Chapter 12

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[Colby's POV]

Sam took me out on the cutest date ever. He took me to a very expensive restaurant and then we went sledding. Thankfully, the snow had died down enough for us to drive a car, but school was still out also due to the freezing weather.

Sam said we're having a movie night tonight and said he's making something special as well. He really wanted to make it up to me, so he said he'd do anything to make it up.

"Colbs, go shower and put on some very comfortable pajamas. And don't come down. I'll get you myself." Sam said sternly. "Okay." I said.

I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom before stripping down and jumping in. The bruise on my tummy is fading away, but still hurts a lot. I ran my fingers through my hair, making sure the shampoo spreads. I then added conditioner to make my hair soft. I jumped out of the shower after rinsing off, missing the warm water hitting my skin.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried off before putting on my boxers and running out to get my onesie. Sam had bought us onesies. He had the unicorn one while I had the koala. I slipped it on, before spraying some cologne and putting on deodorant.

I dried off my hair using Sam's hair dryer and styled it. "Sam?" I yelled as I heard some thuds. "Wait! I'm here! Don't come down!" He panicked as he ran up the stairs. "Okay okay I won't but I'm done." I said chuckling lightly. "Right on time." He said smiling.

"Turn around." He said sternly. I obliged and did as told, when he wrapped a cloth around my eyes, blindfolding me. "Why do you have to blindfold me?" I asked pouting slightly.

"Because you might peak and I need to use both my hands to guide you down. Actually? I'll just hold you." He said. Before I can object, he scooped me up bridal style, a squeak escaping my lips.

"Don't drop me." I said half jokingly. "I won't." He said chuckling. He walked down the stairs, me in his arms as I held onto him for dear life.

He placed me on the ground and I asked "So is this where you kill me?" "No- how'd you know?!" He asked "shocked" and we burst out laughing. I heard some footsteps and a hand on my waist making me shriek. "Shh it's just me. You ready to see your surprise?" He asked. I nodded my head quickly, excited for the surprise.

"Okay." He said as he took of my blindfold. My vision cleared and I saw.... nothing. "What?" I asked confused. He laughed and turned me around. It was the cutest thing ever.

There was a fort, made of beige bedsheets, fairy lights hanging here and there. The fort was made over the couch which was opened into a bed so we can have a comfortable seating. The tv was turned on Netflix and there were snacks spread all over a table, mini candles lit as well. The room had a dim yellow color to it due to the fairy lights and honestly it was adorable.

"What's wrong? Do you not like it?" Sam asked worried as he realized my tears. But tears of joy. "I l-love it. Thank y-you Sam. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done, just to apologize. T-thank you.' I said as I wiped a few tears that had escaped.

"Awww, come here." He said as he hugged me tightly, drawing circles on my back. "I glad you liked it." He said smiling. "Come on." He said as he pulled me over to the bed/couch.

We sat in the middle, snuggled up into one another as we watched the movie. We were watching and a kissing scene came up. Sam looked over to me and grabbed my jaw, before kissing me deeply.

He bit my bottom lip gently, asking to open and I denied it just to tease him. He brought his hand up to one of the buttons of my onesie before slipping his hand through the space in between, making me gasp. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside and explored.

It started to get slightly heated and he crawled on top of me. He kissed down my neck and pinned my arms to the bed.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked as he looked at me for consent.

I nodded my head smiling, and let's just say that the rest was history.

First off, I hope this was good and second of all,
I'm sorry but I don't write smut.😂😅

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