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"HE WHAT???" Bayli screamed.

"AND THEN HE WHAT??" Faith screamed just as loud.

"Yup," I replied, popping the p.

I had just finished telling them the story of how I caught Matthew cheating and how Luke and I kissed last week.

"I KNEW IT!! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN SOON! BAYLI, YOU OWE ME FIVE BUCKS!!" Faith cheered as Bayli rolled her eyes.

I sat with a confused look on my face, "huh?"

Faith looked back at me, "oh nothing. Just made a bet on how long it'd take. Please continue."

"Er... Ok..." I said questionably. "I'm just really confused still because I've been wanting to be with Luke for quite a while, but then again I miss Matt a lot and I still can't believe what he did to me," I say sadly as i stared down at the counter.

Faith furrows her eyebrows, "I'll brake his jaw. But for now, forget about him. Luke will treat you way better anyways if you haven't noticed."

"Wait, so are you and Luke officially official?" Bayli asked while changing the station on Pandora and continuing to make our famous purple pancakes.

"Not exactly, he never really asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, but ever since that day of the kiss, we've been sort of acting like it," I told her.

Faith smiled and asked, "but you love him?"

I looked away and grin at the floor, "yea, yea I do."

Faith gasped and reached across the counter to poke me on the cheek, "KAI LOVES LUKEY! KAI LOVES LUKEY!" She sang obnoxiously, "Tell me more!"

I groan and slap her hand away, "I always have, to be honest, but I'm just now realizing that... NOW RELAX!!!!!"

She only sang louder and Bayli joined in with her, "KAI LOVES LUKEY! KAI LOVES LUKEY!"

I cover my face with my hands and shake my head. I don't hear them stop singing, so I uncover my hands and grab the spoon with the pancake mix on it, and fling it at Faith.

Her mouth hangs agape and I hear Bayli crack up. "OH YOU DID NOT!" Faith says as she wipes away the mix from her eyes.

"Did too," I smile sweetly.

She then grabs the syrup and attempts to pour it on me, but I ducked in time and the syrup gets all over Bayli who had just stopped laughing.

Bayli turns away from the pancake fryer with red and blue food coloring bottles, "this. Means. War!" She yells as the red food coloring shoots at Faith, and the blue one at me.

I turn around and grab the sprayer from the sink and aim it at Faith who is throwing handfuls of chocolate chips at Bayli. The song that's playing is now 'Bang Bang' and we're all singing along while trying to dodge the things being thrown at us.

Soon, we notice the mess all over the kitchen and we all gasp loudly. Bayli quickly pauses the music and we all look back and forth not knowing what to do.

We all frantically run around the kitchen trying to mop and clean everything up.

"I can't believe you did that," Bayli says to me while mopping the floor

"Me?!? Faith started it!" I say back while wiping the counters.

"Did not! But I did win it..." Faith says while washing her face in the sink.

"AS IF!!!" Bayli and I say in unison, then we all start to crack up.

Once the kitchen was all clean, we remembered that we never turned off the fryer. I quickly turned the temperature to 'off' and Bayli scrapes up what was left of our purple pancakes that were now charred and coal black and put them on a plate.

We all stared at the sad little pancakes, still covered in syrup and food coloring and mixture and water and chocolate chips and just about everything we could find to throw at each other.

This is why I love them so much, whenever I feel confused, or hurt, or sad they always seemed to cheer me up with moments like this. Whether we're mad at each other or not, we're always there for one another. I don't believe I could live without either one of them.

"Should we just order pizza then?"

"Uh.... Yea."


// Migraines are not fun tbh....

Sorry about the short chapter, my head really hurts but I wanted to update today.

This chapter is dedicated to my beautiful friends that I miss and that this scene or something like it actually happens when we're together... Literally... Always.

To all my sad people who are sad like me, I am so sorry for whatever you're going through and it will get better and we'll get through this together ok.


Sleep time because maybe if I sleep this headache will go away //

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