Chapter Eleven

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Jade had stayed up all night, formulating a plan to overpower Cheverston and escape.

She still hadn't figured out on where she would go once she was free. She knew if she went back to her parents, they'd send her back to the hospital.

She thought about running away, starting a new life..... a new identity. She'd dye her hair and maybe even get coloured contact lenses so she'd be unrecognisable.

But she knew if she did a runner, her father would easily find her or worse, Cheverston.

She smiled at the thought of being free. For over a year she felt isolated and in danger.

Nathan had broken it off with her after she was rescued. He said she wasn't in the right head space for a relationship- but he wasn't wrong.

A shiver went down her spine as the thought of her father finding out about what she did to McGee.

She knew he would react badly, but do his best to keep her out of prison. Even though she made the scene look like self-defence, she doubted she'd get off with a slap on the wrist.

At approximately eight am, Hannah infiltrated the room with a large metal tray.

She set it down on Jades nightstand and handed her the plate of pancakes and a steaming hot cup of coffee.

Jade furrowed her brows. She usually got eggs and toast- which at this stage, she was sick of.

"Dr Ronald gave in a special request for you to have pancakes and coffee this morning," Hannah explained to a perplexed Jade. "He must really taken a liken to you."

Jade suppressed a laugh.

Jade knew well that Cheverston loathed her.

Jade ate her pancakes and sipped a small bit of the coffee. She glanced at Hannah who was tapping away on her phone.

Jades master plan was to steal Hannah's card, escape her room, set off the fire alarm and escape with ease.

Jade dropped her mug of coffee, shards of glass going everywhere along with a pool of coffee.

Hannah gasped loudly and scowled at Jade for being so careless. She left the room and came back with cleaning supplies.

She crouched down into a squat, picking up the shattered mug. Jade squatted down as well and slipped her hand into Hannah's white lab-coat-like pocket and stuffed her card up her sleeve.

"Don't bother," Hannah hissed as she went to pick up a piece of the mug. "I don't need you making a bigger mess."

Jade got up, turning her back to the camera and glimpsed at the card, a smirk spreading across her face.

Now she just needed to find a place to hide it.

After Hannah cleaned up her mess, Cheverston set foot in the room, humming to himself.

"Psycho." Jade muttered.

Cheverston pulled a chair to the side of Jade's bed, where she sat and leaned back smugly in his seat.

"Enjoy the pancakes and coffee?" He questioned. "I thought you could do with a change, considering you get toast and eggs every other day."

Jade didn't reply.

Cheverston sighed happily. "In two days we will be going to this cosy cabin," he smirked. "And that's where the fun will all begin."

Jade said nothing, hiding her smile. If only he knew she wouldn't be going with him.

Cheverston narrowed his slits suspiciously. "Why are you quiet? You're usually chatty. Cat got your tongue?"

Jade glared at him. "No one plans a murder out loud."

Cheverston grinned. "Indeed they don't, but just so you know," he leaned forward in his seat. "You're not going to be able to kill me like you killed McGee, sweetheart."

Jade laughed. "I have much worse in store for you."

Cheverston chuckled. "I cannot wait to get to this cabin, we're going to have a blast."

Jade narrowed her eyes at him. The word 'blast' seemed a little odd to her. Was he planning on bombing the place with her in it?

He chuckled darkly to himself. "I cannot wait to see your face when you see my new partner."

"And I cannot wait to see your face on a spike." She snapped.

Cheverston gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Is that a threat, sweetie?"

Jade swallowed hard. But kept her ground. "I don't know, you tell me, sweetie."

Cheverston's lip curled. "Do you really want me to teach you another lesson, darling?"

Fear flashed across Jades face. She couldn't go through the agonising torture again. And he said he'd do much worse next time she disrespected or disobeyed him.

Cheverston smirked. "Thought so."

She ripped her chin from his gasp. She hated how he had so much power over her.

It's a good thing she read Divergent, because all they have here are butter knives.

Cheverston lightly traced his lips over Jades skin to her disgust. But she knew if she did anything, he'd punish her and she was still healing from the last one.

"You know," he cupped her cheek. "I might reconsider killing you," he brushed a loose strand of her out of her face. "It's just, your so beautiful, why let it go to waste."

"We'll obviously have to improve your attitude," he leaned back in his seat, thinking deeply. "Yes......But we'll get there."

A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of it. Living with Cheverston for the rest of her.....

She'd rather be six foot under.

Cheverston checked his watch and let out sad sigh. "I'm afraid our time is up, the camera will be coming off its loop any moment now."

Thank god. Jade thought.

Cheverston planted a kiss of her forehead before leaving.

She wiped his germs off her forehead and kicked the chair aside in anger.

She couldn't wait for the next two days to pass.

For the rest of the day, she imagined herself stabbing Cheverston repeatedly with a butter knife.

Again terribly sorry for not updating. And the reason why I'm going slow with this is because I don't want it to be rushed like The Doctor and I want to build up some excitement and also have up to 40 chapters by the time I'm finished :)

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