Chapter 1

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[Sam's POV]

"Ok class, I've got an important meeting to attend to so this'll be a free period. Don't break the classroom please." Mr. Elihja our social study teacher said jokingly as he ran out of the class room.

Jake Webber, my best friend slid a chair near my desk and sat down. "Hey Jake." I said as we high five and fist bump. "What's up ?" He asked. "Nothing much honestly. I-" I was cut off by a loud bang.

"What the hell?" I asked as I turned around to see where the source of sound came from. "Hey fag!" Julian, the schools bully said as he slammed his hand on a desk. I looked behind him and noticed it was this Colby guy.

"W-What do you want J-Julian?" He whimpered as he shrunk into his seat. "Fuckin' whimp." Julian said as he rose his now clenched fist that was soon to come in contact with small brunette's face. I quickly stood up, my chair screeching against the tiled floor and ran towards them. As he was about to hit, I caught Julian's arm and turned him around harshly.

"Don't touch him." I growled as I let go of his wrist. "And what are you gonna do about it?" He said as he stood up tall. "Nothing unless necessary. Just don't touch him." I repeated. "He's mine. I can do anything to him." Julian said. "Do you have papers proving that he's claimed by you?" I said as I glanced back at the scared brunette and back to Julian.

"Don't. Act smart with me." He said through gritted teeth as he grabbed a fistful of my shirt. Suddenly, the principal came in, breaking us apart. "You three. My office." She said as she pointed to the door with her thumb. Julian scoffed and walked out, me and Colby following behind.

We walked in and sat in the three chairs. Colby in the middle, whilst Julian and I on either side of him. "Colby, what happened exactly? Colby answers." She said as she entered the office and leaned against her desk. "Umm, I was sitting a-at my desk, w-when suddenly.." he trails off. "When what Colby?" She pressured. "When S-Sam walked over t-to me and n-nearly p-punched me." He said while wiping a few tears.

My mouth dropped in disbelief when these words left his mouth. "Is that right Julian?" She asked him. "Yes ma'am. When I saw what was happening, I tried to stop it." He said. I was at a loss of words. "I'm very disappointed Samuel. Detention after school tomorrow. You're excused." She said sternly.

Lunch Time

"So what happened basically?" Jake asked as I shut my locker and walked through the halls. "He accused be of bullying him is basically what 'happened'. I got detention for sticking up for the dumb kid." I said angered. "That's messed up, dude." He said as he shook his head.

"Mom's kill me." I groaned. "Just tell her the truth dude. Explain what actually happened." He suggested. "Oh that's great advice Jake! Thank you soo much." I said sarcastically. He just laughed and said "You know what I mean dude." "I do but that ain't gonna get me out of detention. I just don't get it." I said as I grabbed a tray for Jake and I.

"Would you like me to get detention too? I can keep you company." He offered. He would do it. No kidding. "Haha thanks man, but you've been in enough detentions. Let's keep you innocent for once." I refused. I laughed when he punched me playfully in the shoulder.

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