Chapter 6

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[Colby's POV]

"Morning Colbs!" Sam said cheerfully as he hopped onto the bus. "Morning Sammy!" I said in a close enough tone as his, sending a small smile. "Someone's cheery." I said chuckling lightly.

He just smiled cutely and sat down next to me. I expect to be sent glares and insults about us being together, but I could care less. I love Sam and no one can change that. Although if I'm being honest, I am pretty scared about today.

We hopped off the bus, hand in hand, as we had finally arrived. We were sent a few glares already and I turned to look at Sam. "S-sam. We don't n-need to hold h-hands if you don't l-like it." I said as I removed my hand from his.

"Are you kidding!? Of course I'd want to hold your hand Colbs. I don't give a shit of what anyone thinks. I'm proud of us being together." He said confidently as he reconnected our hands.

"Okay." I said, feeling slightly better. There were ten more minutes until school officially starts so Sam insisted we go sit on the benches.

We walked over and sat down. We chatted for a while before we were interrupted by the one and only Julian as well as his jock friends. "Oh look! First losers now gay boyfriends!" Julian said as they started laughing.

"Leave us alone Julian." Sam said as he stood up from his position on the bench. I held Sam's hand and tried pulling him back down. I don't want him to get hurt. "Will you look at that! The little fag's scared his boyfriend'll get hurt. How cutee!" He said mockingly.

I looked down at the ground, still holding Sam's hand when suddenly he ripped it out and ran towards Julian. He punched Julian right across the face, causing him to stumble back.

"You shit!" Julian growled as he grabbed Sam's shirt. I did the only thing I thought I could. I ran towards them and got in between them, taking the hit. I fell to my knees, holding my face, when suddenly the school bell rung indicating its time.

"Colby!" Sam yelled worriedly as he crouched down beside me, and the others left. "Oh my god, why did you do that Colbs?" He asked worried. "I-I didn't want you to g-get hurt for m-me and that's all I knew to d-do." I said.

He sighed and said "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" I nodded my head and stood up slowly. I grabbed my backpack from the bench and we walked towards the bathroom.

We pushed open the bathroom doors and Sam dragged me towards the sink. He sat me down on the counter, before dipping some paper towels into the water and started patting my bruise and bloody nose. I winced slightly once it made contact and Sam kept apologizing and apologizing.

"Thank you Sam." I said I hopped off the counter but got stopped as I was about to head to the door. "What's-" he caught me off by kissing me passionately and pushing me slightly, my lower back hitting the sink edge. He kissed me a few more times before he broke the kiss. "Thank you for taking the hit today. But never do that again." He said sternly as he glared slightly.

"O-okay." I said shivering under his glare. "Let's get back before we get detention for being too late." He said as he pushed away and I followed out. We had separate classes, so we had to split. I entered Mr. Jenkins's class which was English. He was a very understanding teacher but not as cool as Mr.Elijah.

"Hello Colby. Are you sure you're in the right class?" He said "confusedly". "I apologize sir. I had t-to clean off." I said as I showed him the bruise on my face. "Huuh. How did this happen?" He sighed and said as he awaited one of my many excuses.

"I f-fell down the stairs sir." I lied. "Again?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. He wasn't believing it. I just looked at the ground in shame. "It's alright Colby. Go take a seat. You didn't miss anything too important." He said as he patted my shoulder.

"T-thank you sir." I said before walking to my desk in the corner. I pulled out my copybook and started taking notes, until I realized it was the wrong book. I groaned slightly, for it was too late to change books. I was already in half of the notes written on the board.

I just shrugged it off and continued writing them down. Might as well.

She's alive!😂 Sorry for the late update😅🖤

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