Chapter Fifteen

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Jade awoke as the black Mercedes went over a large pothole.

She glanced down at her ankle to find it swollen. She was pretty sure it was broken considering the pain she was in.

She let out a groan, slowly pushing herself upright. She looked in the rear view mirror at Cheverston who had his gaze focused on the dirt road ahead of him.

She twisted her head towards the window to find herself passing through multiple trees.

They were clearly in a forest.

This is it. She thought miserably, a tear rolling down her cheek. I'm a goner.

The road grew worse with the potholes and at the pace Cheverston was going, she was all over the place, hitting her broken ankle off everything.

She held onto the door for dear life and tried to open it but failed.

Child lock.

Cheverston glanced in the rear view mirror at her, narrowing his slits. "Don't try anything stupid because you're already in deep shit."

Jade hoped they'd never get to the cabin. She hoped they'd run out of fuel or Cheverston got lost and would eventually loose the plot and shoot her.

She thought of her parents. She thought about their last meeting. How she was awful to them. A part of her was still angry at them for forcing her into the hospital.

But the other part missed them deeply.

She knew nobody was coming for her this time. And that's what hurt the most.

Cheverston has everything figured out. She glared at him in the rear view mirror. Faked both our deaths, made it look like an accident and I was one of the unfortunate ones to escape. My parents will truly believe I'm dead and I'll never have freedom again.

Unfortunately for Jade, the car came to a stop and Cheverston switched off the engine, stepping out of the car.

He swung open the back door and grabbed her roughly around the arms, tossing her to the floor.

She landed with a heavy thud and let out a sob as her ankle hit the floor.

He kicked her in the stomach, winding her. "Get up."

"I-I can't," she gasped for air. "You broke my a-ankle."

Cheverston let out a frustrated sigh. "You'll have more than a broken ankle in a minute if you don't get up."

Jade bite down on her lip as she struggled to get to her feet.

Or in her case foot.


Jade swallowed a sob and glared at him through the tears in her eyes. "Do you not understand the term, broken fucking ankle!"

Within a blink of an eye, Chevertson slammed her against the car and she screamed as loud as she could, hoping someone would hear her.

Cheverston was full of rage. His face was as red as his hair. He curled his fingers into her shirt and kicked her in her broken ankle. She bawled loudly, breathing heavily.

Cheverston jammed the muzzle of his gun into her stomach, hissing at her. "You're going to walk to that cabin, broken ankle or not, and if you don't start cooperating I'll make you wish you were never born."

He pressed the gun harder into her gut. "Got it?"

Jade bit down on her tongue to stop herself from insulting him. She breathed heavily but gave a slight nod of her head.

Cheverston grabbed her and shoved her forward. She landed agonizingly on her foot. She stopped herself from bellowing and slowly but excruciatingly, made her way towards the cabin.

She limped briefly and was on the verge of tears as she reached the front porch. She hopped on one foot up the steps and waited for Cheverston to make the next move.

Cheverston shoved past her, stuffing his hand in his back pocket. He withdrew a set of keys and unlocked the door, thrusting it open.

Jade met his eye and he stared right through her. She hobbled in, Cheverston hot on her heels.

She surveyed the hallway, looking for an possible escape route, which was useless at this point hence her ankle.

Cheverston slipped past her, switching on all the lights. It would've been a cosy cabin, a romantic getaway for two, but under these circumstances it felt more like a prison.

The house structure was all wood, which in Jades opinion was great. She could easily burn it to the ground.

Cheverston shuffled around the kitchen, banging cabinets, knocking everything that stood in his way.

Jade hopped around the hallway, using the wall for support, scrutinizing the joint. Nothing took to her fancy. There was a living room with a flat screen tv, a stone fireplace and a large U couch with a coffee table in front.

There was an upstairs, most likely the bedrooms and a bathroom.

Jade studied the mysterious door through the kitchen, a knot forming in her stomach.

The basement.

A cold shiver ran throughout her body, the pain increasing in her ankle. It was the size of a ballon and it didn't look like it was going to get better any time soon.

Cheverston grabbed her by the arm, forcing her to limp along with him. He unlocked the door she dreaded and kicked it open with his boot.

All she saw was a deep empty void.

Looked like her soul.

The song 'Hello Darkness my old friend' began to play in her head. Seemed quite convenient, considering the circumstances.

It's ironic what you can think of when you're on the brink of death.

Chevertson growled, his patience on thin ice. He rammed into her and she went flying down a set of stone steps.

She walloped her head and lost consciousness for a few seconds. She sobbed, her body aching. She was surprised she didn't break her neck on the way down.

Heavy steps trotted down the stairs, a light flickering on, blinding her.

"Shit," Chevertson mumbled. He grabbed her by the head forced her head down, pressing down hard on her large cut.

Chevertson stomped on her ankle, his blood boiling. "Now I have to give you stitches, stupid bitch."

Jade breathed heavily, the tears now dropping like rain. "Well I'm not the one who threw me down the fucking stairs in the first place!"

Cheverston crushed her ankle and she yelped. He grabbed her ankle roughly and put it back in place. He grabbed his first-aid kit and wrapped her ankle up, throwing a bag of frozen peas on top of it.

Chevertson stitched up her head as she wept silently, her vision blurry from both tears and blood loss.

He picked her up bridal style, walked to the other end of the room, tossed her onto the queen mattress and gathered up his bits up bobs.

He flicked off the light switch, going upstairs, leaving her alone with her miserable thoughts.

Jade sniffed and made herself as comfortably as possible. As she lay on her side, across the room, she saw a pair of eyes staring back at her.

Boring as hell, I know sorry. It gets better. Trying not to rush it like I rushed The Doctor, I want to build up some excitement.

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