Chapter Twenty

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Rachel's lips lifted into a grin. "How's my lovely daughter doing?"

Jade felt sick to the stomach.

Her own mother was in on it the whole time. Was she in on it from the beginning?

"This has be some sick...." Jade began to breath heavily, tears forming in her eyes. "Joke!"

Cheverston snaked his arm around Rachel's waist, bringing her close. "That's just it Jade, it isn't."

Jade glared at her mother, the tears threatening to spill. "How could you? And now...." she looked at Cheverston's hand on her waist. "You're cheating on dad."

Rachel sighed through her nose. "I've been cheating on your father for years," she wrapped her arm around Cheverston's shoulder. "Darren and I have been in love from the very beginning, your father was just too blind."

"Then why didn't you divorce him!" Jade spat. "You led him on for years and years for this scum." Jade looked at Cheverston in disgust.

Cheverston narrowed his slits. "Just because your mothers here, doesn't mean I won't do what I usually do to you."

Jade snarled. "What else can you do, asshole? You've done everything."

Cheverston smirked. "Not everything, not yet."

Jade swallowed hard. She knew what he was going on about. Impregnating her.

Jade sobbed as she looked over at the woman she called her mother for her whole life. "Why? How could you do this to me and dad."

Rachel bent down to her level, wiping away her tears with her thumb as she sobbed quietly. "I love you so much darling," her hand left her face. "But I love money more."

Jade stared at her. How could the woman who gave birth to her, value money over her own daughter?

She looked at them both in disgust as they stood together, hands intertwined. "You're perfect for each other,"

Jade sneered. "You're both psychotic pricks."

Within a blink of an eye Cheverston was on top of Jade, throwing rapid punches. "Don't you dare speak to me or your mother like that again!"

Rachel held him back. His chest heaved up and down, taking in sharp breaths. Jade spat blood on the floor, her head swimming.

Jade inclined her throbbing head towards them. "Why do you hate my father so much anyway? And what's it got to do with me?"

"Your father," Rachel hissed. "Is a despicable, evil man. He killed Darren's son, your fathers first ever case and kill. Your father was proud because he had caught the 'bad guy' and was rewarded. He left Darren to suffer in misery. Your father has always been the bad cop."

"And now I'm going to do the exact same thing he did to me," Cheverston cut in. "I'm going to make him suffer like he made me suffer all those years ago."

"My dad wouldn't shoot someone without good reason." She said. "Your son was clearly a revolted little shit that deserved to die."

At those words Cheverston lunged at her, knocking her backwards and beat the living crap out of her.

Rachel didn't interject with Cheverston's violence. "You're getting what you deserve."

Jade prepared for the next blow that never came. Cheverston sat against the wall, breathing heavily.

Rachel quickly went over to him, checking to see if he was alright. She calmed him down and he sat on the floor, tears brimming in his eyes.

White spots clouded her vision. She didn't understand how she didn't have brain damage at this stage.

The last thing she remembered was Cheverston crying and her mother cooing him.

Robertson sat in his bedroom, lying against the wall, staring at Rachel's wedding ring. He twisted and turned it, unsure what to do with it.

He felt hopeless.

It was his fault Jade was in this mess.

If he hadn't of sent her to the hospital, none of this would've happened.

If he had just listened to her.....

He was sure that she hated his guts and never wanted to see him again.

He grabbed the bottle of whiskey beside him and took a large gulp out of it. He set it down beside him again and images of Jades dead body crossed his mind.


I can't think like that.

She's not dead.

He took another large swig of the bottle and continued to drown it.

He continued to drink from the bottle until he couldn't anymore and put it down, pissed out of his tree.

He looked down at his ring finger and played around with his ring. He looked up at the ceiling, the tears about to fall.

He banged his head against the wall and broke down. He had nothing left. His wife left him, his daughter was gone. He most likely didn't have his job after what he did. He had nothing.

Robertson pulled himself together and tried to get up but failed miserably. He glanced at the bottle and he was now seeing double.

Maybe if I drank myself death this all will go away.

But the thought of trying to stomach it made his insides twist into knots.

Robertson breathed heavily and forced himself to get up, using his nightstand as his support. He staggered left and right, gripping the edge of the bed.

He sat down on the bed and picked up the photo of him, Jade and Rachel. He smiled to himself, remembering the day. It was her sixteenth birthday and they went to a Westlife concert. Her favourite band.

As the memory's came flooding back the more the tears were about to fall. He set the photo down and breathed deeply.

He wasn't going to give up until his dying breath.

He won't stop even when his lungs and legs give out.

He wasn't going to give up on Jade.

Once he slept off his drink, he'd head out and start on a new lead, and hopefully get somewhere to finding Jade.

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