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"This is so fake," I say shaking my head and eating another m&m.

"Shut up this is a good part," Kaelani replies while covering my mouth with her hand.

I lick her hand and she yanks it away making a disgusted sound. "Gross Luke!!!" She semi-yells at me while wiping her palm on my shirt.

I laughed at her actions and sat back again on the couch. After a minute or so she sat back beside me and rested her head back on my shoulder. My arm slung across her shoulders and we continued to watch the screen.

We've been watching a variety of cheesy scary movies for a few hours now and they're getting lamer and lamer by the second.

"Can we do something else?" I ask her.

She looks up at me and frowns, "you don't want to watch scary movies?"

"Scary is an overstatement for this and no, I really do not," I say back.

"Then what do you want to do?" She reaches for the controller and begins to shut down Netflix.

I shrugged, "I don't know... Go to the park... Go out for dinner... Go to the beach... WillYouBeMyGirlfriend, uhm maybe even-"

"Wait what was that last one?" she cuts me off.

"I said..." I grabbed her hand gently and looked her in the eyes, "will you be my girlfriend?"

"I don't know," she says turning back to the tv and shutting it off.

"What? Why don't you know?" I ask worriedly.

She puts the controller down and sits facing me now, "Well, is this how you're gonna ask me?"

"Uh... I uh..." I searched around the room for like a flower or some girly cute shit, but couldn't find anything so I grabbed the first thing I saw. "Will you please accept this half eaten bag of m&ms in exchange of doing me the honors of being my girlfriend?"

She started cracking up, "classic Luke, but yes. I will be your girlfriend," she said taking the m&ms from me.

"Sweet! So... We're dating now..?" I say surprised.

"Yea, I guess we are," she sounds just as surprised as I am.

"...I love it!" I say with a cheeky smile.
"Me too!" She says back.

"We're totally going to get matching t-shirts, and show off to everybody, and be cheesy as cheese, and-"

"Oh god, we're not gonna be those couples are we?" She says and we both crack up.

"I was obviously being sarcastic. Gosh Kai, you're so slow. I'm breaking up with you," I say teasing her.

"Wow. Dick." She says and sticks her middle finger up.

I laugh and stand up from them couch. "I was kidding dimwit. Come on," I say as I pull her up with me, "let's go somewhere."



After a car-ride full of blasting Green Day, we arrived at a familiar place. Somewhere Luke and I used to go everyday as kids.

I open the car door and step out to a warm afternoon breeze hitting my face and the sound of distant waves crashing against the shore. I turn around and see a smiling Luke staring at me. I smile back and he walks over in front of the car and takes my hand.

We started walking side by side until we reached a long dock that lead out over the water. I looked down at the sandy area and it was practically empty of people. So clean and litter-free. I'd forgotten how beautiful this place was; How the sun gleamed on the surface of the ocean. And how when the sun set, it touched the sea way out into the distance. How the seagulls sang along to the crashing of the waves which were mellow right now.

Images of Luke and I when we were little ran through my head where we climbed up on the rocks to look at a seagull's nest here, only to be chased away by a ticked off mama bird. And the time when we built a fort that collapsed because Luke tried to walk on top of it. Also, the time when we found a starfish and stuck it to yet another starfish that did not go very well at all. Or the time when we had my birthday party and Luke and I ran away from the others to sit underneath the boardwalk to skip rocks because that's all I really wanted to do for my birthday, but mom insisted we threw a party.

A lot happened here really, I don't think I could ever forget any of it because of how much these memories mean to me. I smile back at the thoughts and when I looked at Luke, I could tell he was thinking of the same thing.

We reached the very end of the dock where we took off our shoes and dangled our feet over the edge. I looked out over the water and gasped at the breath-taking sight, where the sunset made the sky around it purple and pink shades as the orange object slowly sank into the sea.

I glanced over at Luke again who's eyes were focused on the setting sun. He looked so gorgeous with the way the light hit his features. The way his eyes flicked with the deep orange glow from the sun. Everything about him screamed perfect and I can't fathom how I'm the lucky one to have this beautiful boy.

I reached out and grabbed his hand. He instantly looked at me and grinned. His hand came up to cup my cheek and he leaned in. Our lips made contact the moment the sun disappeared.

I'm so happy that I have someone to call mine. I'm delighted that I'm in love. I'm fortunate that I'm here at one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been to. I'm overjoyed that moments like this exist. And I've never felt so incredible because I get to experience this all with him.


// ajiwndhsnjakqidijehudbhw

Goals. Goals goals goals.

Sorry bout the POV change in there, I'll take it out if y'all don't like it, but just trying something new :p

Hehe... Fathom.

I'm feeling a lot better now, and so things DO get better! Even if they aren't right now, you're still getting there!! YOU MAY NOT BE THERE YET BUT YOURE GETTING CLOSER EVERYDAY AND YOURE ALMOST THERE. ALMOST. AL MOST.

Oh yea and #VOTE5SOS #VOTE5SOS #VOTE5SOS #VOTE5SOS DONT BE A LUKE AND #votw5sos BUT #VOTE5SOS... Aaaaannnnddd it's too late.

Oh god I need sleep..


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