Chapter 11

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[Colby's POV]

"Colby. Colby. Colby!" My dad called shaking me awake. "Yes, Yes w-what?" I asked in confusion as I sat up. "Schools out for the full week." He said smiling lightly. My eyes lit up and I quickly said "Why?"

"The roads have been clogged due to the heavy downfall of snow. But I have some bad news." He said a bit sad. "What's w-wrong?" I asked worried. "I won't be here for the full week. The hospital needs me to stay overnight there until the snow dies down because if they need me, I won't be able to reach on time due to snow. I'm so sorry, Colby." He said sympathetically.

"It's a-alright. C-can I stay at Sam's?" I asked my eyes lighting up at the thought. "Would he mind?" Dad asked. "I don't know. I'll ask." I said as I grabbed my phone.

"He said it was alright." I said happily. "Okay that's good. How will you get there?" He asked. "I'll walk. His house is not too far." "Okay, I'll have to be going, that's my ride. I love you son." He said as we heard loud honking and he gave me hug. "I love you too dad." I said before he left.

{At Sam's House}

I knocked on the door as I shivered under the snow. I heard some running footsteps before the door opened and I walked in. "Hi Sammy!" I said cheerfully. "Hey Colbs!" He said in the same tone as we laughed and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Are y-you sure you don't mind me staying here?" I asked in worrisome. "Of course not! I wouldn't want you to be alone anyways. What if someone steals you? Who will I have to cuddle with and give kisses to?" He asked.

"Is that all I am to you. Cuddle and kissing buddy?" I asked tying not to laugh. 'Of course not! Your also my pillow to sleep on. You're very comfortable." He said again causing us to burst out laughing.

"You have a bit of snow in your hair." He said as he ruffled my hair that I kept quite some time working on. "Thank you." I said chuckling before fixing it back again.

"Hey, I have an old friend spending the night here is that alright?" Sam asked as he made us some hot cocoa. "I mean it's your house." I said laughing. "Okay good. She'll be here in a few-" he got cut off by someone knocking on the door. "-minutes." He continued.

He opened the door, and in came a beautiful girl, our age, with blue hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a black crop top, clearly showing a lot of skin, and black pants as well as a colorful jacket. Isn't it too cold for that?

"Hey Sammy!" She yelled as she hugged him tightly. "Hey Katrina." He said hugging her back. They pulled apart and walked over to me when Sam said "Katrina meet Colby, my boyfriend and Colby meet Katrina, my bestfriend." "Hello." I said as I put out my hand to shake.

"Hi." She said blankly before shaking my hand as though I was some sort of disease. Okay I don't think she likes me too much.

"So where will I be sleeping?" She asked. "How about I sleep in the room with you while Cody can take the couch down here?" She continued. "It's Colby." I mumbled barely audible. "Is that alright Colby?" Sam asked. I didn't want to ruin their time so I just agreed. As long as it makes Sam happy.

"Is it alright if you take the couch upstairs?" Sam asked Katrina. "Is it in your room?" She asked. "Yes." "Okay then." She said.

Mini Time Skip:

It's been an hour of Sam and Katrina talking and laughing. It makes me smile seeing Sam happy and enjoying his time. 

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