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Colby POV (time skip)

These last few months have been hard. I've tried my best to get over Sam but I just can't.

I was packing my stuff up into boxes getting ready to move. It was everyone's last week in the Trap House.

Honestly, it was crazy to think how in a week I'd have my own apartment. It was also crazy how I wouldn't get to spend everyday waking up to my crazy roommates shouting something downstairs or pulling pranks on me.

It's going to be a change, but I think it's something we all need.

I pulled the photo album up from under my bed and laid it on top of my bed. I opened it and relished on the memories inside of it.

It sucked I couldn't relive those memories with Sam but it's okay.

I'm glad to see him happy with a person that truly cares about him.

Kat was a lucky girl.

After a few minutes of looking through the pictures, I closed the photo album and made my way downstairs.

No one would go in my room to see I still had that right?


I was packing up my stuff in my room. I was very sad to go but I think it's only going to make us all closer.

These last few months with Kat have been amazing. Ever since I got my memory back I've spoiled her nonstop, trying to make up lost time.

I've tried to make up lost time with everyone. My one best friend that I've known since high school is the one I can't figure out though.

Colby has been acting distant lately and I have no idea why. He hasn't been talking to me like he used to and it bothers me. The only time we ever talk is for a video idea.

I wanted to talk to him and it had to be now.

I got up and made my way to his room. I got to his door and knocked before opening it.

"Colby?" I questioned looking around the room.

I walked in and saw no one inside but I saw a photo album laying on his bed.

'What is this' I thought to myself.

I sat on his bed and opened it up curiously.

It was all filled with memories from the Trap House. I flipped through a couple pages before I stumbled on one that almost gave me a heart attack.

On that page it had hearts next to a picture of Colby and I...... kissing?

What the hell.

I examined it closer to see if it was photoshopped but it appeared to be real. When did this happen?

Is this why Colby was acting distant? Is this something I hadn't remembered or was it something I chose not to remember?

I had so many questions but before Colby could come back I ran out of his room and went back to mine.

My thoughts were all over the place.

Why had he kept something like that from me?

You know, it wasn't important right now. I had a girlfriend and if he really wanted something to happen he would've told me already.

It shouldn't be a big deal, should it?

Colby POV (a week later)

We had successfully moved out of the Trap House. The real adventure was about to begin.

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