Chapter 2

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[Sam's POV]

  "I see you're still alive, mate." Jake said in an Australian accent. I think. "Yea, she took it well. Mate?" I said unsure as we broke out laughing. We walked through the halls, heading towards Jake's locker. As we passed by, I saw Julian and his friends, picking on Colby and pushing him around again.

He caught my gaze and looked at me pleadingly and scared. "You gonna help him?" Jake asked softly. I sighed and shook my head no, still keeping eye contact with this blue-eyed brunette. "Poor dude." Jake sighed. "I know it's cruel, but I can't get detention again because of him. He's on his own in this one." I said as I continued walking looking back once and seeing Colby get pushed to the ground.

"What's your next class?" Jake asked, snapping me out of my trance. "Umm.. English. You?" I said as I looked at my schedule. "Science with Mr. Berlin." He groaned as he shut his locker and we walked down the same hall since our classes where in the same area.

"Bye dude." I said as we headed towards our different classes. I walked in right on time, before I got a tardy. I walked in and sat at my usual spot, near the wall. It's the best place to be seated in honestly. The teacher put in a slide show about some lesson, which I zoned out to full class. I'm really good at English so I don't worry about grades.

Class had finally finished and it's lunchtime. Jake and I walked out at the exact same time and we did our little handshake. "Yo, a fight broke out between sassy Ava and bitchy Casandra and it was hilarious." Jake said laughing. "Well someone enjoyed science. Who won though?" I whispered the last part. "Sassy Ava." "Obviously. That girl can slap." I said laughing as well.

"Yo go grab me some food. I gotta go to the restroom. I've been holding it for like four hours." I said. "Okay dude, too much information. Some things are better not to be said. This is one of them." He said as he scrunched his nose. I chuckled and shook my head before walking away.

I pushed open the doors to be met with sniffles. I looked around and spotted the cause. Colby was crying in the corner of the bathroom, head on his knees as he hugged himself tightly. I walked into the stall and finished peeing before waking out and washing my hands.

I looked around and saw Colby still sitting there. I felt slightly bad, though I shouldn't. I sighed and walked over to him, crouching down. Might as well confront him about the day before. "Colby?" I said as I put my hand on his arm. He yelped in fear causing me to quickly stand back up. "P-please don't hurt m-me. I'm s-sorry f-for accusing you." He whimpered as he looked up at me and shuffled further into the corner.

"Then why did you? I got detention because of helping your sorry ass. I could have let you get beaten up by him, but instead I helped you and you framed me!" I started yelling slightly.

He started shaking and I could see the fear in his blue eyes grow. "H-he t-threatened me. I-I'm so s-sorry." He said shakingly as he moved his hair out of the way, his bruised eye showing. "When did this happen?" I asked as I crouched back down. "B-before l-lunchtime." He said as he looked down at the ground. "Was that when I.." I trailed off. He nodded his head a tear falling down his face.

I lifted his chin up and whipped away his tears. "I'm sorry I didn't help. I thought you'd frame me again. But that's no excuse." I said. "N-no I deserve all t-this." He said referring to his bruises. "Colby, no one deserves to get beat up. No one deserves to feel pain." I said as I made him look into my eyes. He simply nodded his head.

I sighed and stood back up, before exiting the restrooms.

Second chapter!☺️
( 702 words )

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