Chapter 4

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(Sam's POV)

  I sat at Jake and I's usual table, this time alone since Jake called in sick. Colby was supposed to join but he didn't show up yet. As I was about to go look for him, I saw him walking towards me, his hood up covering his face. "Hey, where were you?" I asked sounding slightly mad. "Uhhh I had to... d-do something." I looked at him skeptically and said "Colby, put down your hood."

"W-why?" He said as he backed away when I tried to remove it. "Cause I want to see your pretty face. Now remove it." I said as I put out my hand to put it down. He dodged my hand and caught my wrist putting it down slowly. He sighed and removed the hood of his head, his black eye showing. I sighed and walked over to him giving him a hug as he teared up.

"Come on the bell is about to ring. What do you have now?" I asked. "History. You?" He asked. "History as well. Let's go." I said as I pulled him by his wrist.

In Class:

"Okay class, today I'll be assigning partners for a project you'll be working on. The timeline his due next week." Mr. Elijah said as straightened his papers. He assigned the partners and thankfully I was paired with Colby. "You all can take the last few minutes to group together and discuss what you'll be working on." Mr. Elijah said again as he sat down and drank his now cold coffee, scrunching at the taste.

I walked over to Colby and grabbed a chair, sitting down near him. "My parents are leaving on a business trip tomorrow morning for two or so weeks, therefore we can work on the project at my house. Is that alright?" I said softly. "S-sure." He said before smiling slightly. He has such a cute smile.

// Next Day //
{At Sam's House}

"Hey Colby!" I said cheerfully as I opened the door of him. "H-Hey Sam." He smiled and blushed lightly. I moved aside for him to come in, and we walked upstairs into my room to work on the project. We sat on my bed as I grabbed a few papers and pens, grabbing my phone as well to research.

Time Skip:

I noticed Colby staring at me like he's zoned out. "Colby?" I asked as I snapped my fingers in front of him. "Colby?" I asked again. Suddenly, he leaned in joining our lips together. I hesitated at first but kissed him back after. The kiss got slightly heated, as I pushed him backwards on the bed, him now laying down. I straddled him, still keeping our lips joined as they moved in sync.

Suddenly I realized what I was doing and quickly pulled away, and getting off of him. He looked at me confused and worried as he asked "W-what's w-wrong?", his eyes glossing. He got off the bed slowly and reached out to grab my hand. "Don't touch me!" I screeched as I shuffled backwards. Hurt filled in his eyes, as tears fell down his face and he ran out crying.

I know this is short, but hopefully the next'll be longer.
( 530 words )

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