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Sam POV (little flashback)

I stood there watching them decorate for Christmas and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I was the reason they had to wait to decorate. I was the reason everyone couldn't be happy.

Why couldn't I just remember all my memories already?

I was looking at the floor in sadness when Colby asked me if I was okay.

Honestly I didn't know myself. I responded with, "Hm? Oh... nothing. I'm fine." I plastered a fake smile on my face and went to grab some boxes.
A few hours later

At around 8 I claimed I was tired and went to go sleep.

Honestly I couldn't handle decorating anymore.

By the time I made it to my room I broke down. Why did I have to lose my memory at such a bad time?

I could tell I was hurting everyone around me but what could I do about it? I was weak and stupid which cause my memory loss in the first place.

A few minutes later I heard the door close so I got out of bed and peaked downstairs to see if anyone was home.

Luckily, everyone left for some reason.

This was my chance to leave.

I grabbed some necessities and my phone before heading downstairs.

I found a sticky note and pen and wrote on it that I had gone out and don't know when I'll be returning.

I walked out of the house and got in my car. There was one place in mind where I could go.

The place where I lost my memory.
Colby POV

After beating myself up for not getting my boyfriend anything I came up with an idea.

I could make a photo album of us two together. Maybe that would jog his memory.

When we arrived home I rushed in hoping to gather pictures to make a quick photo album.

As I rushed by the kitchen I saw a note. It said, "Gone out, don't know when I'll be returning -Sam."

"Guys!" I called out.

Everyone ran in and I showed them the note. "Where do you think he could have gone?" Corey asked.

"I don't know. He hasn't fully gained his memory back so I don't think it's anywhere he has gone in the past." I said.

"Let's just give him some time. If he doesn't return by tomorrow afternoon then we'll go looking for him." Elton said.

"Ok yeah nothing to worry about." I said anxiously. I hoped he was okay.

I drove to the old house where Brennen supposedly beat me senseless.

My memory was coming back slowly but I had a feeling this place would jog some memories.

I got out of my car and walked up the rickety stairs.

The door was unlocked.

When I walked in I got the chills right away. I saw where I had been sitting.

I saw all the blood on the floor and I couldn't help but start to break down.

It was all coming back slowly. I remembered going out to get the mail and getting kidnapped.

I remembered being beat senseless here and trying to escape.

I was still weak enough since I couldn't even fend off my captor.

I punched the wall as hard as I could. I was so angry and upset with myself that I couldn't hold it in no longer.

"Well well well look who we got here." I heard a voice say behind me that made me jump.

I turned around to see my captor, Brennen. I was shown pictures to see if I could identify him as my captor back at the hospital.

I couldn't because I didn't remember anything at the time. Over the course of these last weeks memories from that night came flooding in, I just didn't tell anyone.

I would be bombarded with tons and tons of questions if I did.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Oh I see your memory has started to come back." He told me using a smart-alec tone.

"Yeah. What's it to you? You probably enjoyed seeing me like this you sick and twisted asshole." I said bitterly.

"You know, jail changed me Sam, it really did." He said laying a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off in disgust. "I don't believe that one bit." I said through gritted teeth.

"I realized I was being selfish. You and Colby deserve each other. I shouldn't have come in between you two." He said making my jaw dropped down to the floor.

I knew he was lying right from the start. There's no way I would ever forgive someone like this lunatic. "Look I know you'll fool others but not me, do me a favor and stay away from my friends. Screw with me all you want. You've already done enough." I said and started to walk out before he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face him.

"Watch your back Sam." Is all he said before he disappeared into the darkness once again.

I got back in my car thinking about what he said. He couldn't do worse than he already has can he?

What scared me the most is how he got out of jail after everything he's done. What kind of justice system lets that happen?

On my drive back home I contemplated whether I should tell someone about my trip and my memory slowly coming back.

Most importantly, what was I getting Colby for Christmas? I had gotten everyone a gift except him.

I'm a horrible friend.
Colby POV

Sam walked in a few hours later and my worry evaporated.

I ran over to him and hugged him tight hoping to never let go.

He tensed under my touch and I realized he still hadn't remembered what we used to be.

I backed away and asked, "I was so worried, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just needed to clear my mind." He said with a weird look on his face.

It was four in morning and I wasn't thinking really so I brushed it off.

I hoped Christmas was going to be good.
Brennen POV

I tried to fool Sam just like I tried to fool Colby and his friends at the mall. It would make my revenge much easier if they just believed I was a better person.

Then they wouldn't see if coming.

A/N- Hey guys! Sorry for the late and short chapter. I got major writers block so this chapter probably sucks. Katy will make it better! ~Carissa

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