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Colby POV

I'll be honest: I don't think Sam is ready to talk to Mary, or any girl. In fact, both of us aren't ready. We're two bando's that cry at the thought of talking to girls. Just the other day at the mall, Sam and I went up to buy T-Shirts from Hot Topic and we started hyperventilating when we saw the check-out Person was a girl.

Wait, the mall. What if... what if we go to the mall to help our girl problems? Wait, that came out wrong.

What if we went to the mall to help us gain confidence to talk to girls? That sounds better.

I rush up to Sam, who was currently talking to the drum line section leader and dragged him away.

"What the f- oh hey Colby. What's wrong?" Sam asked worried.

"Listen. You aren't ready to talk to Mary." I respond. He looks at me with a shocked glare.

"Wow, thanks." He responds angry.

"No, just listen to me dude. I'm not ready to talk to girls. And I was thinking if you wanted to go to the mall every now and then to talk to girls?" Sam's worried glare got more scared as I said that.

"No, no, no. I can't do that! I get too freaked out around girls. I'm sorry, I just can't." I shake my head and grab his shoulders as he turns away to walk to his section.

"I get that way too! There's no way in the world that we will ever be able to talk to girls. But we can at least try. And hey, if it doesn't work and girls still don't talk to us, at least we would have better confidence." He stare at him with the tiniest bit of hope in my eyes.

He stared back at me. His beautiful blue eyes... wait, did I just think that? No. I can't. I quickly brush that thought away when I hear the whistle blow, signaling that water break was over.

I grab my clarinet and slowly start waking back to my spot for the 3rd movement. Someone grabbed my arm and I turned around, seeing Sam there.

"Ok. How about we go to the mall every day. And when school starts again, we'll go every day of the weekend." Sam says. I smile and nod, running to my spot.

——the next day—-

I sat on the bench at the entrance of the mall waiting for Sam. Like the first day, I was shaking and sweaty.

Again, I'll be honest with you: one of the reasons I brought Sam to the mall was because I wanted to impress him in some way. If I show him that I can talk to girls, he'll know that he can.

In fact, he's already a bit better with talking to girls for asking Mary for water.

I looked up and saw a car pull up in front and out came Sam from the passengers seat. He waved to someone in the car and ran inside as he car drove away.

The second he got inside, I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Woah, you ok?" He asked with a bit of a chuckle and hugged me back.

"Yeah. I was just getting so bored because you were taking so long." I smirked. He pulled away angry, but when he saw my smirk, signaling that I was only joking, he smiled a bit.

"Blame my little bother. He locked the bathroom door and hid the key so I wouldn't get in." He said with an eye roll.

"You have a brother?" I asked.

"And an older sister. Ben and Allison." He responded as we started walking.

"You're a middle child?"

"Yeah. It can suck sometimes, but I love them." I nod to show understanding. We continued to walk for a bit but didn't say anything for awhile.

Soon, we came across a group of girls. Sam and I stopped in our tracks at the sight of them.

I looked at him. He looked frozen in fear. There's no way he'll start talking to them without help. So, I ran up to the girls. I heard Sam's calls for me, but ignored them.

There was 3 girls: two blondes, and a brunette. They looked at me with disgust. I shook my head, moving my brown hair out of my eyes.

"Hey, ladies. The names Colby Brock. Freshman, class of '15, clarinetist. Did it hurt when it fell from Heaven?" They looked at each other as I smirked a bit. They rolled their eyes and started walking away. I ran in front of them and stopped them. "What do you want, twat?" The brunette said.

"I um.. are you McDonalds? Cause I'm Mc-lovin' it." I fluttered my eyes. They looked even more angry. "U-uh. E-excuse me. I seem to have forgot my phone number. C-can I have yours?"

     The girls dropped their jaws. At first, I thought I won them over, but soon they pushed past me and walked away. One of the blondes even threw their icee at my shoes.

    Soon, Sam came up to me. He was laughing his ass off and held his stomach. Damn, was his laugh adorable and contagious. I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't be angry with him.

"That was amazing!" I smile wider as I took off my shoes and dumped extra icee out of them. "Do you need a ride home to clean up? We can always reschedule this-"

"No, it's fine. A little icee won't hurt me." He looked at me with worried eyes to make sure I was fine. So, like any other normal person, I stuck my finger in the puddle of ice on the floor and licked my finger.

"Ew! Why did you do that?!" I smirked, taking my shoe, sticking my tongue in it and slurping up the rest of the icee. He gags and looked away. "You fucking monster!"

"You know what? I just walked up to those girls and flirted-" he raised an eyebrow and narrowed eyes. "I talked to them. If I can do that, then you can." I finished. He glared at me with confusion. I only glare back.

     Just by luck, I look over Sam's head and see Mary Moreson and her friends entering the mall. I smile. Perfect! Sam and I both love her, so this could be the perfect experience to get closer to her, and also get more confidence!

     I grab Sam's hand and pull him towards them. "Where are we going?" His voice calls from behind me.

"I'm about to change our lives." I look behind me and see Sam looking terrified looking in the direction of Mary. Oh, this is going to be good.

A/N- This was made too early for my liking so it probably sucks ~Kaitlyn

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