Chapter Seventeen

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The only comfort Jade had was the sound of water dripping every four seconds.

The pair of eyes she had saw the pervious night was a rats. She was highly disgusted when it crawled over to her and sniffed at her feet.

But the rat was the only company she had.

Until Cheverston killed it.

Like everything else.

Her day started with Cheverston trodding down the stairs with a plate and a glass of water.

He shoved the plate into her hands. "Eat."

She would've told him to go fuck himself but she was dying of starvation. The sandwich was awful but she ate it. The water had an odd taste to it but it didn't stop her from drowning it.

Chevertson observed her more than usual which bothered her.

She tossed the plate at him, glaring at him. "So when exactly are you going to kill me? Because this whole keeping me alive thing and kill me in front of my father, is really starting to drag on, don't you think?"

Cheverston stomped his foot on her broken ankle.

She screamed, letting out a sob. "I think it's time for another lesson," he smirked at her. "Don't you think?"

Jade spat him. "No, I don't, asshole."

He stepped harder on her foot this time and she sobbed into the mattress. The throbbing pain was never ending.

He grabbed her by her bad ankle and dragged her towards what she made out to be a metal pole.

She yelped with pain and started kicking him with her good leg. He kicked his steel toe cap into her rib cage. Tears streamed down her face as she gasped for breath.

He grabbed a piece a rope from one of the shelves on the far side of the room and grabbed her by her wrists and tied her to the pole.

She lay in agony. The tears wouldn't stop falling. She didn't care if she looked pathetic. She just wanted it all to be over.

Cheverston grabbed a leather whip from one of the cupboards and smirked. "This'll teach you to keep your mouth shut in future."

He fished out his pocket knife and tore apart her shirt, revealing her bare back. She squeezed her eyes shut and prepared for the blow that was about to come.

The whip slashed against her skin and she cried out. The pain shot up her back like fire. It exploded in her head with a blinding whiteness. It made her dizzy. The pain was like needles that had been dipped in alcohol and jammed through her skin, like her back had been replaced with ice and electricity wired straight into her spine.

He gave her a grand total of fifteen whippings. She felt like passing out from the blood loss. She heard Cheverston breath heavily behind her and shuffle across the room, rummaging through cabinets.

Jade tried to get a glance over her shoulder on what he was doing but the pain increased as she tried to twist her head and shoulder.

She heard a metal cap being flicked off and a click. She swallowed hard. Was he going to burn her alive?

Cheverston picked up a razor sharp knife and heated it over his lighter. Once he was satisfied with the temperature, he crouched down to Jades level.

"This is going to stop the bleeding, so you won't bleed to death.

Cheverston didn't wait for a reply and proceeded to put the knife to her flesh. Outside the cabin, birds flew off their trees from the sound of Jades screams.

Rachel glanced at Robertson as he stared at nothing in particular.

She wasn't proud of what she did but she did what was necessary for the sake of her daughter. She knew Cheverston wasn't in the right head space as he lost his son, so she kept it a secret from both of them and married Robertson instead because she knew he would be a good father to Jade.

"Ryan?" She whispered.

Robertson snapped his head in her direction and narrowed his eyes. "Were you ever going to tell me?"

He stood up, the tears threatening to spill. He arched his finger at her. "Well, Rachel?" He cornered her. He began to shout. "We're you!"

Rachel burst into a fit of sobs. She couldn't look him in the eye.

"Were you?" He croaked.

Rachel shook her head and looked him in the eye. "No."

She sniffled loudly and sobbed harder. Robertson at that very moment felt like boxing the day lights out of her but he'd never raise a hand to a woman, no matter what.

But Chevertson on the other hand, he was going to gut him and give him a slow, painful death.

Robertson punched the wall just above her head and she flinched. He walked away from her, knocking everything that stood in his way.

He grabbed his gun and car keys, heading for the door. Rachel watched him and ran after him.

She grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?"

Robertson pulled his arm away from her. "To find my daughter."

He looked at her in disgust. "You were never her mother, why? Because you're a lying bitch that doesn't deserve Jade. You may be related by blood, but that means nothing."

Robertson pulled the door open letting in the cold air. Rachel couldn't believe what she had just heard and broke down even more.

Robertson shook his head, his blood boiling as he got into his car, revving up the engine.

He pulled out of the driveway, leaving behind a sorrowful Rachel.

Sorry for not updating

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