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3rd Person POV

The mall.
Sam and Colby couldn't stop thinking about it.

Sam sat in his room in front of the mirror telling himself he could do this.

Colby on the other hand was hyping himself up for this chance to gain a new friend.

Colby understood why Sam was intimidated by him. I mean hell he was afraid of himself sometimes.

He was hoping to fix that so they could get along and be comfortable around each other.
Colby walked out of his room and down the stairs to the front door yelling, "I'LL BE BACK SOON," to which his parents responded with, "OK!"

Sam was home alone making sure he had everything he needed before he left.

Both boys made their way to the mall quickly, ecstatic to hang out with one another.
Colby got there first so he waited on a bench right inside the entrance of the mall.

Sam arrived at the mall not shortly after Colby. Getting out of his car, he started to walk up to the entrance. His palms starting to sweat profusely.

Right when he walked in he saw the dark haired boy sitting in front of him. He froze in the doorway unable to move.

Colby looked up from his phone to see Sam. He gave him his signature dimple filled grin.

Sam's heart started to beat rapidly but he gained enough willpower to move from the doorway.

Hesitantly, he walked over to Colby unsure of what to say.

Immediately Colby broke the silence with a bright smile saying hi while giving Sam a bro hug.

"Where do you wanna go first Sam?" Colby said looking at Sam.

Sam stood there for a bit contemplating which place he wanted to visit. In fact, he was a bit hungry now that he thought about it. Finally, he responded with, "Food court if you're good with that."

Colby's face lit up with excitement. "Well of course! I'm more than fine with that!"

Colby grabbed Sam's hand and dragged him to the food court.

Sam stared at Colby's hand in his own dumbfounded. 'Damnit,' he thought. His stomach started getting butterflies.
After getting their food they sat down at a random table.

"So Sam, I saw at band camp you were staring at Mary Moreson?" Colby suggested with a wink.

Sam sat there dumbfounded. "U-um I wasn't staring at her," he stuttered while his face turned a bright pink.

"Like hell you weren't," Colby said while slightly shoving Sam as if teasing him.

"W-well I may or may not have a huge crush on her.." Sam trailed off.

"Well of course you do man. Almost every single guy in the band does!" Colby said truthfully.

Sam looked over at Colby sadly, "I don't stand a chance do I..?"

Colby looked at Sam for a while contemplating on what to say. He knew Sam could be awkward at times just like him, but he had to do something.

"I tell ya what Golbach, I can put in a good word for you."

Sam looked up, hope and joy written all over his face. "REALLY!??" he shouted.

Everyone in the food court looked over to where they were sitting almost immediately.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else huh?" Colby suggested. Sam nodded in return so they got up and threw their trash away.
After a while of walking around, they finally decided it was time they both get back home before their parents start to worry.

"See you at camp tomorrow!" Colby shouted at Sam on his way back to his car.

"Yeah see ya then!" Sam shouted in return.
Colby POV at his house

I never realized Sam and I have a lot of things in common. We both are very adventurous, love band, and above all, like the same girl.

I wish there was something I could do to help him out because in all honesty he's way better than me in many ways. I may be good looking but it doesn't mean I always treat people the way they should be treated.

I've liked Mary for 2 years and every time I try to ask her out or talk to her, the end of water or lunch break at camp would be called. After a while I had finally given up.

At this point I barely had a social life. That all changed when I met Sam though. Somehow he made me feel loved again. He made me feel indestructible when I was able to ask him to hang out.

I knew right from the first day I met him we'd be able to do anything together. It may sound crazy since I've only known him for a couple days, but after hanging out at the mall I learned so much about him. He had become one of my best friends within such a short period of time.

I have to forget about my little crush on Mary. I have to help out my best friend.

3rd person POV

Colby soon got ready for bed, ready for his plan to set up Sam and Mary.
As the bright sun shined down on everyone at band camp, Colby came up with the perfect plan. He was going to make Sam talk to Mary and ask her if she had any water. Hopefully it would turn out well.

When water break came around Colby took Sam's water bottle and hid it.

"Hey Colby where's my water at?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, maybe you didn't bring one? Why don't you go and ask Mary?" Colby replied.

"I-I think I can go without water for a day.." Sam trailed off.

"Ummm no you can't dude!" Colby said.

Colby pushed Sam over to Mary. To his surprise Sam continued to walk forward hesitantly. Finally, after what felt like 10 years Sam made it over to Mary.

Colby from a far watched Sam ask Mary for some water. Luckily, she gave him a bottle of water just as he hoped.

Sam ran back over and said, "Mary gave me some water!!"

Colby couldn't stop smiling because he was hoping Sam would make more of this situation as time goes on.

Both boys had began to think how wonderful it was to finally have a best bro. They couldn't stop thinking that they were indestructible and that anything that got thrown at them, they could take on together.

A/N- Thank you for reading chapter 2 of Katy and I's Solby fan-fiction! I hope you guys enjoyed! I apologize if this chapter was bad, I'm first getting used to writing. There's more to come just you wait..! ~ Carissa

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