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3rd Person POV

     Water break: those two words that were every day words but were literal sounds sent from God to any bando. Any band kid in high school can agree.

     As the hot sun shined down on the practice marching field, Sam Golbach ran from his dot and to his spot by his sax friends as they talked about how hot it was. Sam however, couldn't help but think about one of their drum majors: Mary Moreson.

     Gosh, she was beautiful. And to Sam, she was an angel.

     He couldn't help but think of her all the time. Her beautiful curly brown hair (A/N- I'm sorry, idk what she looks like :/) and brown eyes. She was stunning.

     But he couldn't tell his friends about his crush to their drum major. He would sound crazy to them! And they may even tell Mary about it.

     As Sam looked up from his blanket and his water jug, he saw a boy. A boy that looked taller than him with brown hair that fell in front of his eyes. The boy had beautiful blue eyes. Bluer than the ocean sky, yet almost the same shade of his own eyes.

     As the brown haired boy looked over to Sam with his clarinet in hand, he smiled as his dimples showed. He instantly knew who that boy was: Colby Brock. He was somewhat of a popular kid in their grade. He was more known in their class than Sam. Colby played clarinet, which made him and Sam close sometimes during the show for them both being a part of the woodwind section.

"Yo, what are you looking at Sam?" His friend Tim asked. He and the other saxophones looked over to the boy Sam was looking at. "Ew, why are you looking at Colby? I thought you hated him!"

"Wait, that's Colby? I didn't recognize him. He looks so different." Sam tried to explain, but of coarse was somewhat lying.

     Sam has seen him around in middle school. Heck, they were both in the class of 2015. Colby did look different physically, with a random growth spurt and hair cut. But Sam could never forget his adorable dimples and blue eyes.

"Don't lie, Samuel. We know you were looking at him." One of the Junior saxophones, Henry, said, causing Sam to blush a bit.

"Damn, does little Sammy have a crush?" The section leader, Audrey, said.

     The saxophone laughed as Sam looked away in embarrassment. He looked back up and saw Colby doing the same as the clarinets laughed as well.

     Luckily, their band director called back the band after their water break. Sam quickly got up, put the saxophone strap around his neck and walked back to the field to his dot.

     About an hour later, the band director called for another water break. The band sighed and walked off the field. Sam didn't bother going back to the saxophone tent to get water. Instead, he walked to a curb at the side of the field.

     He sat their in a daze as cars rushed by. His gaze soon went back to Mary, like always, and admired her beauty.

     It seemed like minutes passed before he heard a stick being torn and thrown. He looked to his right and saw Colby sitting a few feet away, tearing sticks and angrily throwing them to them ground as he looked in front of him.

"H-hey. Are you ok?" Sam asked out of concern. The younger boys head whipped around and met his.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'm just a little frustrated with the clarinets." Colby said as he threw the rest of the stick to the ground.

"I'm sorry. What did they do?" Sam asked.

"They laughed at me for.. looking at you. I know that sounds strange, and kind of creepy. But they were." He said. Sam nodded and hummed to show a sign of understanding.

     There was an uncomfortable silence between the two of them. They played around with the keys on their instruments to fill the silence with sounds.

     Sam looked back up and watched Mary with the other drum majors, practicing their conducting before he heard the familiar voice.

"Do you like her?" Colby asked. Sam only nodded.

"She's hot." Colby laughed at Sam's comment before nodding.

"I agree. I'm Colby, by the way". He crawled closer to Sam, holding out his hand.

Sam gladly took his hand and shook it. "Sam. I've seen you around, but just got a little intimidated by you to talk."

"I'm sorry. Why were you intimidated by me?" Colby asked.

"I mean, you're popular. Girls love you. You seem like you have everything you could ever want."

"Trust me Sam. I'm not happy. I'm not popular. Girls don't love me. And I certainly don't have everything that I could want. In fact, I don't think I ever will." Colby replied.

     Sam gave him a smile, receiving a big smile in return. Soon, they heard their band director on the microphone call the band back and find their previous spot. The two boys quickly got up and started running to the field fast.

"Where are you going?" Colby huffed as they ran, clarinet in hand.

"Side two... 45 yard line... 8 steps from the home yard line." Sam tried to explain his dot.

"Cool! I'm going... to side two.. 3 and a half steps outside of 40 yard line... 9 steps in front of home hash." Colby said in response. Sam smiled as they finally reached his spot. Colby stopped running and started walking to his spot, which wasn't far away from Sam.

The rest of rehearsal, the band finished up learning their 2nd movement. Sam and Colby were happy to be close to each other for most of the movement.

Just as rehearsal came to an end, Colby ran up to the saxophonist who was packing up their belongings.

"Hey, Sam! I was wandering if you would maybe want to hang out sometime?" The brunette asked shyly.

"I'd love to! Where at? The park? Walk around town?" Sam replied. Colby started fidgeting around a bit. He rubbed his hands together and started mumbling. "Colby? You ok?"

"Y-Yeah. It's just.. I think it should just be at one of our h-houses." Colby continued to rub his hands together.

"You don't seem alright. What's wrong?" Sam asked, very concerned.

"Ok. It's just.. I get really quiet and shy around other people. I really don't have good self-esteem and don't have good confidence at all." Colby said. He looked away in embarrassment. That is until he felt a pair of small hands being his own hands down and apart.

"Don't worry, Colby. I don't have good confidence either. But that's the thing! Maybe we should go somewhere public to change that." Sam said trying to lighten the mood. But he regretted saying that. He regretted talking at all.

He got a sudden fear and got scared just from the thought of being around others. In fact, he usually felt uncomfortable during band rehearsal. And band was his only safe place. The only place where he felt comfortable at and where he can be himself.

"I like that idea. The mall?" Asked Colby. He too felt like it was a bad idea. But he would do anything to boost up his confidence.

Luckily, Sam quickly nodded and put on a smile. The two boys finished packing up and walked outside together where they waited for their parents to pick them up.

Once Colby was gone, Sam couldn't help but think: "This is only the beginning of Sam and Colby vs the world."

A/N- Holá! Thank you so much for reading this first chapter of Carissa and I's Solby fanfiction! This chapter may be a bit boring, but as a clarinet myself I had to do at least one chapter involving marching band 😅. But I promise, it will get better! ~Kaitlyn

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