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"Frick." I sighed and wiped away the mascara on the bridge of my nose.

Why does this happen every time? I asked myself. I am so nervous for this date that my hands are shaking like crazy.

This past first week of school I've already been chewed out by MANY girls for being asked out by the Matthew Espinosa.

Apparently, I was the only one who has never seen him or heard of him at our school, but he came here in the middle of the school year last year and he's wildly popular. He's on the football team, but I don't see the big deal of being asked out. I asked Luke about him and he didn't really seem to care for him. He just wished me luck.

Now it's Saturday and I'm using my last minutes to get ready in a hurry.

I took a deep breath and then stepped back to look at my outfit one last time in my full-body mirror.

I hoped I wasn't too casual for where he was taking me; wherever that was.

I wore my favorite white shorts, my black converse, and a hoodie from Hollister. My hair was straightened and I ran a hand through my long, brown hair that came down to my belly button to get any tangles out. I wore lip gloss, but not too much and after situating the mascara issue, my eyelashes looked fuller. My eye liner was on-point which I mentally high-fived myself for.

Matthew should be here any minute since it was about 6:00pm.

I sprayed my favorite perfume on, and right when I did that, I heard a knock at the door.

I trotted down the stairs taking two at a time and opened the door slowly. I smiled when I saw a tall boy leaning against the doorway.

"Ready to go Ms. Reynolds?" He asked as he took a step back and gestured me to come out the door.

I laughed a little and spoke, "Ready as always Mr. Espinosa." I turned around and waved to my mom who looked at little surprised and then hurried out the door.

As we approached his car, he opened the passenger door for me to step in and then jogged around to the other side to get in the drivers' seat. We both buckled in and drove off. Well, more like sped off. He drives... Fast.

"Are you planning to kill me in this car?" I asked when we halted to a stop. He turned and smirked at me before saying, "No princess, I just like to go fast." He winked and then we took off down the turn.


After about 20 minutes of driving and bickering about 'where are we going' and 'you'll know when we get there', we finally arrived at a beach.

I've never been to this part of the beach before. It was calm and sort of small, like a private beach almost. The water was calm and the waves were mellow. The sun was close to the water and danced across its surface. It was clean and practically empty. It was quite pretty.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my door open. I unbuckled and climbed out of the car as Matthew closed the door behind me and we both started walking side-by-side down to the sand. We only paused to peel off our shoes and socks and set them by the car and then continued to walk again. I let out a small gasp as I felt Matthew wraps his arm around my waist and kept walking.

"I'm sorry that I didn't let you know what to wear or where we were going," Matthew said, still not letting go of my waist, "but you did a good job with the outfit, might I say, you look quite adorable."

I blushed at his words and I think he noticed because I heard a little chuckle under his breath. "Thank you," I managed to say.

We walked along the shore where the shallow water touched our toes with each step we took. Matthew didn't let go of me the entire time. We just walked and talked for about an hour. The sun was just about to set.

"Kaelani?" Matthew said after 5 minutes of silence.

"Yea?" I replied.

He poked my nose, "you're a very boring person."

I kicked water at him to which he kicked more back. It soon turned into a water war, just kicking even more and more water at each other each time and laughing; we got deeper and deeper in the water until he was about knee height and I was mid thigh. Damn his tall figure.

He didn't hesitate to scoop me up in his arms after getting soaked with splashes. I let out a small squeal as my feet emerged from the water and my arms automatically wrapped around his neck. His strong arms supported my legs and my back and I squirmed in his hold. I heard his beautiful laughter which made me laugh along. As soon as I didn't hear it anymore, I looked up at him to find that he was already staring.

His eyes had a glint of playfulness and a smirk appeared on his face. I blushed when I realized how close we were. He lost his smirk and his eyes flicked down to my lips.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Did I even brush my teeth before I left???

His warm breath fanned over my face and the last thing I saw before my eyes fluttered shut was his head leaning down and closing the space between us.

I'm pretty sure I didn't brush my teeth before I left.

Do I care at this point though?

Not really.

// aye aye. Two day school week holla

Ugh FINALLY update though might update again later today or tomorrow


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