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I woke up feeling like my head was going to explode. I tried to sit up but I couldn't. It felt like something was holding me down.

I looked up and saw Colby next to me with his arm holding me tightly.

Wait a minute. Why the hell was I in bed with Colby. What the fuck happened last night?

I nudged Colby to try and get him awake. Of course he didn't wake up though. He was a heavy sleeper after all.

I admired his beautiful face that was calm and at peace when he was asleep.

Finally I snapped back into reality when I realized I shouldn't be here in the first place.

I lifted up the cover and saw that we were both naked.

Wait a hot second. What. The. Fuck.

I looked over the side of the bed and saw all of our clothes scattered all over the floor.

"Colby wake the hell up." I said shoving him.

"A couple more minutes." He said groggily. He sounded so sexy- wait a minute Sam, stop it.

"Colby what happened last night."

Immediately it was like a switch was switched on inside him because he took his arm off me right away and scooted up to a sitting position.


"Colby answer me. What happened here?" I said pointing at us.

"You were drunk. By drunk I mean wasted. I was talking to some people when I felt a tap on my shoulder. You walked up to me and told me that you needed some help. You pulled me to the hallway and kissed me. Hard. It was hot. But anyway I didn't want to take advantage of you in that state so I pushed you away but you kept on kissing me harder. I couldn't resist any longer."

"Hold up. I forced myself on you?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah you did. I brought up the fact that you had a girlfriend and you straight up told me she could go fuck someone else for all you cared. All you wanted was me."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was so pissed at him last night that I couldn't even bare to look him in his eyes. Why would I go and make out with him only a couple hours later?

Well, I mean, I do still love him. A lot. And I guess drunk me was right, all I wanted was him. Even though I was in total hell last night, I couldn't ever stop loving this man next to me.

"What happened next? How did we end up like this?" I gestured between us.

His face turned red on the spot. "W-well.." he trailed off looking nervous.

"Spit it out Colby."

"W-well the hallway make out was getting heated so you dragged me up the stairs. After taking our time we made it to my bedroom and you closed the door and kissed me unlike anything I've ever felt before."

I was stunned at what he was telling me. I never knew I had this kind of side to me.

"You started um..." he trailed off, his face turning an even brighter shade of red.

My face turned red because I could only imagine what drunk me had done. Flashes of the night before were starting to come back slowly.

"You basically took off all my clothes and yeah..." he said knowing that I could piece it altogether.

"Holy shit." Is all I could say.

I guess my emotions took the best of me when I got drunk. Took it WAYY too far is what I mean.

I look over into Colby's beautiful blue eyes and I just couldn't stop admiring him. I love this man so much even though he's put me through so much. I've put him through things too, and half of them came to bite me back.

I had to forgive him is all I could think.

"Ok Colby I have an idea." He looked at me, eyes full of curiosity.

God he was beautiful. "No one needs to know this happened. This stays between us."

"Yeah I know. You regret it already." He said looking down, full of disappointment.

"Hey Hey Hey you didn't let me finish. What I was going to propose is that we could secretly date again. I would act like I still am mad at you for breaking up with me and that I don't want anything to do with you right now. Brennen won't know any different. You can't tell anyone though if you agree."

He looked at me, his eyes slowly filling up with joy. He hugged me almost immediately and whispered in my ear, "Anything for you babe."

My stomach was swarming with butterflies at this point. I was so happy.

I knew I was forgiving him too fast. I just couldn't help it after learning what happened last night. My feelings only grew stronger for him if that's even possible. I loved him more than ever right now and it was crazy.

I uncovered myself, feeling no shame, and grabbed my clothes. I got up and dressed myself. I knew Colby was looking at me but I didn't care.

After I was done putting on my pants I looked at him and gave him a kiss telling him, "I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back."

He nodded his head and I headed out to take a shower, leaving him to his own thoughts for a little.
Colby POV

This was all so crazy.

Last night was the best night ever. I spent it with the man I love most.

It was all too surreal that I'm one night everything could be resolved.

One of the many reasons I loved him was because he was so forgiving. He's also very intelligent and hot. Yes I said it. He's hot as hell.

When he told me we could date in secret but we had to not tell anyone I was immediately in on it.

If it meant getting to spend a little time with him behind closed doors, I'd do anything.

I sat on my room on my phone when finally the door opened up. I looked up and didn't see Sam, I saw Brennen.

I was freaking out on the inside. I texted Sam not to come back cause Brennen was here.

Brennen walked over to my bed and sat on it.

"Hey babe how are you?" He said.

I cringed in disgust. 'Better without you here' I thought to myself.

"I'm a bit tired. I want some rest."

He crawled to where Sam used to be and started hugging me. "Whyyyyy," He said using his baby voice which disgusted me even more.

I was trying to fend him off when I heard a knock on the door and it opened.

Sure enough Sam was standing there. Brennen looked up and his face twisted into pure hatred. "What the hell do you want? I thought I told you to leave him alone." He said to him.

"I'm only here to tell him I'm heading out, nothing more." Sam said knowing he should be careful.

"Then leave," Brennen said.

Sam shut the door. Immediately Brennen got up and started questioning me.

He started asking me questions about what happened last night and I told him everything up until Sam came up to me. Instead of Sam coming up to me I said I went to bed right away after talking to those people.

He stood there in thought before he laid back down to my disappointment.

I just wanted to be with Sam.

A/N- Sorry for the short chapter. I'll make it up to you my next chapter! I hope you enjoyed this one! ~Carissa

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