Chapter Twenty-One

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Robertson awoke with a banging headache. He sat upright, feeling sick. He squeezed his eyes shut a couple of times, looking around himself.

A half empty bottle of whiskey stood on his nightstand. He swung his legs over his bed and could already feel the bile rising in his oesophagus.

He made a run for the bathroom and vomited a couple of times. He hasn't gotten sick like this for many years.

He really did do the dog on it last night.

After making sure he was in the all clear, he wiped his mouth with some toilet roll and flushed the toilet. He felt better after vomiting.

He took a quick shower, dried off, got dressed and put on his bulletproof vest. He stored his gun in his waistband and grabbed his shotgun from under the bed.

He lifted up one of the floorboards and grabbed his ammunition and grenades.

He wasn't going to bring Cheverston to justice by doing it the legal way. No, not again.

He was going to do his way.

He was going to make sure Darren Cheverston never saw light again.

Robertson sat in his black Audi that was parked outside of a petrol station. He grabbed the files in the passenger seat, opening up all the hospital staff case files.

Dr. James, head of the hospital, looked to much of a worthless prick to be any part of it from what Robertson read.

He moved onto Ella Quinn's file and found nothing interesting. She graduated college at twenty-three and moved on to work as a psychiatrist and is now happily married.

Robertson looked at her address on the top right of the page.

10 Downing Street.

Robertson closed the file and left it on his lap. He'd pay her a visit later.

He grabbed Hannah's file and skimmed through it. She was a drug addict at the age of fifteen, then was an alcoholic at nineteen. She's been clean for six years on both alcohol and drugs.

Robertson remembered when he used to be an alcoholic. When his mother died of breast cancer, and his father died a week later in a car crash, and his brother being murdered, he went to drink.

It was the only thing that let him forget everything, all of his problems and fears. After a while he got the help he needed and got on the force. He met Rachel, married her and had Jade.

And now, he felt like he did when his family died.


He took a look at her address and it was only a five minute drive from the petrol station. He set both case files on the dash board and put the car into gear, getting on the road and slammed his foot down on the accelerator.

Jade awoke with a headache. She groaned, lifting her head up every so slightly.

She was in a bedroom, lying on a bed. She got the sleep out of her eyes as she scrutinised the place. Pictures of nature draped on the yellow walls, a plywood floor below her, two nightstands nestled on either side of the bed, and with an attached bathroom just across from her.

She slowly got up, wincing. She sat at the edge of the bed, rubbing her temple. Was her mother being here all a dream?

Speaking of the devil, the door swung open to reveal Rachel with plate of food and a steaming hot cup of tea.

Jade heart sank.

It wasn't a dream.

It was real.

She still couldn't wrap her around the fact her mother loved Cheverston and that she betrayed her.

Rachel set the plate down beside Jade and placed the tea on the nightstand. Jade didn't make eye contact, nor did she say anything.

Rachel tucked a strand of her strawberry blonde hair behind Jades ear and she smacked her hand away.

Rachel sighed. "Don't be like that Jade, after all, I'm your mother."

Jade gave her hateful eyes. "My mother?" Jade got up shakily but stood her ground. "MY MOTHER?" She screamed.

Jade gripped her by the throat and choke slammed her into the wall as Rachel struggled. "If you were my mother you wouldn't put me through this, a mother is meant to love her daughter, keep her out of harms way."

Jade snarled at her. "You're nothing to me."

Rachel clawed at her hand but Jade tightened her grip around her throat, Rachel's wind pipe narrowing.

"You may as well be dead," Jade spat in her face. "Because you mean fucking nothing."

Rachel tried calling out for Cheverston but a choking noise is all that came from her.

Jade tightened the pressure around Rachel's throat and she began to choke.

Cheverston swung the door open, wondering where Rachel was gone. His eyes widened at the scene and he lunged for Jade.

Jade punched Rachel before Chevertson grabbed her and pinned her to the bed.

Jade struggled under his weight and tried to break free. "GET OFF ME!"

Cheverston over powered her and pinned her down with his hands and kneeled on her chest.

Jade struggled to breath as she continued to fight him. Rachel was sprawled on the floor, clutching her eye and nose.

Cheverston looked behind him and scowled at Jade, head butting her and digging his kneecap into her rib cage.

Jade yowled and Cheverston got off her, to check on Rachel.

Jade sat upright, her world spinning. She saw a double Chevertson helping a double injured Rachel.

She went to get up but miserably fell to the floor. Cheverston had a head like steel, and, well, Jade couldn't say the same for herself.

Rachel gave Jade a kick to the ribs and Jade groaned. Cheverston glared down at her and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and slammed her against the wall.

"Just like your stupid father," he spat. "Insufferable."

"My father is a good man," Jade wheezed. "You on the other hand," she looked him up and down with distaste and spat at him.

The last thing she remembered was Cheverston slamming her head against the nightstand.

Probably should've told you all this ages but......

If you didn't know how to pronounce Cheverston's name well it's pronounced Chev-Er-Stun

Chev for Cheever's cheese.

Er for errror

And stun for well uhh yeah you get the idea lol.

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