Chapter 10

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[Colby's POV]

"Wake up Colbs. We have school today." Sam said as he shook me awake. "Do we have to go? Can't we just skip?" I groaned as I covered my head with the pillow. "No. Now wake up." He said as he poked a ticklish spot, causing me to laugh and fall off the bed.

"Ow!" I whined. Sam chuckled and got off the bed. He pulled me up and walked to his closet before throwing me a pair of white jeans with an oil colored shirt. "Do you have anything.. darker?" I asked scrunching my face at the colors. I'm usually used to wearing black.

"Sure. Do you think black jeans with a black shirt would match?" He asked jokingly. "Mmm probably not. Do you have anything darker?" I replied back before we both burst into a fit of laughter.

I removed my shirt about to put on the one Sam had given me, when he snatched it away from me. "Sam!" I whined as I tried covering my chest. "What?" He whined back. "I don't look nice. I look chubby." I said as I looked at the ground.

He lifted my chin up and said "You don't look chubby. You look beautiful and I could stare at you all day." "That's kinda creepy." I said laughing lightly. An evil smirk grew on his face, making my eyes go wide.

We laughed again until we decided we actually have to get ready. He gave me back my shirt and I walked into the bathroom to change my pants. Don't judge. I was too lazy to come in here at first.

Time Skip:

"Oh look. He's wearing his boyfriend's clothes now!" Julian, as usual, mocked as the rest started laughing. Julian and his friends started following me and gaining speed as I walked faster.

"Trying to get away from us? Well guess what? You can't. And your boyfriend isn't here to save you." Julian said before he smacked the books out of my hands and pushed me against the wall.

Sam was called to the office, I think for the problem of missing school the other day. This school takes absenting a very big problem.

"J-just leave me alone J-Julian." I said as I picked up my books only to be smacked down again. "You don't tell me what to do." He growled before grabbing my collar and pulling me towards him.

He punched me in the stomach, causing me to gasp in pain and pushed me down, my head hitting the wall. Thankfully I didn't hit it too hard.

They kicked me and punched me a few times before scurrying away once the bell to the next class rang. I crawled over to my books, before grabbing them and struggling to stand up.

I limped towards my next class which was with Mr. Berlin. He doesn't like people who aren't in his class in time.

Time Skip:

We currently have Mrs. Eleya, which is drama class and I usually sit at the back were I usually zone out or hide from everyone. Always a charming. I walked into her class and quickly sat in the back before anyone could spot me.

It's been 15 minutes of her class and I'm bored out of my mind. There's this girl and boy acting a scene of Romeo and Juliet, which as multiple errors. Yes. I've watched the movie.

The second act was up, and it was even worse. Shrek. They're acting the scene where the princess turns into the.. ugly princess.

There was 10 more minutes until class ends then we have lunch time. It was enough time to act one more scene which was Spongebob. That's correct, Spongebob. The one with the rectangular form, yellow, annoying laugh? Yea that's it.

The worst part is, that they're literally laughing and talking in squeaky voices. One as Spongebob and one as Patrick.


I grabbed my bag and was the first one out of the classroom, as I desperately wanted to get away from the jocks and look for Sam.

I walked towards the class he was in and waited in the hall. The first people, to my luck, were Julian and the jocks but I hid behind a wall before they could see me and give me another beating.

A few more people exited before Sam finally exited the classroom. "Hey Sammy!" I said cheerfully as I walked beside him. "Hey Colby." He mumbled. That's weird, he usually calls me Colbs. "Hey w-what's wrong?" I asked worried. "Nothing." He mumbled again slightly annoyed. "Sammy I know there's something wrong so w-what's up?" I asked again.

"There's nothing wrong Colby! Just back off okay! Damn!" He yelled. Tears threatened to fall, as this was the first time he had yelled at me. I hate when people yell at me. It always leads to harm. "I-I'm s-sorry. I d-didn't mean t-to make you m-mad." I stuttered and my lip quivered as I walked with him, keeping slight distance.

He sighed and pulled me towards the restrooms. He lead me inside and closed the door behind him. He took a deep breath before walking towards me. I backed away slowly until my back hit the wall, a whimper escaping my lips. "P-please d-don't h-hurt me." I cried silently.

"I-I'm not going to hurt you Colbs. Ever." Sam said in a sad tone as he walked closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me, my breath hitching but calming down once I sunk into his arms. "I'm sorry Colbs. I didn't mean to snap at you. I was just mad that the teacher kept accusing me for sounds I didn't do and I let my anger out on you. I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you intentionally. Never." He continued. "I'm s-sorry." "Hey it's alright." He said as he wiped away my tears and kissed me passionately.

I felt a stinging pain shoot in my stomach making me groan and causing Sam to let go of me quickly. "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. "I-it's nothing." I said as I gently pushed his hand away from when he tried lifting my shirt. He tried raising my shirt again but I stopped him. He frowned and grabbed my wrists with one hand and pinned them to the wall. He used his free hand to lift up my shirt, a gasp escaping his lips.

"It's j-just a bruise." I mumbled as I struggled to let my wrists go. He touched the bruise slightly making me wince at the contact. "Who did it?" Sam asked sternly. "J-Julian." I didn't want him to get mad at me again so I told him the truth. He let go of my wrists and was about to stomp out before I caught his arm. "Sam p-please don't. You'll get h-hurt and he'll hurt m-me further. P-please." I pleaded as I slipped my hand into his squeezing it.

He sighed and said "Ice that as soon as you get back home okay?" "Okay." I said simply. "I love you, baby." Sam said as he kissed me again.

"I love you to Sammy." I said in between the kiss.

We spent the rest of the lunch break, making out against the bathroom wall, thankfully not being bothered.


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