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Colby's POV

I walk over to the direction where Mary and her friends are standing. They look like they're trying to figure out where they want to go.

I stroll up there acting pretty cool in my opinion. "Hey ladies need any help?" I say nonchalantly.

Mary looked over at me like I grew two heads. "No I think we're good..." she trails off in a weird tone.

Sam comes up behind me all of a sudden and just hovers his head behind my shoulder.

Suddenly he steps forward and says,     "Hey Mary," with a little wave. 'He looks so cute' I thought. Wait-what?

Mary looks over confused when all of sudden it's as if a light bulb went off inside her head. She looked at Sam and said, "Oh my gosh, hey Sam! I didn't recognize you right away." She turned my way and smiled even wider saying, "Hey Colby!"

We both smiled widely and just stared at her beautiful face.

I looked over at Sam to see him fidgeting because he was so nervous. Poor guy, I better do something.

"The offer still stands if you want us to help," I said but was secretly hoping she'd accept.

"Sorry but we're meeting up with some guy friends at the food court."

Sam spoke up saying, "Are you sure?"
Mary looked annoyed at this point.
"Sorry but... you guys aren't really my type.." she trailed off.

Sam looked hurt and probably felt just as disappointed as I did. I felt humiliated. Again. First the ICEE disaster and now this. What the hell is wrong with the world. Why couldn't it let me be happy for once?

I looked up trying to hide my sadness and said, "Sorry to bother you guys.. Have fun!" I put on my fake smile, grabbed Sam's arm, and walked away.

Sam's POV

When Mary said that I couldn't help but begin to tear up. I look over to see Colby just as hurt. I can't imagine how embarrassed he feels to be shot down twice in one day.

Colby suddenly grabbed my arm and we started walking away. Thank god he took my arm, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to move.

We stopped in front of the bathrooms where no one was in sight. I looked up from the floor to see Colby on the brink of crying.

I gently grab his shoulders with both of my hands. "Colby what's wrong..." I trail off.

He looked at me with hurt evident in his eyes and said, "I know I shouldn't have kept this from you... but... I liked Mary too."

I freeze. "W-what.."

"Please don't be mad at me.. I just didn't want you to feel like you were competing with me. You deserved her more than I ever did."

"Colby I could never be mad at you. I just wished you would have told me. You shouldn't ever put yourself down like that. You're probably one of the best guys I have ever met. With what little time I've known you, you've already helped me through a lot. Had you not been here and kept your composure around her, I would have broke down crying in front of her. You were there to pick me up.." I trailed off.

We made eye contact with each other and smiled. Tears streamed down both of our faces.

"Thank you Sam. Really." He pulled me into a tight hug. We stayed in that position for what felt like forever.

Finally, after a while, we pulled apart. "What do you say we get out of here and go get some ice cream?" Colby suggested.

"That sounds like a plan to me," I replied.

————After Ice Cream————

Third person POV

Colby drove Sam home from the ice cream shop. He was feeling a lot better and had almost totally forgot the incidents at the mall. Both guys cheered each other up with small talk, jokes, and stuff about band.

They had become closer in just a few days than they ever had with anyone else.

Colby pulled up to Sam's driveway. Both of them were silent unable to think of anything to say.

Sam broke the silence and said,
" Thank you Colby.. you don't know how much I appreciate you. You helped me get over Mary, something I couldn't do on my own."

Colby looked over at him. "I appreciate you more Sam. You've pulled me out of a dark place that I was stuck in for a long time. Thank you... really."

Sam was smirking now and trying not to laugh. "That's what she said," Sam said under his breath.

Colby looked over and smirked. "Hey asshole I was trying to be sentimental. Way to ruin the mood! I gotta admit though, that was a solid joke."

Sam leaned over to Colby and gave him a hug. They pulled apart and just looked at each other. They admired how handsome the other was. "Wait," they both thought. They slapped themselves on the face instantly.

Both of them looked at each other and just started laughing.

"Thanks again for today Colby. I'll see ya tomorrow!" Sam said as he got out of the car. Colby waved and drove off.

Sam's POV

I walked inside my house feeling butterflies in my stomach and my heart pounding. 'What the fuck' I thought.

I walked into the living room to see my sister sitting there. "Hey Alli what's up?"

She looked over at me and said, "So where have you been?" with a smirk.

"I was out with my friend Colby." I responded.

"You sure he's just a friend?" She looked at me suspiciously.

I froze and my heart rate sped back up. 'Why does this keep happening every time I think of Colby' I thought. "U-um well yeah of course he is. What more could he be?"

"Nothing I was just wondering," she said shrugging it off.

I said goodnight really fast and made my way up to my room. I closed the door and just leaned on it.

'I wonder what Colby's doing right now?' I thought.

I was beyond tired from the day I had today. I laid down on my bed almost immediately.

I fell asleep, dreaming of Colby all night long.

A/N- Sorry for the very late update. Writers block sucks. I hope you guys enjoy! ~Carissa

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