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One month later

They weren't charged with man slaughter because it was seen as self defence.

Robertson and Jade sat in the hospital waiting area. Jades leg was bouncing up and down and she was biting her inner lip due to nervousness.

They were getting a DNA test done to see if Rachel really was telling the truth or not, and today they were getting the results.

"Hey," Robertson nudged her with his elbow. She looked over at him. "No matter what the result is, you'll always be my daughter, by blood or not."

Jade smiled. "You'll always be my dad no matter what."

She hugged him. Dr Jefferson called their names. "Could Mr Ryan and Jade Robertson please come with me?"

They both followed him into his office and they both sat down. "I'm sorry to say that your DNA test came back negative, Darren Cheverston really is your father, Jade."

Jade was disappointed.

Nothing would change between Jade and Robertson but she was really hoping that Rachel had been lying this whole time.

"Are you alright, Jade?"

Jade looked up from the floor. "Yeah, I was just hoping for a different result is all."

Dr Jefferson smiled at her sadly. Robertson smiled at her. "Still doesn't change a thing."

They both walked out of the hospital, heading towards the car. "Well then, since we haven't done anything together in forever, why don't we go that diner place you love and go see a movie?"

Jade smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah, that'd be cool."

They both got in the car and drove off into the city.

Five years later
Jade was now twenty-four and it was her graduation of becoming an official FBI agent.

She was to be stationed in the same department as Robertson.

Which she found a little strange since it was very rare to stationed in your home town.

But she knew that Robertson put in a request, even though he wouldn't admit it and she was over the moon.

They were at home, celebrating with a family dinner and champagne.

Robertson had remarried to a woman named Marilyn. She was a kind, caring woman and Jade was proud to call her, her mother.

They got married two years ago and Jade was the maid of honour. She now has a half sibling, Ben, who is down to earth.

Jades just disappointed that Robertson didn't meet her before Rachel.

Because it would've made life a lot easier.

Robertson swallowed his large mouthful of potatoes and raised his glass to a toast.

"Jade, we've been through thick and thin, with everything that has happened in the past and I just want you to know, I'm proud of you."

He could feel himself tearing up but he refused to cry.

Jades eyes brimmed with tears and they all raised their glasses. Yelling "To jade!"

The night was still young and full of celebrations, including Robertson's dad jokes.

Two years later
It was finally Jades big day.

She met her husband-to-be when she was out partying one night and she elbowed him in the nose by accident and broke it.

Noah, at the time didn't give a crap that his nose had just been broken, he was just happy to be staring at a beautiful woman who is now going to be his wife.

Strange how love works sometimes.

They were dating for a year until Noah decided to put the ring on it and Jade, being Jade, she gave him a black since he snuck up on her and surprised her.

She has her PTSD under control but sometimes she can get a little out of hand.

But that just makes Noah love her even more.

Weird, right?

Jade began to daydream in the car for when she overheard Robertson and Ben giving Noah the 'talk'.

"If you break my sisters heart," Ben warned him. "And I'll break every bone in your body, understand?"

"If you ever harm, disrespect, use or even look at my daughter in a way that I don't like, I will kill you, got it?" Robertson smiled at him.

Noah was certain he had shit his pants.

"Y-y-yes sirs."

Robertson clapped him on the back. "Good, I'm glad we have an understanding."

Jade was brought down to earth when Robertson opened the door for her. She took his arm and they stood outside the church.

"You look beautiful." He said.

Jade smiled and stared at the closed doors that would open any moment. "Thanks," she looked at him. "You scrub up nicely yourself."

Robertson chuckled. "Ready?"

Jade took a deep breath. "Ready."

They did their handshake they made up a while back and the double oak doors opened to music and gasps.

Noah's jaw was dropped in awe and tears brimmed in his eyes, because he couldn't believe that a beautiful woman like Jade was marrying him.

They walked forward and Jade had the brightest smile on her face.

The Robertson's finally got their happy ending.

"Dad," Jade whispered half way down the isle. "Try not to kill this one, I really like him."

Robertson laughed. "I'll think about it."

Jade gave him a look.

Robertson grinned. "I'm joking,"


Authors note:
And that folks is sadly the end of The Sadistic.

It's been amazing writing this and I cannot thank you all enough!

This is my second book that I have successfully completed so woohoo.

I'll also be editing both books in the future but right now I'm a lazy ass so won't be happening any time soon. More chapters will be added to the doctor, story won't change, I'll just be adding in more scenes to make the book longer and make a hell lot more sense.

Also the horror doesn't end here guys. I'm working on a new book called The Trickster, I'll let you guys know when I'm going to publish.

I'll also be making a prequel for this so stay tuned :)

Also want me to make a part of all the ways this could of possibly ended? Because a THERES a lot

Also since you get sick of everything after a while, I was thinking of learning on how to do graphics and once I'm good at it I could open my own cover shop and do writing as well.

What do you guys think?

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