Chapter 13

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[Colby's POV]

"Freeze!" Sam yelled as he pointed his nerf gun at me. I stopped walking and slowly turned around to face him. "Hands in the air!" He yelled as he walked closer trying to hold his laugh.

I slowly raised my hands and said "Please! Give mercy!" "Why should I do that?" He said as he made a thinking face. Before he could react, I lowered my hands and shot him in the chest with my nerf gun.

He made groaning noises and fell to the ground as he 'bled to death'. I ran over to him and crouched down. "I'm sorry love." I said as I kissed his lips. "No.. I'm sorry." He said 'breathlessly' as I looked at him confused. Suddenly, I felt something shoot my heart and I looked to see Sam holding his gun. He shot me.

I slowly fell to the ground and we both 'died' together and held hands. "Aaand scene." He said as we burst out laughing.

The electricity was cut out so we had no internet which leads to no use of technology. We found some nerf guns and decided to turn his house into a war zone. And let me tell you. This place is a mess.

Our laughter finally died down, and we heard bangs at the door. We looked at each other in confusion and ran to open the door. We opened the door and saw a very cold looking Jake Webber. We pulled into the house and shut the door.

"What happened here?" He chuckled as he shivered. I ran and grabbed him a fluffy blanket and threw it around him. "Electricity cut out and we were bored." Sam explained. "Oh you too?" Jake asked and I nodded.

"So what is this? Like a war zone?" He asked. "Yea basically." I said laughing lightly. "What do we do now?" Sam asked. "Mmmm." I hummed as I thought about something. "How about we clean the house, then play hide and seek. But with deep consequences." Jake said as he smirked evilly.

"Okay then, nose goes on who cleans up." Sam said as he and Jake put their fingers on their noses. "What? That's not fair. I didn't know what that was!" I whined and pouted. Jake and Sam laughed then said "Fine we'll help." I smiled and began cleaning some stuff up.

Mini Time Skip:

"Who's gonna hide and who's gonna seek?" I asked. "Well since Jake came up with idea, he gets to seek." Sam said laughing. Jake groaned and said fine as he started counting.

Sam's house was big and I was small so I could fit in some tight spaces. I decided it's smart if I hide on the bottom floor where he would search first. I found a cabinet in the corner up high and decided to just hide in there. Thankfully, they weren't squeaky cabinets or else I'd get caught easily.

I jumped on the counter and slowly pried myself up, almost slipping but catching myself. I closed the cabinet doors and tried to calm my breathing.

[Jake's POV]

"Sammy~" I sang as I looked up around the house. I heard someone mumble "shit" and I quickly followed the sound. I heard a little shuffle above me. I looked up and realized that Sam had like a mini attack. I pushed open the small door and climbed up.

I turned my the flash on my phone and pointed it around, until I found strands of blond hair poking out. I chuckled and said "Hiya Sam." as I walked towards him. He stayed still. That weird.

"Sam?" He turned around and I shrieked as loud as I possibly can. He was wearing and it mask and I think I shit my pants. "You son of a bitch! I craped my pants!" I yelled as I held my heart and he laughed, rolling on the ground.

"Come on you piece of shit. Let's go find your boyfriend." I said chuckling.

He followed me down and I whispered "Do you know where he's hiding?" Sam nodded and lead me the kitchen, pointing at the cabinet in the corner. "I saw him climb up there before I went to hide. He has a cute ass." Sam whispered back as we started giggling.

"Yo Jake, I think he's hiding in the closet of the guest bedroom." Sam lied. It sounded convincing. We walked over to the cabinet and opened it to see a shocked expression on his face as he stuffed marshmallows into his mouth.

Sam raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms as I laughed. "What? You were taking too long and I was hungry." Colby pouted as he stuffed another marshmallow into his mouth.

Sam chuckled and shook his head before helping Colby down. "Can I keep the marshmallows?" He asked pleadingly a he made puppy dog eyes. Sam sighed and said "You can keep the marshmallows." Colby beamed with happiness and ran to the couch before jumping on it and ate his marshmallows.

"So since Sam was found before Mr. Marshmallow over here, he'll get his punishment."  I said. "Can I pick?" Colby squeaked. "Haha sure." I said. "I want Sam to go out in the snow with only his underwear and make an angel in the snow." He said as he looked for the pink marshmallows.

"I like it." I said laughing at Sam's face. "Ok Colby. Just wait till tonight. You'll get your punishment." Sam said evilly making Colby to stop eating and look at him frightened.

Sam winked at me indicating not an actual "punishment". So basically it's none-sexual. I laughed and shook my head as Colby looked confused.

[Colby's POV]

Time Skip To Night Since I'm Lazy:

"So... go out in my underwear and make a snow angel aye?" Sam said as he walked into the room. Oh shit. I forgot. "W-What are you going to d-do to me?" I stuttered. He just smirked and crawled over me as I was laying down on my back. He removed the phone from my hands and tied my wrists using a tie from a suite, to the headboard.

He straddled my waist, before smirking evilly. Suddenly he started tickling me causing me to laugh out loud. "S-Sam p-please." I laughed out as I tugged at the tie. He kept tickling me until I couldn't breathe. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to calm my laughter.

He started tickling me again. "Apologize!" Sam yelled as I squirmed under him. "I-I'm s-s-sorry! I'm sor-ry. P-please stop-p! Imma p-pee!" I yelled as I laughed harder. "Abort! Abort!" Sam joked as he got off of me. I took in deep breaths and tried to calm down.

"Have you learned your lesson bubba?" Sam asked. I nodded my head rapidly although I don't know what the lesson was. He chuckled and untied my wrists. I quickly sat up and pulled Sam down.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Today has been a really long day,


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