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I clicked the button on my phone and squinted at the bright screen.

7:33 am

We only have 23 hours and 57 minutes of summer left.

I spent the last 30 minutes trying to wake Luke up who wouldn't even budge. So I huffed and went into to kitchen to make breakfast to which Luke came almost instantly after I set the plate on the table. We spent another hour at breakfast just talking and eating and complaining about how Carter kept taking all the bacon. We also discussed what had happened over the weekend and what we were going to do today.

Friday night was awesome. We stayed up till 4 am (even though mom yelled at us at 1 am telling us we need to go to bed early to get prepared for school) and we watched our usual TV series marathons where we pick either a movie with sequels or a whole show on Netflix and watch the whole 1st series or all the sequels to a movie in one night. This was on special occasions and our legendary weekends was one of them. Anyways, we did that and watched the whole 1st season of 'Wilfred' on Netflix.

There was candy wrappers everywhere and we went through about 3 bags of popcorn and two big bottles of cream soda. We made our big pillow fort and of course, being the ding dong that he is, Luke had to hit me with a pillow, causing me to throw the popcorn and the fort falling down. Which I made him rebuild... But he sucked at it so I helped him of course.

Saturday, we went to the beach which was not too far from where we were and we saw dolphins and Luke knocked over a girl's ice cream cone, to which she wailed, and he picked her up and gave her a piggy back ride and bought her an even bigger ice cream cone. Also, he got stung by a jellyfish because he thought it was 'the squishy side' when he poked it. I was tanning at some point and he came and picked me up in his wet arms and threw me in the water to which I jumped on his back and forced his head to go underneath the water because I was furious.

Then we went and got pizza at the pizzeria on the beach and watched the sun as it went down. We sat outside listening to the waves when a seagull swooped down and fought with Luke over his pizza and he got scratched and stumbled away while looking mad as ever.

Oh, the bird got scratched and stumbled away... Luke is serious when it comes to his pizza.

Today we are going to the movies. I sat at my dresser, straightening my hair as I waited for Luke to get out of the shower. Luke always had extra clothes here cause he practically lived here. I finished getting ready as I took one last glance in the mirror. High-waisted shorts and a crop top with a pineapple on it. I pulled on my converse as Luke came in swinging his car keys around his finger.

"Ready Kai?" He asked.

I nodded and grabbed my purse as we headed out the door.


We got to the cinema and payed for our tickets when I noticed a boy looking at me from the entrance. He had dirty blonde hair and was almost as tall as Luke. He smirked and I giggled giving him a little wave. As soon as he started walking over, Luke grabbed my arm and pulled me into the theatre quickly, almost rushed.

"Hey Luke! What's your problem? I was about to talk to a good looking boy!" I almost yelled.

"Who? Him? Oh, I didn't see him. Let's take pictures." He said emotionlessly.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, but followed suit behind him into the photo booth.

We took our usual array of photos:

1.Cheeky smiles

2.Silly faces

3.Squeezing each other's faces

4.Us both cracking up because Luke did something stupid

After that, we got out and got our popcorn and drink and walked into the theatre. As soon as we sat down, we pulled out our candy that we snuck in and high-fived at our expert sneaking.

We watched the movie and Luke dropped me off at home after a fantastic weekend. We bid our goodbyes as he drove up the street to were he lived which was only a couple blocks away. I smiled and turned to walk inside.

I got ready for bed and felt happy that we got a good weekend in before school.


Hopefully, this year will be better than last.


// I have a stupid headache ok why won't it leave. Oh well, I get to update!!

Ugh, but now I have homework. FRICK. Like, can you not?

Oh well, nutella time

Thanks for reading!! Please vote and comment! Bye bye lovelies xx //

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