Chapter 5

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[Colby's POV]

Sam has been avoiding me all day, and honestly it breaks my heart. I didn't lose a friend, because I never had one. I actually thought that someone would care for me. I was wrong.

I'm walking through the halls when Julian tripped me, causing all my books to scatter, one landing by Sam's feet. Everyone started laughing at me as I picked up my belongings. Sam looked down at my book, before laughing and walking away with Jake. I wiped a few tears with my sleeve before walking to my locker. I put in the code and stuffed in my unneeded books, keeping the needed.

I walked towards the cafeteria, when I walked near Sam's table. He put out his foot, tripping me as I landed on my face, my nose bleeding. I looked up at him in tears and he stopped laughing once he realized I was bleeding. I stood up and limped away as I ran into the bathroom. I washed off the blood and sat in the corner crying. Back again.

It's funny how life can change in a split second. As soon as you think it gets better, the tables turn. I don't know why I deserve this. I finally got a friend and I screwed up because of my feelings towards him. I'm gay.

{At Sam's House}

I stood outside Sam's door, taking deep breaths. 'Am I really gonna do this?' I thought to myself. I sighed and rung the door bell. The door swung open and Sam stood there sighing. I looked down at the ground and fiddled with my fingers.

(Sam's POV)

I heard the doorbell ring, remembering that Colby and I have a project to work on. I saved my game of Sims and shut my laptop before placing it on my bedside table. I walked downstairs and opened the door sighing. Colby just looked down at the ground, fiddling with his fingers.

I moved aside and waited for him until he walked inside. I shut the door and walked past him, climbing the stairs. We walked into my room and I sat on my bed as he stayed standing.

"S-Sam?" He stuttered as his eyes glossed. I looked up at him, awaiting his question. "W-why did y-you b-bully me, l-like the r-rest of t-the school? I t-thought... I thought somebody f-finally cared a-about me, Sam." He sobbed as he fell to his knees. My heart broke at the sound of that.

I've been convincing myself that I don't like him, scared of what others may think. But I didn't think of his feelings. I was selfish. I even bullied him, when I tried fixing him into a happier boy. But I just broke him more.

I ran over to him and crouched down next to him. I held his face as I wiped away his tears with the pads of my thumb, only being replace with more and more tears.

"Colby, I'm so sorry. I tried to convince myself that I'm not in love with you, but I am. I can't deny it. I won't. It's broke me every time I hurt you and I was stupid to think that I didn't love you. I was scared about other people's judgement that I didn't think of your feelings. I'm so sorry. I love you Colby, I really do. Can you forgive me?" I asked as I held his hands with mine.

"I... forgive you Sam." He said as he clung onto me tightly, like I'd disappear at any moment. I lifted his chin up and connected our lips together. "Colby will you be my boyfriend?" I asked confidently, breaking the kiss. "W-why would you want to be w-with a loser l-like me?" He asked sadly as he looked at the ground.

"You're not a loser Colby. You're the most kind-hearted person in this school, and I'm glad I saved you when I did. Your smile brightens up my day, even when it's the slightest. Your personality may be quiet and shy, but I adore it. You may think no one cares about you or loves you, but I do and I'd never want to be with anyone other than you. You are all I want and all I'll ever want. So Colby... will you be mine and mine only?" I asked again as I looked at the beautiful blue-eyed brunette who lays ahead of me.

"Y-Yes, Samuel. I'll be your boyfriend." He said smiling brightly as tears of joy escape his ocean eyes that I could drown in forever. I grabbed his chin and kissed him passionately as we lay on the wooden floor of my dim bedroom.

I hope this wasn't too cheezy.😂
( 794 words! )

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