Chapter Nine

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Earlier the next morning, Hannah woke Jade up at eight o'clock sharp.

Jade was escorted to the showers and she painfully had a quick one, wincing every time water slipped through her bandages, burning her wounds.

She put on her fresh clothes and brushed her tangled hair, and plaited it.

Hannah brought her back to her room and served her breakfast which was two pieces of toast and an egg with water.

Jade slowly ate her breakfast as Hannah watched her like a hawk.

Hannah had to make sure that Jade ate every bit of it, Incase she decided to starve herself.

She desperately wanted to show Hannah her wounds but, Cheverstons warning kept replaying in her head.

Hannah left the room with the empty tray, leaving Jade to her thoughts.

Cheverston entered, smug as ever. He sat in the chair opposite her bed and sipped his cup of tea.

"You're parents are visiting you today."

Jade looked up at him and her heart leapt from her chest. She didn't want her parents to visit her. After all, it was their fault that she was here in the first place.

"I don't want to see them." She replied quietly.

Cheverston placed down his empty cup on the nightstand. "Well isn't that a shame."

He looked at her. "Because you have no choice on wether you want to see them or not."

Jade glared at him. "You can't force me."

His lips twitched into a twisted smile. "You really wanna try me, sweetie?"

She cringed at the nickname. If she saw her parents, she would get away from Cheverston for a while.

"Fine," she picked at her broken nail. "When are they coming?"

Cheverston stood up and opened the door. "They're already here."

Cheverston hung back while Jade stepped foot into a room where multiple tables and chairs were nestled around the room.

Many patients were sitting down with their loved ones and friends, happily chatting to one another.

Across the room, Jade spotted her parents. Her mother, Rachel, who had fair hair and sea-green eyes. She didn't look so good.

Sat next to her was her father, Ryan. His brunette hair was sticking up all over the place, his face no longer looking refreshed and young.

She timidly walked towards them and slid herself down into one of the chairs.

Rachel placed her hands on Jades, a smile on her face. "It's good to see you, Jade."

Jade pulled her hands away, setting them in her lap. She avoided their eye, patiently waiting for them to get sick of her and leave.

Robertson cracked a smile. "How are you?"

Jade narrowed her slits and gave him a cold look. "You really want to know how I am?"

"I'm stuck in this hell hole and you're the reason I'm here." She sneered.

Robertson's heart sank in his chest. He could feel tears in his eyes. Last time he cried was at his own fathers funeral. And now that Jade was blaming him, he couldn't help but blame himself.

"I'm sorry," he looked up at her as she glared at him. "I'm doing this because it's what's best for you."

"You mean what's best for you." She snapped.

"Is there someone not treating you right?" He asked. "Dr Ronald can't be that bad."

Jade clenched her hands into fists. "Even if I did tell you what was going on, you wouldn't believe me because I'm paranoid, remember?"

Robertson ran a tired hand over his face. "Jade, Cheverston is still on the run and there hasn't been any sighting of him. He's most likely left the country."

"You wouldn't know where he is, even it hit you in the face."

Jade focused her gaze on both of them. "Now don't ever visit me again, I don't want to see you both ever again."

Rachel stifled a sob. "Please, Jade," she grabbed her hands and held them firmly. "We only want you to get better."

Jade snatched her hands away and stood up, glaring at them both. "Piss off."

Robertson and Rachel's mouths were ajar as Jade left the room. She'd never been daring enough to ever tell them such a thing.

Until now.

She passed Cheverston who had a broad smirk plastered on his lips. He enjoyed tearing her family apart and he had more in-store.

She went to her usual meetings with the group, listening to everyone's problems, discussing them and helping everyone.

Jade thought it was a loud of bullshit.

Cheverston wasn't helping her prissy mood. He kept on taunting, along with teasing her.

"I've some good news," he said with a twisted smile. "We are leaving in three days."

Jade looked up from her empty tea cup and stared hard at Cheverston. She knew Cheverston planned on getting her out and killing her along with her father but she didn't think it would be so soon.

"So enjoy your last few days here," he placed his empty mug on the nightstand. "While it lasts."

"And where exactly are you taking me?"

Cheverston smiled. "My new partner is getting us a nice cosy place, far away from here."

"N-new partner?" Jade asked, her throat rather dry now.

Cheverston smirked and laced his fingers together. "Oh yes, a new partner," he took a swig from his mug. "Don't worry, you'll get to meet her once we get out of here."

"And if you thought McGee was bad," he chuckled darkly. "Well, you haven't seen anything yet."

Cheverston took both empty mugs with him and left Jade to process this new information.

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of him having a new partner. That meant double the trouble.

If this woman was as bad as Cheverston had said, Jade would need to format a plan to escape Cheverston before they arrived at this new cosy place.

She smiled to herself. In three days she would be getting out of the hospital. And she would finally be free.

Jade lay in bed all night, thinking of different ways to kill or escape Cheverston once and for all.

Author's Note:
I'm so sorry for not updating at all. As most of you know by now I'm a seriously slow person at updating. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I've already started on chapter ten :)

Also I'd like to deeply apologize for letting The Girl With Tattoos die.

I haven't updated that book in ages and well it won't make a difference if I do because I let it die and I'm sorry for those who actually enjoyed it. One day I will finish it and I will publish it, but for now, it's pretty much a goner and I'm sorry for letting it go like that.

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