I choose you, again

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"What the...", Shynee muttered, glancing upwards from her battle stance. From the corner of her eyes she spotted a little Pichu, looking distressed and staring at both of them intensely.

Sparky lifted his head along with his shoulders, noticing the voice immediately, "...Bow? Oh dear, what are you doing here?".

"...Sparky... sir...", she said between pants while catching her breath, "I can't believe you were here the whole time!", she yelled the last part, angrily, "You worried me a lot!".

"Well, Bow, I have my own matters to take care of, you know?", he smiled sweetly at the kid, like she was just commiting some simple mischief like meddling while the grown-ups talk (which she was kind of doing).

"Sparky! This is not any matter! You're fighting the queen right now...! M-my aunt...!", Ribbon accused him, pointing her finger at her, "Y-you're planning on taking over the kingdom like this?! It's just w-wrong! It doesn't belong to you, sir!".

Huh? Did that Pichu just call me her "aunt"?!, Shynee frowned, extremely confused.

Sparky chuckled darkly, "Little one... this is my kingdom...".

"What a-are you talking about?".

"I am the lost king Sparky, you wouldn't know, little one...", he told her firmly, not taking his eyes off the shiny Glaceon in front of him. He was obviously going to attack whether Ribbon was there or not.

"Now, if you'll excuse me...", he lunged forward towards Shynee again, utilising an unexpected Thunderbolt at Shynee, who was too distracted to counterattack and fell limp into the ground.

"AUNT SHYNEE!", the blue-eyed Pichu's mouth shouted as she saw the mentioned being harshly thrown off.

"Sparky! P-please...! Don't do this! Let's talk about this--".

"I have to...! Your aunt won't give me the kingdom otherwise!", Sparky yelled at her, finally losing his patience, as he glanced at her with narrowed violet eyes.


"Now get out of the way, kid! This is my work and you'll only get hit!", he warned her before attacking again with Shadow Ball.

He won't listen no matter what I say! I have to do something or he'll end up killing Aunt Shynee, not to mention take over a kingdom that's not his anymore!, Ribbon formulated inside her her as she bit her bottom lip anxiously as the battle went on.

...T-there's nothing I can do, is there?!, tears started forming inside her eyes, worried she glanced everywhere around, finding no solution; she finally let herself fall into the floor helplessly as an Ice Beam passed over her head.

The throne room was in complete havoc.

"Pikachu! We're finally in Kanto!", Hana informed her partner, nudging his shoulder and awaking his sleeping body.

"Huh... we're back, where it all started", Raimei got up, glancing at Sylveon before smiling softly at her and then looking downwards, "Are you sure we're not wasting time, Sanda?", he asked the shiny Pichu by him.

"Yes, sir! I'm sure Sparky is in here, and Ribbon's after Sparky so she must be here too!", he quickly lifted his brown eyes towards his mentor, who stared at him with hope.

"I hope we can find her soon... Eeveelution Forest doesn't bring good memories...", Suisei avoided his brother's gaze as he spoke about the place Zoroark dreaded the most; the latter scoffed, "Of course", he glanced at Hana: he sometimes couldn't believe they had been best friends in the past (back when she was an Eevee and he was a Zorua) and now she didn't even look at him in the eye as she clinged to Pikachu instead.

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