Chapter Five

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"You can't send me to a mental hospital!"

Jade was angry and sad at the same time. Her parents had decided to send her to a mental hospital to help her with her paranoia.

"I'm not mental!" She kicked the side of the door. "Cheverston was really there!"

Robertson and Rachel shared a glance. "Mum," she looked at Rachel pleadingly. "Please, please don't send me away."

Rachel looked down at her shoes, clearly upset that she had to send her daughter away. "It's for your own good, love."

"I told you!" She said between gritted teeth. "I'm not mental!"

Robertson looked at the hospital and looked at Jade in the rear view mirror. "It's just until you get better, sweetheart."

Jade looked out the window, arms folded across her chest. She'd never forgive them.

Robertson got out of the car and grabbed Jades bags from the boot.

Jade was forced out of the car and Robertson kept a tight grip around her arm Incase she decided to do a runner.

She scowled the whole way in. They were greeted by a doctor and a nurse who smiled kindly at them.

Jade glanced around and found some people staring at her. She looked at the nurse and doctor before her.

The nurse was in a white uniform with flats. She had an hourglass like frame, curly blonde hair that flowed on her shoulders and hazel eyes.

"Welcome to our hospital, we are here to help in anyway we can." Said the doctor with a smile.

Robertson shook his hand. "This is Jade, she has paranoia."

Jade glared at him. "I told you, I don't have paranoia!"

"That's exactly something a paranoid person would say." The nurse stated.

"Hannah," the doctor snapped. "Don't be rude."

Hannah said nothing but her smile faltered. "I'm Doctor Jordan, I'm head of the hospital."

"Don't worry Mr Robertson," Jordan smiled. "We'll take great care of your daughter."

Robertson smiled and looked at Jade. "I'll visit you everyday," he hugged her. "I promise."

She pulled away and snarled. "Don't bother."

She snatched her bags from him and looked at Jordan. "Mind showing me to my cell? Or do I have to go find it myself."

Jordan opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it and smiled. "Hannah, please show Jade to her room while I talk to her parents."

Hannah turned on her heel and walked away. Jade followed behind her and ignored the stares around them.

Hannah got out a card and slipped it through the keyhole and opened the large metal door.

Jade stepped in and took in her surroundings. There was no window to her dismay. There was a singular bed in the middle of the room with a nightstand.

Everything was white which bothered her.

Hannah nestled clothes down on her bed. "Put these on."

Jade looked at the clothes to find them also white. Jade looked at Hannah and replied.


Hannah arched a brow. "Do you really want to do this the hard way?"

"And what's the hard way?"

"Me undressing you and forcing you into the clothes and keeping twenty-four hour surveillance on you."

"Well there's this thing called privacy," Jade replied cooly. "Mind giving me some or do we need to this the hard way?"

Hannah narrowed her slits. "I'd mind my mouth if I was you, having a smart mouth won't get you anywhere."

She stormed out of the room. As the door shut behind her Jade heard a click, which she assumed that meant the door was locked.

Jade glared at the clothes but changed into them. The t-shirt was too big for her and the pants were no better.

Jade sat on the bed which was rock solid. Her 'duvet' was a thin old blanket and her pillow was no better then the mattress.

There was a click and the door opened to reveal Hannah and another Doctor. Hannah handed her a schedule.

"This is your schedule for now on," she said. "You get up every morning at eight, go for a shower, have breakfast and then you'll go to therapy and then Dr Ronald here will be doing private sessions and will be attending all of your therapy sessions with the group. He'll also be watching your every move so don't even think about doing a runner."

Hannah left and Dr Ronald closed the door after her. He turned around and Jades heart skipped a beat.

It was Cheverston.

His ginger hair was now more a brown colour, his beard fully ginger. He smirked at her.

"Hello, Jade," he grinned. "It's good to see you again."

Updated again because I felt bad.

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