Chapter 9

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[Colby's POV]

"So your mom's on drugs huh?" Julian laughed as he pushed me to the ground. It's like a normal day. A dreadful normal day. Sam had to skip school for a few personal reasons, and here I am getting bullied once again. I thought yesterday would affect at least the slightest of people. It just made it worse.

"Julian! Leave the god damn kid alone!" Jake yelled as he ran over and helped me up. "Oh so what? Are ya his boyfriend as well?" Julian asked as the rest snickered. "Come on Colby. I don't have time for his bullshit." Jake mumbled as he turned around and dragged me away.

"Thank you Jake. I t-thought things would get better after yesterday, b-but it just became worse." I said sadly.

// After School //
{At The Park}

Jake wanted to cheer me up, so he decided that we'd go to the park and grab some ice cream. What? I felt like it. "Thank you Jake. I-I really appreciate it." I said sending a small smile. "You're welcome. We should probably get back home. It's pretty late." Jake said as he stood up from the position on the ground and brushed his clothes off.

"Can we take some ice cream f-for Sam as well? I'm sleeping o-over, and I wanted t-to get him some." I said shyly. "Sure. Let's go. Do you know what flavor he likes?" Jake asked. "Yea. Raspberry and Lemon." I said and Jake nodded.

{Sam's House}

I unlocked the door since Sam left me a spare key and entered, locking it after me. I placed the ice cream on the counter and walked up to Sam's room. I gently knocked on the door before entering.

"Hi Sammy." I said smiling lightly as I walked over to him. He was sitting on his bed, playing his game of Sims. He didn't answer, so I assume it's because of the headphones. I sat next to him on the bed and put my hand in his free one, smiling lightly. He removed it, causing me to look hurt instead. "S-Sammy?" I stuttered.

He took of his headphones, keeping them around his neck before placing his laptop down. "Where were you?" He asked. "I-i was with Jake. He-" I started. "Oh wow. So I'm gone for one day and you're already doing this." He scoffed. "S-Sam he was just t-trying to make me feel b-better. We didn't d-do anything." I said sadly.

"Bullshit." He growled as he put on his headphones and opened back his laptop. He doesn't believe me. "O-okay. Y-you don't have t-to believe your own b-boyfriend if you don't w-want to. I g-got you s-some ice cream." I said as my eyes teared up and I walked downstairs. I laid onto the couch and wiped a few tears, trying to hold them in. Can this day get any worse?

Suddenly, the electricity cut off causing me to shake in fear. It was pitch black. I heard a few shuffling, before it came back on. I looked back and saw that Sam had turned on the generator. He didn't even look at me. I miss his cuddles.

It's been a few hours of me sitting here doing nothing other than crying. I heard some footsteps on the stairs and Sam come down. He sighed and walked over. He sat next to me on the couch, causing me to flinch due to instinct. "Colby, I'm so sorry. I spoke to Jake and he explained everything that happened." He said. I looked down at the ground sadly. "Y-You didn't b-believe me." I cried slightly as I looked at him. "Colby I was mad. I thought I lost you to my best friend but I should have known you were both loyal. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's a-alright." "But it's not. You came to sleep over so we could spend time together and I ruined it. I'm sorry I made you cry Colby. I should have just talked it out with you. Not make you ball your eyes out. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" He asked worriedly.

"Of c-course Sammy. A-are you s-still mad at me?" I asked slightly scared. "No." He answered simply. "C-can we c-cuddle?" I asked as I fidgeted with my fingers. He chuckled and said "Come here." I scooted over to him and snuggled into him, taking in his amazing sent.

"I love you Colbs." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "I love you too Sammy." I said smiling up at him.

I've got no note 😂

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