Chapter 7

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[Colby's POV]

"Hey dad?" I asked slowly as I looked around for him. "In here!" He yelled from the garage. I slowly walked down and saw him fixing our car. It's been giving us problems but nothing we can't fix ourselves.

"Can I sleep over at Sam's t-today?" I asked as I fiddled with my fingers. "Sure. Only because it's Friday." He said simply. "Thank you!" I said cheerfully before I walked back upstairs. "Hold up." He said. I stopped in my tracks and turned back around.

"Yea?" I asked hesitantly. "Is there something going on between you and Samule?" He asked. Oh crap. I have been going over a lot lately. "I mean both ways I'll support you son, okay?" He said smiling lightly. "Thank you dad. I was scared you'd h-hate me and I-I'd be alone." I sniffled. "I could never hate you Colby. But is there something going on?" He asked again.

"Yea." I said as I pulled away. "Well I support you and I'm happy for you. Now go see your boyfriend." He said patting my back. "Okay bye!" I yelled as I grabbed my already prepared bag and ran out the door.

{At Sam's House}

I knocked on the door, waiting worriedly since I was supposed to be here minutes ago but got caught up with my dad. Suddenly the door opened and I was pulled inside.

Sam shut the door and pinned me against it. "Why were you late?" He asked sternly. "I-I'm sorry. I was caught up with my d-dad. He knows w-we're together and h-he supports I-it." I stuttered.

"Mmmm" Sam hummed. He pulled me upstairs into his room and pushed me on the bed. "I missed you." He said as he climbed on top of me. "I missed you too Sammy." I said smiling lightly.

He kissed my lips, and started going down my jaw, finding my sensitive spot and making me moan. He continued kissing down my neck and slipped his hands under my shirt, about to take it off. I grabbed his hands stopping him slowly, when he looked at me worriedly.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked worried. "No. I'm j-just.. n-not ready. I understand If y-you want to break u-up with me." I said sadly as I rubbed my face. "Of course I wouldn't Colby. I respect your decision okay?" He said as he intertwined our fingers and pinned my arms to the bed.

"Would you like to watch a movie instead?" He asked softly as he looked down at me. "Sure." I said. "Okay. I'll get everything set up." He said as he jumped off of me.

While Watching The Movie:

I felt the urge to cuddle with Sam, but I was afraid he'd turn me down so I kept my distance. I saw him frown, making me worried I did something wrong. "Come here." He said sternly. I started shaking lightly at his tone and schooched towards him.

"I'd never turn you down Colby. If you wanted to cuddle you could've just asked, baby." He said as he pulled me close. Shit, I said that out loud. "Okay. Thank you."

He pulled me closer and I laid my head on his chest as he trapped my legs with his. I snuggled into him more and felt my eyes go droopy. With that, I fell asleep.

// Next Day //

"Wake up Colbs." Sam said, shaking me. I groaned and opened my eyes, the sunlight blinding me. "No." I pouted as I turned away from him. "Are you sure?" He asked as I felt him raise an eyebrow.

I just nodded my head. "Okay then. More pancakes for me." He said teasingly. My eyes lit up and I quickly sat up. He chuckled and said "You should've waken up when I told you to. Now you get no pancakes."

He grabbed his shirt and put it on before walking downstairs. I did the same and fixed my ruffle up hair that was sticking up in different directions, then walked back down.

I saw Sam eating chocolate pancakes and making moaning sounds at the taste. I walked over and tried to grab one but he smacked my hand. "Ow!" I said as I rubbed my hand. "I said no pancakes." He said as he continued eating.

"But I'm hungry!" I whined. "Eat an apple." He said simply. I made a sad face and looked down at the ground. "Awww I'm sorry baby. Come eat some pancakes." He coed. I dropped the act and put one on my plate before I started eating happily.

"You're lucky I love you." He said sternly. "But I don't." I said jokingly but hid it well. "Well we should break up then. You can eat and get out if you'd like." He said but I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. "No, no, no I was joking. Of course I love you." I said quickly before I messed up.

"Good." He said. "A-are we still together?" I asked worriedly. He chuckled and said "Yes. I was just joking with you." "Oh fyew. I thought I lost you." I said. "Awww." He coed again making me blush.

I hope you liked this chapter!
If you're confused of where Sam's parents might be, they're still on their business trip. Bye for now!

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