to be one of the worst, yet best periods of the day. The work was the worst... Everything else though... Was pretty much great. Our teacher was hilarious (when he wasn't yelling at us), I have a seat right in front of Calum and next to Michael and behind Ashton, while Luke was at the other side of the room (which may or may not be a good thing), and we get to do whatever we want when we all finish our tests.

Towards the end of the period, Mr. Willer let us roam around the room or do whatever as he left the room. So, me being me, I packed up early and stood up from my desk. I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind and pull me back into him.

"Luke," I said.

"You look beautiful today, love," he said as he kissed the back of my head.

"Luke stop we're in a classroom!" I exclaimed as I turned around and hit him on the shoulder.

"Nobody's even paying attention, plus, we're towards the back of the room and everyone is at the front," he said while smiling at me.

"Ugh fine," I said smiling back.

"WILL YOU PLEASE TAKE YOUR PUBLIC SEX SCENE ELSEWHERE," Michael yelled at us from the very front of the room, causing all eyes to fall on us in eachother's arms.

I groaned.

"Hey, shut the fuck up dude," Luke called back as he pulled me towards the very back of the room.

"Well now people are paying attention," I scoffed.

"Nah, Michael's just a dick. Don't worry about them babe," Luke said wrapping an arm around me again.

"Babe?" I question.

"Yea, you're my baby girl, I figured the name would fit," he said kissing my nose.

I scrunched up my face and giggled at his silly actions, "you're too much."

"GET IT GIRL" Faith yelled while bumping my hip as she walked by.

I glared at her and replied, "You're just as bad as Michael."

Bayli started cracking up from the other side of Faith.

"Oh you want to laugh? How would you feel if I did this to you when you were around Hayes?" I smirked.

She shut right up and just walked back to her seat with the reddest face which made me laugh a little bit and I felt Luke laugh beside me.

"Uh oh," Faith said, "don't look now, but Matthew is staring at you..."

I felt Luke's grip tighten around me. I looked up at him and saw that his jaw was clenched and his hard cold glare was set on Matthew.

"Yea, I know. You should probably go and see if ︎Bayli is okay. Thanks Faith." I said with worry.

"Anytime, love you," she said as she walked over to Bayli.

I turned towards Luke, who was still glaring at Matthew, "Luke...."

"Come here." He took my hand and pulled me out into the hallway.

He caught me off guard when he pulled me tightly into him, "You're mine. All mine. Don't even look at him."

"What has gotten into you? I wasn't even-"

"I just don't want to lose you. I'm so afraid of losing you. Please.. Promise me that I won't lose you" he whispered to me.

"Luke, you won't ever lose me... I promise. I love you so much." I hugged him back tightly.

"I promise you'll never lose me either. I love you... God I love you so much." Luke said softly.

"Good," I said while pulling back to look him in the eyes.

"So... ︎Bayli likes Hayes Grier? A freshman?" He said.

"Yes, and so what? He's only a grade younger."

"Yea, but that's still weird..."

"I'd like you if you were a freshman."

"I really want to kiss you ya know," he said as he stared at my lips.

"Well," I said, "I'm not stopping you."

"The thing is..." He said while leaning in, "if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."



Hey, hi, how you doin?

I'm so so so so so sorry, I've been super busy, but I already know what I'm doing for the next chapter, so I might make it up to you guys with a double update? Sound good? I hope so becAUSE I LOVE YOUUU

Merry Christmas I hope you had a lovely one, also happy 2015 I hope it's good to you❤️ //

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