Chapter 8

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[Colby's POV]

Its funny how time flies so past. It's already Monday, and here we are. Sam and I were sitting at a lunch table in the cafeteria, surrounded by teens yelling, arguing, and well being teenagers.

We heard some banging noises and yells, causing the cafeteria to quiet down. "What the fuck is that?" Sam asked confused as he stood up, me mimicking his actions. We heard the yelling come closer when suddenly three men and a woman barged into the cafeteria, wearing all black as well as masks.

"Get down! Get down! Get down!" They all yelled as they pointed their guns around the cafeteria. The students started taking cover as I stood still, stunned. I couldn't move, until Sam pulled me down himself. I felt paralyzed.

They scanned the room, until the woman pointed at me and said "You. Here. Now!" I looked at Sam in fear, his expression the same. "Listen to them." He whispered. "I said now!" She yelled. I scrambled to get up, and slowly walked over, my body shaking visibly.

"Cuff him up." She said to the other guys. I heard a few gasps here and there until one of the guys walked over and grabbed my wrists, before he zip-cuffed them together. I looked at Sam in fear.

"What d-do you want w-with me?" I whimpered. "That's none of your concern young man!" The woman yelled as she smacked me in the back of the head. "Take him to the van." She demanded. Before they could drag me away, we heard a thud and a gun cock.

"You're not taking him anywhere." Sam growled as he pointed the gun at one of the guys. We looked around and realized that one of the guys were passed out. Suddenly the woman tripped me, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Drop the gun young child. You don't even know how to use it." She scoffed and laughed. "Don't test me." He said simply as he glanced at me to see okay. I wasn't okay. I'm terrified.

"Don't test me." She said before she cocked her gun and pointed it at my head. I whimpered in fear and started crying lightly. "P-please." I whimpered again. "Shut up!" She yelled as she smacked me with her gun. She looked down into my eyes and I easily recognized her.

"Put down your weapons!" Cops yelled as they barged into the cafeteria and distributing around. Sam dropped his weapon slowly and raised up his hands before he knelt down. The other two men where about to shoot, when the cops beat them to it. They shot both.

"Drop your weapon and step away from the boy!" One of the cops spoke through the speaker. She put her finger on the trigger and the cops quickly cocked their guns ready to fire. "W-Wait! Don't s-shoot!" I yelled causing some to gasp and some to look confused.

Suddenly, the woman's body went limp and fell to the ground. I looked up and saw Sam holding a metal tray in his hand.

The cops lowered their guns and quickly ran over to the unconscious woman. Sam ran over to me, before freeing me. He pulled me up and hugged me tight as I sobbed into his chest. We heard "awww"s go around the whole room.

"Young men? We would like to ask you a few questions if that's okay?" A police officer said as he walked up to us when we broke the hug. "Is that alright?" He asked again, looking at me. I nodded and Sam said in a minute. The officer nodded and walked away.

"What's wrong Colby?" Sam asked worried as I sobbed harder. "Y-you're going t-to jail." I sobbed. He chuckled and said "Don't worry bubba. I won't be. My uncle is the sheriff of the station, and I only killed them in selfdefense. I've trained with him before."

"O-okay." I said. We walked over to get me checked on since she smacked me pretty hard. As they were cleaning the blood from my head, an officer came over asking if he can interview us.

I nodded and awaited the first question. "What's your name, son?" The officer asked as he held his clip board. "C-Cole Robert Brock, sir." I answered. He nodded and wrote a few things down. He asked me a few more questions until we came to the most dreading one.

"Cole? Why did you stop us from shooting the woman?" He asked as gestured toward the woman in cuffs, glaring at me. "Do you know who she is?" He asked again. I nodded and said "Yes I do." Sam's eyes widened. "Who is she to you?" "She's my mother, sir." I said exhaling a shaky breath.

"I didn't w-want you to shoot b-because she's m-my mother. I w-wanted her b-behind bars but n-never in a g-grave. My p-parents divorced a few years ago due to her addiction to d-drugs. She'd go o-out late at night, then c-come back home and s-start abusing me." I said as a tear dripped down my face.

"Where would your father be at that time?" "H-he would be working d-double shifts at a hospital he used t-to work in s-since she q-quit her job. H-he found out a-about the abuse a f-few week's later. T-that's when he demanded a divorce and l-left me with him." I replied.

"Okay thank you, son. That's all the information we need. Have a good rest of the day." He said before walking away. I saw my dad running towards me, when he engulfed me into a hug.

"A-are you okay? Did she hurt you? I'm soo sorry Colby." He sniffled slightly. "D-dad it's okay. S-Sam saved me." I said as I sent him a small smile. He looked slightly nervous. "Oh t-thank you." He said as he hugged Sam as well causing me to chuckle at Sam's surprised face.

"Dad this is Sam Golbach. My boyfriend." I introduced. "You picked a good one." Dad said as he nudged me, causing me to blush.

Hope you enjoyed this long-ass chapter😂🖤

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