Chapter Thirty

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Back at the station, the place was a mad house. Detective West was fit to break every phone in the station due to them ringing non stop.

Most of the calls were about the explosion that occurred in the forest yesterday afternoon with an abandoned Audi near the scene.

West was now over the station, due to Robertson's absence. West stared at the wall, in deep thought.

A knock on the office door brought him back to earth as one of his colleagues popped her head in the door.

"Any update on where the hell Robertson is?" West inquired before she could speak. "Because if that bastard doesn't show up tomorrow morning I will personally go find and kick his ass."

The officer gave him a reluctant look. "Sorry sir, but there has been no updates on Detective Robertson or his whereabouts. He was last seen storming out of his office with weapons a few days ago."

Detective West began muttering curses underneath his breath. "Tried calling his wife?"

"No one has seen nor heard of her for days, sir."

"What about the girl?"

"Still missing, sir."


He looked up at her and snarled. "Have you a good reason for disturbing me?"

West was in a highly bad mood. Ever since Robertson went A-wall he had to take matters into his own hands of keeping the station under control, and it wasn't easy.

"Paperwork, sir."

She dropped the stack of paperwork on the desk and left the room. West threw himself into the spinning chair and sank deeply into it whilst sighing.

He stared at the photo on Robertson's desk at him and his daughter. West picked it up, inspecting it further.

"You better show up soon Robertson." West mumbled, setting down the photo. He stared at the paperwork and decided to get on with it.

Jade searched through the dark miserable house, gun raised, ready to fire at anything that moved in the shadows.

In the corridor next to the guest bedroom was Rachel's suitcase, knocked over. Fresh blood stained the floorboards next to a overturned table with a broken picture frame.

Jade followed the blood trail with her eyes to find that it led all the way upstairs. She slowly crept up the stairs, the floorboards creaking under her weight.

Once at the top of the stairs, she switched on her flashlight and proceeded to follow the droplets of blood.

The blood led towards the master bedroom closed door. Jades heart rate picked up its pace. She swallowed the lump in her throat, placing her hand on the door knob and swung it open.

Jade shone her torch down on the floorboards, and the trail of blood led towards a closed closet.

Her heart pounding, she switched off the flashlight, pocketed it and slowly stepped into the room, her hands slightly shaking.

She was now standing in front of the closet, her heart in her throat, cold sweat beading her forehead, the sound of her own heart rate pounding in her ears like a drum.

With a shaky outstretched hand, she reached for the doorknob and flung it open.

Rachel flew out of the closet, screaming, clawing at Jade with her razor sharp nails. Jade screamed and was caught off guard.

The gun in her hand dropped from Rachel's full force and it spun away into the depths of underneath the bed.

Rachel gripped Jade by her hair and began yanking at it. Jade screamed, her ribs and scalp aching.

Jade spat at her and got her saliva in the centre of her eye. Rachel bellowed in disgust and Jade took this as her opportunity and struck her with a violent uppercut.

Rachel already had an injury to the head and this certainly didn't help. A dazed Rachel fell backwards, the sweet metallic taste of blood swimming in her mouth.

Doing her best to not injure her ribs further or puncture her lung, Jade crawled rapidly for the bed, breathing heavily.

Rachel spat blood on the floor. She looked up and stared at Jade and it took her a moment to register on what was going on.

Jade crawled underneath the bed, her outstretched hand a fingertip away from the gun. Just as her fingertip brushed over the muzzle of the gun, Rachel grabbed Jade by her ankle and yanked her towards her.

Jade screamed and flipped over onto her back and kicked out like a mad woman with her legs. Rachel went for a punch but was winded during the process from Jades kick to the stomach.

Jade crawled underneath the bed, grabbing the gun and crawled back out. Both women got up, heaving in large amounts of oxygen.

Before Jade had time to aim the gun at Rachel, she tackled her out of the room, into the corridor. Jade grunted, her back hitting the wall.

They fought viscously down the corridor, coming towards the top of the stairs. Rachel now had the gun and before she could do anything, Jade tackled her down the staircase.

Meanwhile, Robertson and Cheverston were fighting throughout the house. One minute they were in the living throwing punches, next they were in the kitchen rugby tackling each other.

Cheverston had Robertson pinned to the floor. Robertson grunted under his body weight. Cheverston reached out for the kitchen knife block. Robertson used his elbows and sent them crashing down hard of Cheverston's back.

Cheverston growled and Robertson managed to kick him off. Both men staggered to their feet. They stared at each other, catching their breath.

Robertson lunged for Cheverston and they crashed through the wooden wall, into the corridor.

Fists were passed between the two, along with a few low blows. Cheverston was growing tired rather rapidly and Robertson was hanging on by a thin string.

Cheverston landed a hard knock to Robertson's head, dazing him. Robertson groaned and stabbed his hidden knife into Cheverston's thigh.

Cheverston yelled in agony, falling backwards into a bookcase, knocking it over with him. Cheverston painfully took out the knife, hissing through his teeth.

Robertson was slowly getting to his feet and Cheverston kicked him aside, and limped heavily towards the front door.

Robertson made sure to recover fully this time before getting up. He limped after Cheverston and was too late.

He had already hot wired his own car and was now speeding off into the darkness of the night.

"Not this time, Darren."

Robertson quickly made his way to a black Toyota Corolla. He hotwired it and began the man hunt for Cheverston.

Authors Note:
Short as hell I'm so so so so sorry for not updating for more than a month. Everything is hectic with the corona virus. I now have to do online school which is even more stressful and hope and wish you are all safe and sound and stay that way. My country may turn into the next Italy but I just hope you all are ok. Also since I have more down time I'll try to update more. We're also sadly getting to the end of The Sadistic.

Just thought I'd share this: "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

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