Chapter 3

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[Sam's POV]

I sit at my lunch table watching as Julian and his friends surround the poor brunette. They're just talking to him at the moment but if it gets out of hand, I'm stepping up. I see Colby just sitting there taking all the harsh insults, face blank and scared.

I see them grab Colby's arms, and pull him up, taking him outside. That's my cue. I stood up, following them until we reach the back of the school. Suddenly, two pairs of arms grab me and keep me still. I struggle against them and yell "Julian!"

Colby was backed up against the wall while Julian held him there. "Julian don't touch him!" I yelled again as I struggled against them. I stomped on one of their legs, causing a pair of hands let me go. But before I could get to Colby, I was grabbed by the other pair.

Colby said something, when Julian slapped him hard. Tears brimmed Colby's eyes, as he held his cheek in pain.

Julian started hitting and kicking him until Colby started bleeding. "Julian that's enough!!" I yelled as I slipped out of their grasp and ran in front of Colby, putting my arms out protectively.

"Whatever. You're boyfriend can't save you forever." He said to Colby before walking inside.

I crouched by a crying Colby, when suddenly he passed out. I held him up bridal style and walked back home. My home wasn't too far from the school, but I was still forced to take the bus.

I grabbed the spare key from under the mat and unlocked the door. I shut the door with my foot and walked into my room. I gently placed his limp body on my bed and removed his shirt to clean his wounds and bruises. But that's not all I saw. I saw cuts. Recent ones.

I finally finished cleaning him up, and put one of my shirts on him and changed his pants into to some sweats. It was kinda awkward doing it but I'm bi so it doesn't bother me too much and he needed to be comfortable.

I walked back downstairs and sat on couch, watching Full House as I waited for Colby to awake. It's a really good show. I laid into a comfortable position and without notice, fell asleep.

Time Skip:

I woke up suddenly to the sound of a thud upstairs. It came from my room. I looked at the time and it was 1:45 pm, so school will soon be over. I ran upstairs and opened my room door. Colby was laying on the ground and shuffled backwards when he saw me. "Hey, you okay?" I asked softly.

"W-where am I-I?" He asked as he looked around. "In my house. You passed out and I brought you here." I explained. He looked down at his clothes and blushed when he realized I changed them for him. Cute.

"W-why are y-you helping me S-Sam? Why a-are you so n-nice to me?" He asked sadly. "I.. don't know." I said truthfully. Why am I helping him? "Well, that'll change soon enough." He mumbled to himself in which I heard.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked slightly angered. "Y-you'll hate me s-soon enough. Everyone d-does." He said as he wiped away a tear. "Thank y-you for trying to stick up f-for me and t-thank you for bringing me here. But I h-have to go."

"Okay. Hang out with Jake and I tomorrow." I said smiling lightly. "I-I don't want to I-intrude a-and Jake doesn't like m-me much." He said as he fiddled with his fingers. "No, you're sitting with us and that's final." I said sternly. "O-okay." He said shakingly.

Slightly shorter but yea..
( 641 words )

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